All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.4 (2021-04-13)
0.1.3 (2020-12-17)
0.1.2 (2020-08-11)
0.1.1 (2020-08-10)
- add subtitle to widgets (55fdf47)
0.1.0 (2020-06-20)
- change fallback for each response and validation for widget (473c276)
- change theme definition order (7e2040d)
- check in send event if url exist (70d45fb)
- doc facades (5c58317)
- export classes as default (c0a45d6)
- productFactory (b29c59e)
- remove viewUrl validation (6e2bdf2)
- rename refreshUrl to refreshReferenceUrl (7b0f050)
- update commons version and log a messege error (d3de80a)
- helpers module, deviceId and tests (e4a657b)
- classes: slot, widget, product (71d573a)
- events module (20b4e51)
- flow to publish at the npm (a1c48be)
- initial setup (a012afb)
- pages module (6681e72)
- validators (7ddb3c1)
0.1.0-rc.0 (2020-06-15)
- change fallback for each response and validation for widget (cef4152)
- change theme definition order (608e88e)
- check in send event if url exist (bc2d51f)
- check widget id (1bdcfc4)
- classes tests (0b5c272)
- doc facades (826d66d)
- export classes as default (c0a45d6)
- helpers test (9a8e6a7)
- productFactory (6a438e4)
- remove viewUrl validation (aa7b94a)
- rename refreshUrl to refreshReferenceUrl (c18144d)
- test flow (8ec4fbf)
- events module (20b4e51)
- flow to publish at the npm (a1c48be)
- classes: slot, widget, product (71d573a)
- helpers module, deviceId and tests (e4a657b)
- initial setup (a012afb)
- pages module (6681e72)
- validators (7ddb3c1)
- adding circleci steps (3cae6fd)
- adding cmd in runfile for release (5fc45fa)
- adding events facade (622b21f)
- adding facades structure (afd449e)
- adding get products recs method (bf9b3dd)
- adding pages and events recommendations (7c55848)
- adding standard-version (6c0a990)
- catch error on request fail (04e1af9)
- create test to simulate a http request (20a8926)
- creating first step flow when get recs (9e49046)
- creating test environment (076baaa)
- test for all queries params (a981ee1)