For Windows:
For Mac:
For Ubuntu/Linux:
Or run this script
To test Docker, you can run the hello world container: docker run hello-world
If this completes, then Docker should be installed correctly and the containers included as part of this course should work correctly.
For Windows/Mac Users: Manually download from and unzip
For Linux/Mac Users: git clone
Navigate to the downloaded github repo, specifically at this path ./IAA_Sessions/docker. You should be able to use a variation of this command:
cd ./IAA_Sessions/docker
For Windows Users, run this command: build.bat
For Max/Linux Users, run this command: ./
If the above doesn't work, you can try to run these commands directly in the shell:
docker network create dev
docker build -t spark_240 containers/spark_240
NOTE: The build will download and install the service(s). This will take several minutes.
NOTE: This will automatically load a Spark test file and run it
For Windows Users: run_spark_240.bat
For Mac/Linux Users: ./
NOTE: If successful, you should see data displayed once the processing completes, as well as a message that says "[ INFO ] Spark Test Successful!"