All notable changes to the Chartbeat iOS SDK will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated code signature and privacy manifest file.
- Addressed source tag issue
- Added idsync and video ping(pong) features from 1.5.1-rc4 beta version
- Added signature for Chartbeat.xcframework file
- Incorrect push, ignore this version
- Added Privacy Manifest references to podspec file
- Added Privacy Manifest
- Bump minimum supported IOS version to 12
- Switch to XCFramework
- Add support for arm64 iOS Simulator
- Does not include id-sync and video pong work from 1.5.1-rc versions
- Only exclude arm64 i386 in simulator
- Remove arm64 restraint in simulator
- Remove file MediaPlayerTracker.h to suppress warning "'MPMoviePlayerController' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 9.0 - Use AVPlayerViewController in AVKit"
- Removed video support from ios sdk
- Addressed build issue with arm64 from 1.4.4 update
- Addressed build issue with arm64 from 1.4.3 update
- Addressed issue CI-1236 with prepending slash on viewId.
- Addressed issue with collision between CB SDK and 3rd party namespace.
- Add subscription support to sdk.
- Addressed issues with names of library enums colliding with other standard libraries.
- Added support for tracking site visits (depth, ids and engagement)
- Added support for push alert referrer tracking.