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react-native-easy-app (React Native One-stop solution)



npm install react-native-easy-app --save


yarn add react-native-easy-app


  • Support for fast synchronous access to AsyncStorage
  • Support for flexible Http requests through optional configuration
  • Support for Flexible base widget (no sensory multi-screen adaptation)


For detailed usage, please refer to the example project Sample, Sample_MobX, Sample_Redux, Sample_Hook

You can also refer to the introduction of react-native-easy-app article : 简书

  • Implement a persistent data store manager ( based AsyncStorage )

       export const RNStorage = {// RNStorage : custom data store object
           token: null, // string type
           isShow: null, // bool type
           userInfo: null, // object type
      import { XStorage } from 'react-native-easy-app';
      import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
      XStorage.initStorage(RNStorage, AsyncStorage, () => {
          ... // RNStorage 【Property access code snippet】
      // OR ---------------------------------------------------------------
      const result = await XStorage.initStorageSync(RNStorage, AsyncStorage);
      if (result) {
          ... // RNStorage 【Property access code snippet】
     // RNStorage 【Property access code snippet】
     // From now on, you can write or read the variables in RNStorage synchronously
     // equal to [console.log(await AsyncStorage.getItem('isShow'))] 
     RNStorage.token = 'TOKEN1343DN23IDD3PJ2DBF3==';
     // equal to [ await AsyncStorage.setItem('token',TOKEN1343DN23IDD3PJ2DBF3==') ]  
     RNStorage.userInfo = {name: 'rufeng', age: 30};
     // equal to [ await AsyncStorage.setItem('userInfo',JSON.stringify({ name:'rufeng', age:30})) ]  

    XStorage Object

    Method param ReturnType Description
    initStorage (storageObj, storageImp, initCallback, dataCallback?) void Establish the mapping relationship between storageObj and AsyncStorage
    initStorageSync (storageObj, storageImp, dataCallback?) Promise Establish the mapping relationship between storageObj and AsyncStorage
    multiGet keys :string[] Promise<[string, string][]> equal to AsyncStorage.multiGet()
    saveItems keyValuePairs :string[][] Promise equal to AsyncStorage.multiSet()
    removeItems keys :string[] Promise equal to AsyncStorage.multiRemove()
    clear none void equal to AsyncStorage.clear()

    XStorage.initStorage parameters

    Parameter Name required mode Description
    storageObj :object true { token:undefined, userName:undefined, ...} list of data that needs to be persisted
    storageImp :AsyncStorage true AsyncStorage data Persistence Implementation Carrier
    initializedFunc :callback function true ()=>{ ... } callback after persistent mapping success
    dataChangedFunc ?:callback function false (dataSet)=>{ ... } persistent data change callback

    Note: If the React Native version of the project is higher than 0.60, the parameters of storageImp, it is recommended to use the [AsyncStorage] instance in '@react-native-community/async-storage'

  • Configurable Http request framework

    • All based on configuration (configuration optional, free to set)
    import { XHttpConfig, XHttpConst } from 'react-native-easy-app';
                 .initHeaderSetFunc((headers, request) => {
                 .initParamSetFunc((params, request) => {
                 .initParseDataFunc((result, request, callback) => {
                    let {success, json, response, message, status} = result;

    XHttpConfig Object (All method are optional)

    Method param ReturnType Description
    constructor serverTag ?:string XHttpConfig Builder Corresponding to the server serverTag of XHttp
    initBaseUrl baseUrl :string XHttpConfig Builder set baseUrl
    initTimeout timeout :number XHttpConfig Builder set common timeout
    initLogOn logOn :bool XHttpConfig Builder set print request log or not
    initContentType contentType :string XHttpConfig Builder set common contentType
    initLoadingFunc (isLoading) => {...} XHttpConfig Builder callback http request loading status
    initHeaderSetFunc (headers, request) => {...} XHttpConfig Builder Intercept header settings
    initParamSetFunc (params, request) => {...} HttpRequest Builder Intercept params settings
    initParseDataFunc (result, request, callback) => {...} XHttpConfig Builder Intercept interface returns data parsing
    initEncodeURIComponent encodeComponent :boolean HttpRequest Builder Set common parameters(body) URL encoding,while contentType is [application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
    initNetworkExceptionFunc (NetInfo,(message, code) => {...}) HttpRequest Builder Provide the request library with a tool library to check the current network status (an instance object of @react-native-community/netinfo) [require => android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE]
  • Send request template

       import { XHttp } from 'react-native-easy-app';
       let url = 'v1/account/login/';
       let param = { phone: '18600000000', authCode: '123456'};
       let header = { Authorization: "Basic Y3Rlcm1pbmF......HcVp0WGtI"};
       let callback = () => (success, json, message, status, respoonse) => {
            if (success) {
            } else {
       * Settable parameters are spliced in builder form
           .extra({tag: 'xx'})
           .loadingFunc((loading)=> showLoading('Please wait for a moment ...', loading))

    HttpRequest Object

    Method params ReturnType Description
    constructor serverTag :string HttpRequest Builder Corresponding to the server serverTag of XHttpConfig
    url url :string HttpRequest Builder set full url or url suffixes
    header { Accept, Authorization ... } :object HttpRequest Builder Set the headers parameters
    param { userName,... } or FormData :object HttpRequest Builder Set the body parameters
    paramRaw { userName,... } or FormData :object HttpRequest Builder Set the body parameters (paramRaw will be passed directly to the body of fetch)
    contentType contentType :string HttpRequest Builder set current request contentType (common contentType Settings will be replaced)
    internal internal :bool HttpRequest Builder set request tag (default true), And then you can get it anywhere there's a request
    extra {customTag ...} HttpRequest Builder set request custom tag And then you can get it anywhere there's a request
    timeout timeout :number HttpRequest Builder set current request timeout (common timeout Settings will be replaced)
    loadingFunc (isLoading)=>{ ... } HttpRequest Builder request status callback (Reflects the status is loading or not)
    configCommonFunc ( enableHeaderFunc :bool, enableParamFunc :bool ) HttpRequest Builder set common config [initHeaderSetFunc] [initParamSetFunc] are valid or not
    rawData none HttpRequest Builder Sets the callback result to return raw json ([initParseDataFunc] will be ignored)
    pureText none HttpRequest Builder Set the callback result to return plain text
    formJson none HttpRequest Builder equal to set ( headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' )
    formData none HttpRequest Builder equal to set ( headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data' )
    formEncoded none HttpRequest Builder equal to set ( headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
    get (success, json, message, status ,response) => void void [get] request callback
    post (success, json, message, status ,response) => void void [post] request callback
    options (success, json, message, status ,response) => void void [options] request callback
    put (success, json, message, status ,response) => void void [put] request callback
    delete (success, json, message, status ,response) => void void [delete] request callback
    patch (success, json, message, status ,response) => void void [patch] request callback
    request (method, (success, json, message, status ,response) => void ) void request callback for specified method
    execute method :string Promise request for the specified method returned in the form of a promise
    fetch method :string Promise returns a fetch result without any processing

    new HttpRequest() ==> XHttp()

    It is recommended that it be more convenient to send requests using XHttp()

  • request-send

    • synchronous request
       import { XHttp } from 'react-native-easy-app';
       const url = '';
       const result = await XHttp().url(url).execute('GET');
       const {success, json, message, status, response} = result;
          this.setState({content: JSON.stringify(json)})
       } else {
    • asynchronous request mode 1
       XHttp().url(url).get((success, json, message, status, response)=>{
           if (success){
              this.setState({content: JSON.stringify(json)});
           } else {
    • asynchronous request mode 2
       XHttp().url(url).execute('GET').then(({success, json, message, status, response}) => {
           if (success) {
                this.setState({content: JSON.stringify(json)});
           } else {
  • Flexible base widget

       .initResource(AssetsBaseUrl)    // The uri prefix of the icon attribute of the XImage component
       .initReferenceScreen(375, 677); // The component scales the reference screen size

    XView, XImage, and XText all contain the raw attribute. If the raw value is true, the setting of XWidget.initReferenceScreen (referenceWidth, referenceHeight) is ignored: multi-screen size adaptation is not automatically processed

    XView Object

    Property type Description
    raw bool default:false, if true, the multi-screen adaptation function will be disabled.
    ... ... If the onPress or onLongPress property is included, it has the same property as TouchableXXX, otherwise it has the same property as View

    XImage Object

    Property type Description
    raw bool default:false, If true, the multi-screen adaptation function will be disabled.
    icon string equivalent to Image's srouce attribute,Can accept such as [], [data: image / png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN ...] or [require ('./ image.jpg')]
    iconSize number the size of the image has priority over the width and height of the style
    ... ... if the onPress and onLongPress functions are set, XImage will be wrapped by XView, and the externally passed properties will be automatically assigned to the correct control

    XText Object

    Property type Description
    raw bool default:false, If true, the multi-screen adaptation function will be disabled.
    text string text
    textExtend bool if the icon is included, it is equivalent to setting the property of the Text component: {flex: 1}
    icon string equivalent to Image's srouce attribute,Can accept such as [], [data: image / png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN ...] or [require ('./ image.jpg')]
    resizeMode string icon resizeMode
    iconSize number icon size
    iconStyle object icon style
    iconMargin number distance between icon and text
    iconPosition string the position of the icon in the View, only the following values can be set: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
    ... ... if the onPress and onLongPress functions are set, XText will be wrapped by XView, and the externally passed properties will be automatically assigned to the correct control

    XFlatList Object

    Property type Description
    data array equivalent to data of FlatList control
    refreshStatus object XFlatList list displays UI styles and text setting objects in different refresh states
    indicatorProps object set the style and attributes of RefreshControl
    onRefresh () => {...} equivalent to onRefresh of FlatList control
    onLoadMore () => {...} When the list scrolls to the bottom, the callback method is executed (when more data needs to be loaded)
    renderEmptyViewFunc (status, isEmpty) => {...} Customize the realization of EmptyView in various states
    renderRooterViewFunc (status, isEmpty) => {...} Customize the implementation of RooterView in various states
    ... ... all remaining properties of [FlatList] component

    FlatList component refreshStatus attribute example

     const RefreshStatus = {
       Idle: {}, //idle status
       RefreshingData: {  text: 'Loading...' }, // Pull-down refresh..
       NoData: {  text: 'No data' }, // To drop down to refresh (no data).
       LoadFailure: {  text: 'Failed to load' }, // Drop-down refresh (load failed)
       LoadingMoreData: { moreText: 'Loading more data…' }, // Load more, in progress...
       NoMoreData: { moreText: 'No more data' }, // Load more (no data)
       LoadMoreFailure: { moreText: 'Click to reload' }, // Load more (load failed)
       NetException: {text: 'network exception', moreText: 'Network exception, click reload'}, // network exception

For detailed usage, please refer to the example project Sample, Sample_MobX, Sample_Redux, Sample_Hook

You can also refer to the introduction of react-native-easy-app article : 简书

Version log

  • 1.7.0 XStorage initialization adds required parameter storageImp (AsyncStorage instance)
  • 1.7.4 Set the default timeout of XHttpConfig to 15 seconds; update the readme file and add XStorage synchronization initialization code snippets.
  • 1.7.5 Remove the parameter urlEncoded processing of specific request, only support global encoding or no encoding; fix the encoding processing under non-formEncoded type.
  • 1.7.6 Set the default contentType of XHttpConfig to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; set the default icon of XText to be at the top of the text.
  • 1.7.7 XText adds iconStyle and resizeMode attributes; XHttp common parameters add support for incoming FormData, the original parameter paramRaw supports sending the request directly without processing.
  • 1.7.8 Fix the bug that XImage does not support tintColor style when there is a click event.
  • 1.7.9 XFlatList adds ref attribute: ref => this.flatList = ref, so that XFlatList can support the related methods owned by FlatList, the usage is as follows: this.refreshList.flatList.scrollToOffset({...}).
  • 1.7.12 When the request is successful, the meaningless timeout timer is cleared in time to reduce unnecessary waste of timer resources.
  • 1.7.13 XFlatList adds attributes renderFooter, indicatorProps to control its style and attributes more flexibly.
  • 1.7.16 XFlatList adds attributes such as indicatorProps, renderEmptyViewFunc, renderRooterViewFunc, etc., which can customize the layout of indicator, emptyView in various states and rooterView
  • 1.7.17 XFlatList adds attribute renderPreEmptyViewFunc, which is used to customize the layout of EmptyView when the list is not loaded with any data.
  • 1.7.18 HttpConfig adds the initNetworkExceptionFunc method, through the @react-native-community/netinfo instance object specified by the user, the corresponding callback processing is done according to the current network status when requesting
  • 1.7.19 XFlatList merges renderPreEmptyViewFunc into renderEmptyViewFunc method, removes XText’s default support for allowFontScaling
  • 1.7.20 Fix the bug that the judgment condition of the screen adaptation method validReferSize is wrong
  • 1.7.23 Removed unnecessary data type conversion implementation when XStorage reads data from persistence to memory
  • 1.7.25 Compatible XStorage data storage can not effectively handle the bug of undefined type data (an exception will be reported on IOS)
  • 1.7.26 Rename the XHttpConfig method initHttpLogOn to initLogOn, rename the XFlatList method renderRooterViewFunc to renderFooterViewFunc, modify the readme document description