This SBT plugin adds support for using Amazon S3.
Add this to your project/plugins.sbt file:
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Release Repository" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.chatwork" % "sbt-aws-s3" % "1.0.39")
- Set the value to the setting item into build.sbt.
region in aws := com.amazonaws.regions.Regions.AP_NORTHEAST_1
s3BucketName in aws := "sbt-aws-s3"
s3Key in aws := "build.sbt"
s3File in aws := Some(file("build.sbt"))
s3OverwriteObject in aws := true
s3CreateBucket in aws := true
- Upload file
$ sbt aws::s3Upload
[info] put object request : bucketName = sbt-aws-s3, key = build.sbt, file = build.sbt, overwrite = true, createBucket = true
[info] put object requested : bucketName = sbt-aws-s3 key = build.sbt, url =
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed 2015/05/26 13:00:50