This SBT plugin adds support for using Amazon Cloud Formation.
Add this to your project/plugins.sbt file:
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Release Repository" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.chatwork" % "sbt-aws-cfn" % "1.0.39")
- Put the CloudFormation template files in the 'aws/cfn/templates' folder
+ infra.template
- Set the value to the setting item into build.sbt.
region in aws := com.amazonaws.regions.Regions.AP_NORTHEAST_1
cfnStackName in aws := Some("example-stack")
- Create or update stack.
$ sbt aws::cfnStackCreateOrUpdateAndWait // wait to complete deploy
[info] upload /Users/j5ik2o/sbt-aws/sbt-aws-cfn/src/sbt-test/sbt-aws-cfn/create-or-update-and-wait/aws/cfn/templates/S3.template to cfn-template/create-or-update-and-wait/create-or-update-and-wait-0.1-SNAPSHOT-20150525_185939.templete
[info] create stack request : stackName = test1, templateUrl =, capabilities = List(), stackParams = Map(S3BucketName1 -> dmmy-test-00002, S3BucketName0 -> dmmy-test-00001), tags = Map()
{StackId: arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:327747897717:stack/test1/c1fdf600-02c4-11e5-a322-506cf9a1c096}
[info] create stack requested : test1 / arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:327747897717:stack/test1/c1fdf600-02c4-11e5-a322-506cf9a1c096
[info] status = CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
[success] Total time: 25 s, completed 2015/05/25 19:00:04
- Delete stack
$ sbt aws::cfnStackDeleteAndWait
[info] delete stack request : test1
[info] delete stack requested : test1
[info] status = DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
[info] status = DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
[success] Total time: 25 s, completed 2015/05/25 20:00:04
is loaded, in defaults.
"aws": {
"cfnStackName": "test1"
"cfnStackParams": {
"S3BucketName0": "test1-dmmy-test-00001",
"S3BucketName1": "test1-dmmy-test-00002"
The above is the same mean as the following.
cfnStackName in aws := "test1",
cfnStackParams in aws := Map(
"S3BucketName0" -> "test1-dmmy-test-00001",
"S3BucketName1" -> "test1-dmmy-test-00002",
You can switch the configuration file by specifying the -Daws.env
is loaded.
$ sbt -Daws.env=staging aws::CfnStackCreateOrUpdate