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Table 1: Dataset

Data collection
Date range Nov 1, 2019 - Apr 30, 2022
Days collected 912
Handles collected 81
Diplomacy 68
Media 13
Datasets Number of cases
1. Total original tweets and retweets collected (network analysis) 723439
1a. Diplomacy original tweets 109265
1b. Diplomacy retweets 80876
1c. Media original tweets 489354
1d. Media retweets 43944
2. Subsample of original tweets in English (topic analysis) 485297
2a. Diplomacy 66987
2.b Media 418310
3. Coded sample of diplomacy original tweets in English (discourse analysis) XXXXX

Table 2: Diplomacy

User Description Original tweets Original tweets in English Retweets Retweets in English Total
AmbCina Embassy of the P.R.C. in Rome, Italy 3855 6 214 159 4069
AmbCuiTiankai CUI Tiankai, former Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. (2013-2021) 301 287 32 31 333
AmbKongXuanyou KONG Xuanyou, Chinese Ambassador to Japan (2019-2023) 28 0 1 0 29
AmbLiJunhua LI Junhua, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Italy and San Marino (2019-2022) 283 272 11 10 294
AmbLiuXiaoMing LIU Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the U.K. (2010-2021) 6070 5307 13 13 6083
AmbQinGang QIN Gang, Chinese ambassador to the US (2021-2023) 488 446 17 17 505
AmbZhengZeguang ZHENG Zeguang Chinese Ambassador to the UK (2021-) 747 706 10 9 757
Amb_ChenXu CHEN Xu, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the P.R.C. to the U.N. office in Geneva, Switzerland (2019-) 591 580 60 57 651
AmbassadeChine Embassy of the P.R.C. in Paris, France 8903 257 2748 719 11651
CCGBelfast Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Belfast, U.K. 228 221 321 292 549
CGHuangPingNY HUANG Ping, Chinese Consul General in New York (2018-) 332 332 32 32 364
CGMeifangZhang ZHANG Meifang, Consul General of China in Belfast (2022-) 6298 5553 6684 5612 12982
CGZhangPingLA ZHANG Ping, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles (2017-2022) 222 220 21 21 243
CHN_UN_NY Spokesperson of Mission of the P.R.C. to the U.N. 533 492 2602 2442 3135
Cao_Li_CHN Cao Li, Counsellor, Information Department, MFA, China (2021-) 583 522 355 320 938
ChinaAmbUN ZHANG Jun, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the P.R.C. to the U.N. (2019-) 1384 1203 830 772 2214
ChinaCGCalgary Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Calgary, Canada 2461 2413 19 19 2480
ChinaCGMTL Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Montreal, Canada 1419 521 282 155 1701
ChinaCG_Ffm Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Frankfurt am Main 151 30 73 34 224
ChinaCG_HH Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Hamburg 653 34 479 152 1132
ChinaCG_Muc Chinese Consulate General in Munich 372 16 232 129 604
ChinaCG_NYC Consulate General of the PRC in New York 631 623 275 275 906
ChinaConSydney Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Sydney, Australia 4642 4619 468 454 5110
ChinaConsulate Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Chicago, U.S. 1348 1300 123 122 1471
ChinaEUMission Mission of the P.R.C. to the E.U. 3776 3250 623 576 4399
ChinaEmbEsp Chinese Embassy in Spain 4473 2 272 51 4745
ChinaEmbGermany Embassy of the P.R.C. in Berlin, Germany 2303 72 752 555 3055
ChinaEmbOttawa Embassy of the P.R.C. in Ottawa, Canada 1767 1684 907 896 2674
ChinaInDenmark Embassy of the P.R.C. in Copenhagen, Denmark 1046 1010 481 466 1527
ChinaMissionGva Mission of the P.R.C. to the U.N. office in Geneva, Switzerland 2096 1939 3187 3093 5283
ChinaMissionVie Mission of the P.R.C. to the U.N. office in Vienna, Austria 1478 1474 213 207 1691
China_Lyon Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Lyon, France 50 3 802 121 852
China_Ukraine_ Chinese Embassy in Ukraine 152 5 30 26 182
ChinainVan Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Vancouver, Canada 418 409 355 345 773
Chinamission2un Mission of the P.R.C. to the U.N. 2991 2826 2706 2568 5697
ChineseCon_Mel Chinese Consulate-General in Melbourne 500 492 35 35 535
ChineseEmbinRus Chinese Embassy in Russia 861 24 25 20 886
ChineseEmbinUK Embassy of the P.R.C. in London, U.K. 3400 3025 233 232 3633
ChineseEmbinUS Embassy of the P.R.C. in Washington, D.C., U.S. 1347 1262 648 630 1995
ChnConsul_osaka Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Osaka, Japan 1964 12 1543 112 3507
ChnConsulateFuk Consulate-General of the P. R. C. in Fukuoka 710 6 972 26 1682
ChnConsulateNag Consulate-General of the P. R. C. in Nagasaki 651 0 154 20 805
ChnConsulateNgo Consulate-General of the P. R. C. in Nagoya 550 0 699 43 1249
ChnConsulateNgt Consulate-General of the P. R. C. in Niigata 329 0 60 7 389
ChnEmbassy_jp Embassy of the P.R.C. in Tokyo, Japan 2614 18 1319 349 3933
ChnMission LIU Yuyin, Spokesperson, Permanent Representative of the P.R.C. to the U.N. office in Geneva, Switzerland (2019-) 121 91 1033 969 1154
ConsulChinaBcn Consulate General of China in Barcelona 1166 15 121 38 1287
ConsulateSan Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco 105 64 2750 2737 2855
DIOC_MFA_China Department of International Organizations and Conferences, MFA, China 179 173 5 5 184
FuCong17 Fu Cong, Chinese Ambassador to the EU (2022-) 156 152 359 351 515
FukLyuGuijun Consul General of the P. R. C. in Fukuoka (2020-) 65 0 63 1 128
GeneralkonsulDu DU Xiaohui, Consul General, Consulate General of the P.R.C. to Hamburg, Germany 291 23 325 102 616
Li_Yang_China Li Yang, Counsellor of Department of Information, MFA, China. (2021-) 1211 984 178 139 1389
MFA_China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing, P.R.C. 3265 3122 2628 1999 5893
SpokespersonCHN HUA Chunying, Spokesperson & Director General, Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing, P.R.C. (2019-2021). Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs (2021-). 6077 5599 376 339 6453
SpokespersonHZM HU Zhaoming, Spokesperson & Director General, Bureau of Public Information and Communication, International Department, CPC Central Committee (2019-) 382 361 40 40 422
SpoxCHNinUS Liu Pengyu, Spokesperson of Chinese Embassy in the U.S. (2021-) 828 801 259 248 1087
WangLutongMFA Wang Lutong, Director General for European Affairs, MFA, China (2019-) 90 84 0 0 90
WuPeng_MFAChina Wu Peng, Director-General, Department of African Affairs, MFA, China (2020-) 1994 1974 0 0 1994
XIEYongjun_CHN Xie Yongjun, Head of Division, Info Dept, MFA, China 1540 1018 72 66 1612
Zhou_Li_CHN Zhou Li, Counsellor, Information Department of Foreign Ministry, China (2002-) 617 581 236 222 853
chinacgedi Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Edinburgh, U.K. 304 290 248 240 552
chinascio State Council Information Office of the P.R.C. 4353 4335 155 152 4508
consulat_de Consulate General of the P.R.C. in Strasbourg, France 989 18 2695 1189 3684
xuejianosaka Xue Jian, Consul General of P.R.C in Osaka (2021-) 3645 2 22745 3795 26390
zhaobaogang2011 Zhao Baogang, African Affairs Department of Chinese Foreign Ministry (2021-2023) 460 420 887 849 1347
zhu_jingyang Zhu Jingyang, Consul General of P.R.C in Barcelona (2021-) 1969 50 257 87 2226
zlj517 ZHAO Lijian, Spokesperson & Deputy Director General, Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing, P.R.C. (2019-2023). Deputy Director-General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of China (2023-). 3459 3357 13526 12551 16985

Table 3: Media

User Description Original tweets Original tweets in English Retweets Retweets in English Total
CGTNOfficial China Global Television Network (CGTN) 101591 99765 16526 16458 118117
CNS1952 China News Service 36706 0 5 0 36711
ChinaDaily China Daily 64846 64410 2435 2355 67281
Echinanews 31418 31284 26 25 31444
HuXijin_GT HU Xijin, Global Times Editor-in-chief 1528 1524 49 49 1577
PDChina People's Daily 32467 32391 158 158 32625
PDChinese People's Daily (Chinese) 26142 1 0 0 26142
QiushiJournal Qiushi Journal 1131 1095 0 0 1131
XHNews Xinhua News 75318 74990 37 37 75355
XinWen_Ch Voice of China 3324 141 316 26 3640
chenweihua CHEN Weihua, China Daily E.U. Bureau Chief and columnist 17593 16607 23045 22296 40638
globaltimesnews Global Times 87304 86805 684 619 87988
shen_shiwei SHEN Shiwei, CGTN News Producer 9986 9297 663 633 10649


Network analysis

Network visualisation of Chinese diplomats and media outlets on Twitter in the early period (Nov 2019 - Apr 2020). Node size shows the in-degree of the node.

Figure 1a

Visualisation of the early period, where nodesize indicates the in-degree of the node. alt text

Figure 1b

Visualisation of the early period, where nodesize indicates the out-degree of the node. alt text

Figure 1c

Network visualisation of Chinese diplomats and media outlets on Twitter in the late period (Nov 2021 - Apr 2022). Node size shows the in-degree of the node. alt text

Figure 1d

Visualisation of the late period, where nodesize indicates the out-degree of the node. alt text

Topic model

Figure 2

Interactive plot of topics. Open here.

Figure 3a

alt text

Figure 3b

alt text

Figure 3c

alt text

Figure 3d

alt text

Media use

Figure 4

Number of tweets with and without media (photos and videos) over time. alt text

Figure 5

Retweets over time for tweets with and without media (photos and videos). Each tweet is represented by a blue line, where the height of the line corresponds to the number of retweets on the log scale. Each tweet is plotted with a semi-transparent line to show the density of the data, i.e. the darker the area, the more tweets. alt text

Sentiment analysis

Normalised emotion distribution over time for chinese diplomats original tweets alt text

Information dynamics of the emotion distribution over time for chinese diplomats original tweets. Background color represents shifts in variance. alt text

Topic analysis

A topic model was created using the diplomat tweets. Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modelling using gensim package in Python (See documentation: LDA is a hierarchical Bayesian model with three levels, in which each item of a collection, in this case tweets, is modeled as a finite mixture over an underlying set of topics. In turn, each topic is modeled as an infinite mixture over an underlying set of topic probabilities. An explicit representation of each tweet is provided by the topic probabilities.

A total of 180 models were trained for both diplomat and media tweets in each time period with a variation of the following three hyperparameters:

  • Number of Topics (K)
    • The topic model was trained requesting 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 latent topics
  • Dirichlet hyperparameter alpha: A-priori document-topic density
    • The topic model was trained using 6 different a-priori beliefs about the document-topic density, including 0.01, 0.31, 0.61, 0.91, symmetric equation and asymmetric equation
  • Dirichlet hyperparameter beta: A-priori word-topic density
    • The topic model was trained using 5 different a-priori beliefs about the word-topic density, including 0.01, 0.31, 0.61, 0.91 and symmetric equation

The model with the best equation coherence score is chosen for analysis.

Network analysis

Network analysis performed using the networkx package in python ( and the network visualizations are generated from the file (see usage below). Nodes in the networks are Twitter handles, and edges (connections) are weighted by the number of mentions between the Twitter handles that are displayed. The network visualizations only plot Twitter handles that are either flagged as (i) Chinese diplomats or (ii) Chinese media outlets. The edgewidth (strength of connections) is determined by the number of mentions between Twitter handles of Chinese diplomats and media outlets (see below). The nodesize (size of handle) is determined by various attributes, such as:

  • total mentions: number of total mentions to the Twitter handle in question from all users (also non-diplomats and non-media that are not shown as nodes in the plot). This shows how "popular" the Chinese diplomats and media outlets are on Twitter broadly, rather than just their popularity/activity within the diplomat/media sub-network.
  • weighted degree: node-size scaled by number of total number of connections between Twitter handle in question and other Chinese diplomats and media outlets (both directions counted, and each mention counted). The weighted degree plot corresponds to in-degree + out-degree (i.e. we count both directions).
  • in-degree: number of mentions from other Chinese diplomats and media outlets to the Twitter handle in question (only one direction counted).
  • out-degree: number of mentions from the Twitter handle in question to other Chinese diplomats and media outlets (only one direction counted).

In addition to the network visualizations, we also show the top 10 handles (based on weighted degree).

Emotion analysis

Emotion classification was conducted using a DistilBERT model finetuned for emotion classification. The finetuned model can be found on HuggingFace. The NewsFluxus package was used to investigate the information dynamics of the emotion distribution over time.

Use of photos and videos

To investigate the dynamics of the diplomats' use of photos and videos (media), measures such as the count and proportion of tweets with media, as well as the number of retweets were plotted over time. See the media_use directory for plots and scripts.