Missing a number of regular attendess due to Memorial Day holiday
- Tally of those attending SIIM (in-person and virutal)
- Introduction to SIIM and history
- SIIM Hackathon introduction. A number of people attending.
- Spoke about last year's case tracking app (native app vs. web app)
- Jason Evans talked about eXtended Reality in medical imaging
- Updates from the imaging informatis community virtual session at SIIM
- Static DICOMweb
- OHIF and Cornerstone updates
- IHE Radiology-Pathology Concordnace (RPC) profile
- SIIM Hackathon introduction. A number of people attending.
- Talked about the new OHIF release and 3D Features. Talked about the different GitHub branches.
- OHIF vs. cornerstone
- OHIF architecture
- Discussion about case tracking/teaching files needs in medical imaging
- Discussion of AR/VR in medicine, differnt consideration and the variety of hardware (e.g. headsets)