Chang Liu <[email protected]; [email protected]>,
Jun Zhu, and Yang Song. NIPS 2016.
[Paper] [Appendix] [Slides] [Poster]
The repository implements the proposed methods, Stochastic Gradient Geodesic Monte Carlo (SGGMC) and geodesic Stochastic Gradient Nose-Hoover Thermostats (gSGNHT), and their application in Spherical Admixture Model (SAM) (Reisinger et al., 2010), where the accuracy and scalability of SGGMC and gSGNHT can be demonstrated. The repository also provides implementations of baseline methods, including Geodesic Monte Carlo (GMC) (Byrne & Girolami, 2013), variational inference (VI) (Reisinger et al., 2010) and its stochastic version (StoVI) based on Hoffman et al. (2013).
SGGMC and gSGNHT are the first scalable MCMC methods on manifolds with no global coordinate systems, e.g., hyperspheres, where their Euclidean counterparts, SGHMC and SGNHT, are not applicable at all. The inference problem of the topic model SAM falls into this case, where SGGMC and gSGNHT achieve the state-of-the-art convergence speed and fitting result measured by test perplexity, and the advantage grows with increasing data size.
- Codes for MCMC methods (SGGMC, gSGNHT, GMC) are created by Chang Liu (except for the Eigen library). They are implemented in C++ with OpenMP paralellization.
- Codes for variational inference methods (VI, StoVI) are modified by Chang Liu based on the codes provided by Reisinger et al. ([email protected]). They are implemented in MATLAB.
- "20News-diff" dataset is available at It is generated from the Matlab/Octave version of the 20Newsgroups dataset. Check the "" file in the data package for more details.
- "Wikipedia-150K" dataset is available at It is generated from the processed dataset by Aonan Zhang. Check the "" file in the data package for more details.
Corresponds to the folder "MCMC/". Implemented by Chang Liu in C++.
- "MCMC/SAM_GMC/" contains implementations of GMC-apprMH and GMC-bGibbs.
- "MCMC/SAM_SGGMC/" and "MCMC/SAM_GSGNHT/" contain implementations of SGGMC and gSGNHT, respectively.
- "MCMC/myinclude/" contains basic common utility files, including the Eigen library for linear algebra.
- Please ensure that you are on a Linux machine that has installed g++ (or other C++ compilers supporting OpenMP and the "Makefile" files are modified for the available compiler).
- Execute the following commands:
cd MCMC/myinclude/ make cd .. make cd SAM_GMC/ make cd ../SAM_SGGMC/ make cd ../SAM_GSGNHT/ make
First download and unzip our provided data, to the current folder.
Set the number of OpenMP threads (we use 24) by the console command:
To run inference methods on the 20Newsgroups-different dataset,
To run method: change directory to: execute: GMC-apprMH "MCMC/SAM_GMC/" ./samgmc tr settings_diff_approxMH.txt
GMC-bGibbs "MCMC/SAM_GMC/" ./samgmc tr settings_diff_bGibbs.txt
SGGMC-batch "MCMC/SAM_SGGMC/" ./samsggmc tr settings_diff_batch.txt
SGGMC-full "MCMC/SAM_SGGMC/" ./samsggmc tr settings_diff_full.txt
gSGNHT-batch "MCMC/SAM_GSGNHT/" ./samgsgnht tr settings_diff_batch.txt
gSGNHT-full "MCMC/SAM_GSGNHT/" ./samgsgnht tr settings_diff_full.txt
To run on the 150K subset of Wikipedia, just replace "diff" with "wiki" in the above table.
Above executions will reproduce our results. To change parameters or settings, you can either edit the settings file, or provide a new parameter at execution, e.g., by running
./samgmc tr settings_diff_approxMH.txt btEps 1e-5 ts_tmIntv 300
The character "%" in the settings file will comment the rest of the line after it. Detailed format instructions of settings file can be found in "MCMC/myinclude/myutils_3.hpp", lines 33-41.
Output of the programs:
- A folder with name concatenated by the provided prefix, the date and hour, and a number distinguishing names within the hour.
In the folder:
- Settings for this run is written.
- Successive samples of model hidden variables.
- Time of checkpoints.
- A folder "logperp_[distinguishing_number]/", with a result file and files recording the settings for evaluating the log-perplexity. The four columns in the results file are: burn-in size, total sample numbers, elapsed wall time, and log-perplexity.
Other modes of the programs:
./samgmc ts [modelDirname] [settingsFilename] ([var]) ([val]) (...)
Evaluate the log-perplexity of samples contained in the directory "modelDirname". -
./samgmc tw [modelDirname] [settingsFilename] ([var]) ([val]) (...)
Get top-words of the averaged topic samples. -
./samgmc re [tsDirname]
Go on training the model. "tsDirname" is of the form "modelDirname/logperp_n", so the "modelDirname" is then known by the program, as well as evaluation settings and previous evaluations.
Corresponds to the folder "Variational/". Modified by Chang Liu based on the MATLAB codes by Reisinger et al. ([email protected]).
- "Variational/VI/" and "Variational/StoVI/" correspond to the vanilla mean-field variational inference method (Reisinger et al., 2010) and its stochastic version based on Hoffman et al. (2013) for scalability. Usage is the same in both folders.
- Files with name containing the substring "CompWithSmp" ("for comparison with sampling methods") are our added files.
- File "Variational/StoVI/VariationalStoEM_CompWithSmp.m" is modified according to the Stochastic Variational Inference framework of Hoffman et al. (2013).
- Same in both "Variational/VI/" and "Variational/StoVI/" folders.
- "CompWithSmp_diff.m" and "CompWithSmp_wiki.m" are the entrance for running variational inference on "20News-different" and "150K-Wikipedia" datasets, respectively.
- Perplexity evaluation for trained models is done in "MCMC/SAM_GMC/", using the command:
./samgmc ts [model_filename] settings_[diff/wiki]_vi.txt [other_options]
title = {Stochastic Gradient Geodesic {MCMC} Methods},
author = {Liu, Chang and Zhu, Jun and Song, Yang},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29},
editor = {D. D. Lee and M. Sugiyama and U. V. Luxburg and I. Guyon and R. Garnett},
pages = {3009--3017},
year = {2016},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
url = {},
organization={NIPS Foundation},
address={Barcelona, Spain}