In some cases, you might want to extend the components with visual functionality. It is Possible.
Each component has a customizable property class
For example, if we want to extend the Button component with size, we can do it in the project as follows:
{% set _sizeClass = props.size is defined ? _spiritClassPrefix ~ 'Button--' ~ props.size %}
{% set props = props|merge({ 'class': _sizeClass }) %}
{% extends "@spirit/button.twig" %}
All components in this repository also exist with the alias @spirit
, exactly
After the previous change, we can now call the Button component with additional functionality.
{% embed "@spirit/button.twig" with { props: {
color: 'primary'
size: 'small'
}} %}
{% block content %}
Primary buttom
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
<Button color="primary" size="small">Primary buttom</Button>