Medical Imaging Community Meeting Management Change
- Current system is problematic
- Switch to using google mailing list instead of zoom invite mechanism
- Setup new gmail account to catch all meeting responses (so Mohannad doesn't get them)
- Mailing list will only be used to coordinate meeting related matters (e.g. cancellations, special topics)
- Will still use Zoom for meetings, but will require a new zoom link that will change annually
- Need to pick a cut off date to switch over
- Aug 12, 2024
- Mohannad to create a linked-in post so we can all share/like/comment
SIIM Recap - Mohannads perspective
- Hackathon
- Super impressed about quality of hackathon projects
- Link to session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je5GMelw1-Q&feature=youtu.be
- 1 high school team, a few college teams
- Winners
- 1st place: Team Scan and Tell
- 2nd place: Agent00HL7
- 3rd place: Bias Buster
- 4th place: QuickMed
- 5th place: Integrated reporting and conferencing with FHIRCast
- Audience choice award: Common Data Elements to Common Ontologies
- Hackathon
State of OHIF
- CornerstoneJS loses message after 3 month
- Unable to build latest release 3.8 after several hours and help from CornerstoneJS slack
- Uses old Yarn version
- Lots of messages on build (100+)
- dicomParser also not really being maintained
- CI/CD doesn't work
- Uses build system from 10 years ago, would be nice to modernize it!
- Cornerstone
- Build artifacts does not include the source
- Hard to tweak