This is part of the P@ Docker Tips series or tips about Docker.
Today's tip features @nathanleclaire & @ehazlett from the docker-machine team, playing the trumpet, @jfrazelle on base & @tianon on drums.
Recently @jfrazelle announced availability of Docker 1.6.0-rc3. I'd like to try it out, but don't want to mess with the stable Docker version I installed on my Mac that I use for development.
With the latest version of docker-machine (as of posting this you have to run a build of head) you can now use the --virtualbox-boot2docker-url to specify the url of an iso from which to create the image for boot2docker. It so happens that @tianon announced a boot2docker image for 1.6.0-rc3 right away, at As of today, the latest version is 1.6.0-rc4, for which @nathanleclaire has posted an iso at
In order to run this tip you need to install docker-machine HEAD build on your Mac.
curl > $(which docker-machine)
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
docker-machine -v
docker-machine version 0.2.0 (HEAD)
Then create a docker-machine with boot2docker 1.6.0-rc4 image,and ssh to it.
docker-machine -D create \
-d virtualbox \
--virtualbox-boot2docker-url \
docker-machine ssh rc4
docker -v
Docker version 1.6.0-rc4...
You're good to go with a local VM where you can test the latest release of Docker.