SIIM Hackathon Plug (Mohannad)
- May 31-June 3
- Focused on education and collaboration above all else (vs competition)
- Big fan of open source - use open source products and open source data sets
- New and interesting things this year
- Bring in non radiology images - pathology, dermatology, opthtalmology|ophthalmology?
- Blockchain demystified
- OK to team up/pair with others at the
- OK to just hang around and observe
- Slack Channel: https://join.slack.com/t/siimhackathon/shared_invite/zt-mkk0yn2e-KUqOLi6ETBUQmOffxmcQxA
- Particpation is 100% free - but you need an API key (free)
- Various virtual meetings dureing the hackathon
- Orientation (2 weeks before hand)
- Brainstorm meeting (May 31)
- Check in meetings 2x daily
Segmentation (automatic, semi-automatic, manual)
- Good open source projects (automatic and semi-automatic)
- https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAILabel
- Nice tool to put your monai labels from nVidia/Kitware
- Allows you to deploy the models in 3D Slicer and OHIF
- Nice feature for continuous learning (make corrections and send them back to model to train it/make it better)
- Built on top of pytorch
- Several models and architectures available on github
- Some examples for https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials segmentation architectures
- Microsoft Inner Eye
- basic manual segmentation tools
- 3DSlicer
- ??
- https://medseg.ai
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomas-sakinis/
- All browser side (tensorflow.js?)
- VGG's VIA Tool (standalone html, manual)
- https://www.crowds-cure.org/
- https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAILabel
- Good commercial offerings
- md.ai
- Axial3D
- Taking DICOMs - run inference against this, produces segmentation
- Have a whole team of biomed engineers that adjust the segmentation as needed
- Generate meshes from the segmentation - can be rendered in web app or sent to 3D printer
- Have a set of models trained against labels generated by biomed engineers over the years
- Use Cases:
- Educational
- Moving towards planning for surgerys
- Discovering new ones
- Hospital networks..
- Any experience generating or reading these?
- Andre Fidorav has a toolkit for this - import/export between Nifti and DICOM SEG. Also has DICOM-SR TID1500 and parametric maps (for quantification)
- Good open source projects (automatic and semi-automatic)
SIIM - June 9-11 in person also virtual option?
Is there a platform for moderately technical people in terms of model training to do less sophisticated model training for classification (e.g. how to tell MR from CT)
- Google AutoML, AWS SageMaker
- Once you train the model, can you export this into tensorflow.js so you can run in browser?
- Google was locked into their service (at least of a few years ago)
- most effort goes into data pipeline - normalization, anonymization
- In one of RSNA 2021 course this was used https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/train/image