Conflict with https://projectweek.na-mic.org/PW36_2022_Virtual/ - lighter attendance.
- Lots of people from this http://www.miccai.org/ community
Static DICOMweb integrations with OHIF, MONAI and others.
Ping Steve and/or Erik to talk about "project week" and explore synergy with our meetings here.
History of web-based DICOM web-viewer: Oviyam, Weasis and DICOM Web Viewer
Converge with SIIM and CMIMI groups
Talked about SIIM Hackathon, Hackathon Platform and Dataset. Expansion in Pathology is being currently worked on.
Matt has an idea to host all open-source imaging datasets (https://radiopaedia.org/articles/imaging-data-sets-artificial-intelligence?lang=us) where you can preview samples of the data.
David talked about Interactive Mutimedia Reporting whitepapre though SIIM-HIMMS joint working group. Also an upcoming IHE IMR profile. Tried to also tackle non-radiology domains. Pathology and Opthamology is both pretty big.
Mohannad giving an educational talk on open-source at a SIIM webinar: https://siim.org/general/custom.asp?page=22w_ei_open_source
Discussion on Interactive Multimedia Reporting and the need for a working reference implementation or proof of concept. Perhaps feature this at the SIIM Hackathon?
- Jason emphasized on building something re-usable rather than one-off
- Chris likes how FHIR lead with implementations vs. just standard text.
- Matt: RSNA is looking for workshop ideas