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Plateforme CI/CD de type "bac a sable".

(Note: Pour un environnement de production un systeme de PaaS comme Openshift ou Kubernetes est fortement conseille).

Ce repository GitHub contient des fichiers docker-compose YAML qui permettent d'executer la mise en place d'une plateforme de containers Docker qui simule un systeme de Continuous Integration et de Delivery.

Docker CI Tools

Cette plateforme est disponible seulement sous Linux.

How to proceed ?
First use this file and carry on with:
if you are on Ubuntu 20.04 , read file first.

  • IntellijIDEA.mnd


Pre-requis pour Centos 7

sudo yum -y update   # update all packages 
sudo yum -y install git wget   # install git and wget 
sudo yum -y install epel-release  # added extra packages
sudo yum -y install htop iotop iftop  # added monitoring tools
and git clone your personnal repository of jenkins-pic
git clone<your-repo>/jenkins-pic.git
cd jenkins-pic  


Installation de la derniere version de Docker sous Centos

L'installation de Docker necessite certains packages.

sudo yum install -y yum-utils \
  device-mapper-persistent-data \

Ensuite nous devons mettre en place le lien vers le repository Docker.

sudo yum-config-manager \
    --add-repo \

Installer la derniere version de Docker et de ses packages client et

 sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Lancer le daemon Docker

sudo systemctl start docker

Placer un lien symbolique pour que le daemon Docker demarre automatiquement meme si le host est reboote.

sudo systemctl enable docker

Ou par une installation de Docker avec un script Ansible

Packages de pre-requis pour installer Ansible

sudo yum -y install python3 

Set up a python virtualenv, and install ansible

  # in the jenkins-pic directory 
  cd jenkins-pic
  python3 -m venv venv  # install virtualenv module dans la directory venv
  source venv/bin/activate # activate the python virtualenv
  pip3 install wheel  # install pip package wheel for permission usage
  pip3 install --upgrade pip
  pip3 install ansible # install ansible
  ansible --version  # check, should be version 2.10.5

Lancement de la commande ansible-playbook qui va installer Docker

  ansible-playbook -i inventory  playbook.yml

Please log out and log in again of your shell screen for the changes take effect.

   docker ps    # check if docker is up and running 

Installer docker-compose

  cd jenkins-pic
  source venv/bin/activate
  pip3 install docker-compose # pip lib for docker-compose
  pip3 install docker # pip lib for docker 
  docker-compose --version  # check should be version 1.29.1+

Using the lts jenkins version, the jenkins home is a docker volume
See in the docker-compose file jenkins volume and services

Launch all containers

Tapez la commande suivante pour installer et demarrer l'ensemble
des containers de la plateforme de CI/CD

docker-compose build # build les containers 
docker-compose up -d  # demarre tous les containers
docker ps # Check, 12 jenkins-pic_xxx containers should be up and running

Go to jenkins

Open your Chrome Browser
type the URL http://<your_vm_ip_address>:18080

Get the secret key

type docker logs jenkins-pic_jenkins_1
scroll the log file, and get the secret value
DO NOT install any plugins now, we need a fresh install

Change admin password, get an API token, set timezone

click on admin in right hand side of a screen
Hit configure
select API Token , Add new token , give jetbrains name
and Hit generate copy this token in your notepad for later use. change the password and confirm
go to Defined time zone. Select Europe/Paris Press apply and save
You may get some errors so you need to login in again using your new password.


Here is an overview of all tools:

  • GitLab (optional) is used for storing the Source Code.
  • Github is the well-known website for archiving all your projects.
  • Jenkins contains build job and is triggered once projects in GitLab are updated.
  • As part of the CI build, Jenkins triggers a static code analysis and the results are stored in SonarQube.
  • The Maven build uses Nexus as a Proxy Repository for all 3rd party libs. The build artifacts are deployed to the Nexus Release Repository.
  • The Selenium Grid contains Docker containers running Chrome and Firefox and is used for UI tests.

Access Tools

With docker containers

Tool Link Credentials
Jenkins http://<vm_ip default>:18080/ to be defined
SonarQube http://<vm_ip default>:19000/ admin/admin
Nexus http://<vm_ip default>:18081/nexus admin/use a token and set your own password
GitLab http://<vm_ip default>:8080/ defined using the console
Selenium Grid http://<vm_ip default>:4444/grid/console no login required
Hello-world Test http://<vm_ip default>:8090/webapp no login required
Petclinic-Test http://<vm_ip default>:9090/petclinic no login required
AWX-ansible http://<vm_ip default> admin/password