All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. We follow the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 format.
- Ansible roles and playbooks for deploying the admin terminal and file servers.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Proxy Server
- Analytics Terminals
- Elasticsearch and ELK
- Research Environment (partial)
- GoCD
- Data Warehouse
- Mesos and Marathon
- DMZ Proxy
- Nothing
- Many things
- Citus
- Nothing
- Many things
It's a new year, so let's start actually tracking things in the Changelog!
- Ability to pull in TLS certificates to the DMZ Proxy
- Ability to allow a list of groups access to Postgres config and log files
- Support for new GoCD URL syntax
- Nothing
- Fixed bugs with DMZ Proxy permissions
- Support for using symlinked postgres directory
- R Studio 1.1 by default.
- Nothing
- Permissions issues in Postgres/Citus roles.