EdinaJ is a JVM compiler for Edina. The compiler has a few basic built-int optimizations that can be enabled. I'm planning on adding more.
Will inline very small routines (5 or fewer commands, no branches, no loops, no import calls, no native calls).
Will not compile branches that 100% will never be called.
java -jar edinaj.jar [options]
* --sourcefile, -F
The source file that should be compiled
* --outputfile, -O
The name of the final Jar
--package, -P
The package name that should be used
Default: dev.cerus.edinalang.compiledscript
--include, -I
Directories that will be used for imports
Default: []
--debug, -D
Enables debug printing in the final Jar
Default: false
--quiet, -Q
Suppresses all stdout output if enabled
Default: false
--run, -R
Runs the Jar after compilation
Default: false
Specify optimizations that should be applied
Default: []
Example: 'java -jar edinaj/target/edinaj.jar -P dev.cerus.script -F script.edina -O script.jar -D'
Library | License |
ASM | 3-Clause BSD |
JCommander | Apache License 2.0 |
Jansi | Apache License 2.0 |