This file is used to list changes made in each version of the jpackage cookbook.
- Marking as deprecated since the jpackage repository hasn't been updated since late 2009
- Added gitignore and chefignore files
- Added Test Kitchen config
- Added Rubocop config
- Added Travis config
- Added Berksfile
- Updated Testing and Contributing docs
- Added maintainers.toml and files
- Added Gemfile with development dependencies
- Added Travis and cookbook version badges to the Readme
- Expanded the requirements section in the Readme
- Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Added additional platforms to the metadata.rb
- Added issues_url and source_url to the metadata.rb
- Updated Opscode -> Chef Software
- Added basic Chefspec converge test
- Converted symbols to strings for Foodcritic
- Resolved all Rubocop warnings
- Add License file
- COOK-3416 - Fix installation on EL6
- [COOK-2127] - Use
to add OS support
- Initial released version.