- Next (last?) meeting today
- Need for better documentation
- Minimize the standard? Get rid of stuff that isn't used
- Reorganize to make it more readable?
- Add official "entry documentation"
- SIIM Webinar on DICOMv4 coming up in April 24 @ noon Central - David Clunie and Chirs Hafey
- SIIMCast about DICOM v4 - in future
- DICOM Knowledge
- how to determeine what you know and how well?
- SIIM CIIP Program
- PACS admin is a natural career progression path for Technologists
- how to determeine what you know and how well?
- Colorbar User Interface - how is this normally done?
- https://www.cornerstonejs.org/live-examples/colorbar
- Rare for users to change the colormap (typically want the same one applied automatically for a given procedure - eg MR Perfusion. Having the color bar always visible is probably not desired
- The actual numbers (WW/WC) are not that important - user just modifies it manually to get the visual effect they want
- Healthsystems and "one throat to choke" for Enterprise Imaging
- Avoids vendors pointing finger at each other
- Deconstructed PACS is mostly "dead"
- How do CIOs view Enterprise Imaging vs EHR?
- One AMC that was known for being innovative/progressive adopted epic and innovation really slowed down.
- Everything has to work with epic
- Is your PACS team older? A lot of knowledge has been lost as the original people have retired/moved on
- Imaging is still separate from EHR (silos/different expertise)
- Surpising that EHRs have not added enterprise imaging functionality (other than RIS)
- Radiology is a profit center so have a bit more power/control over things
- C++ Package Management
- Rust language growth