No meetings next two weeks (Christmas and New Years)
Is anyone working in the POCUS space (Point of care ultrasound)
- www.pocusworkflow.com
- Run into them periodically at AWS (Chris)
- An AWS SA previously worked at Butterfly
- Khaled has exposure from Philips
- Lots of growth in the US - overwhelmed one health systems network!
- Images historically not saved (or results) - wide open for risk/medical legal
- Being used widely by non radiologists (surgeons, er, etc)
- IHE Presentation
- https://www.butterflynetwork.com/
- https://clarius.com/l/portable-ultrasound-machine
HOPPR thoughts?
- Positive feedback - was great to see the demo
Question - are enhanced CT and MR being used much?
- What is enhanced?
DICOM-Codecs updated
United Theranostics
- https://www.unitedtheranostics.com/
- Use pet imaging / nuc medicine to treat cancer
- Dr. Elliot Siegel, ex CDI folks, Imad Nijim
- Cloud Native DICOM Import for AHI