- Jon Fortes - Centaur Labs, AI Labeling for medical device/pharma that develop there own ai models
- Vitalii Lakusta - CTO/CoFounder of Better Medicine - help radiologists do diagnostics faster and better
- Parnesh Raniga - Medical imaging scientist with a CSRO - background is in medical imaging, informatics
- Martin Dijkhuizen - cloud system administrator at university of calgary. Responsible for maintaing Orthanc, works with XNAT
- Chandrasekhar PS - Transcind building and developing medical imaging applications (visualization) for PACS. Interest in 3D rendering, oncology radiooogy pathology
Proposed Work Item that went to DSC (Brad Genearaux)
- Brad Genereaux is Industry co-chair for DICOM Standards Committee
- Full meeting during RSNA
- Work item proposed on how DICOM returns results
- Presented by Bill Wallace from Radical Imaging
- right now you get a collection of results at the same level
- adjust JSON to include tag names
- Recommendation was to retool the proposal and split into multiple chunks and bring back to next DSC
MONAI on AWS - Stephan Scotti
- Interested in playing around with Monai but not sure how to start
- Can he run this on AWS
- Also option to buy your own hardware
- Moani does not require nVidia GPU - will run on CPU (just takes much longer)
- https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/annotate-dicom-images-and-build-an-ml-model-using-the-monai-framework-on-amazon-sagemaker/
- https://github.com/Project-MONAI
- https://monai.io/
- https://monai.io/started.html
- https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring22-s42397/
- Interested in playing around with Monai but not sure how to start
FHIR and Radiology - Developed a RIS with IHE (Parnesh Raniga)
- POC - order, schedule, MWL,
- Using HAPPI FHIR server
- Integrated with OHIF V3
- Motivition
- Interest to see how FHIR workflows can be used for RIS workflows
- FHIR can define tasks, plan definitions, etc
- What does software look like when the application is built on top of FHIR
- Created some microservices that create FHIR resources
- scheduling
- MWL - triggered from FHIR server
- Executing AI Algorithm
- Is FHIR useful for Radiology Reports?
- Yes and No
- A lot of working being done in this area
- IHE Multimedia Reports
- https://profiles.ihe.net/RAD/IMR/volume-1.html
- You can store radiology reports as FHIR DiagnosticReport resources: https://build.fhir.org/diagnosticreport.html
- POC - order, schedule, MWL,
Structured reports
- Value Proposition radiologist want
- analyze CT
- create findings
- Make it as easy as possible for radiologist to change AI results
- Have customer viewer based on OHIF
- No real standard for structured reports??
- Q: What is our experience with strucutred reports and technology around it?
- DICOM Structured Reporting is a standard
- Some people are still writing ultrasound reports on paper!?
- Does OHIF support DICOM SR?
- Q: How to have seamless integration of reports with other systems?
HTJ2K-JS - Pantelis