What's Changed
- fix: Math.ceil the gasPrice by @bowd in #200
- fix: pin Docker image to node:18.18.0 by @bowd in #201
- fix: change version in release image as well by @bowd in #202
- fix: update XigniteAdapter certFingerprint256 by @bayological in #203
- feat: add price source EUROCUSDT by @bayological in #206
- Fix/bitmart fingerprint certificate by @philbow61 in #211
- chore: add script to retrieve certificate fingerprint by @bayological in #212
- fix: update binance certificate by @denviljclarke in #224
New Contributors
- @denviljclarke made their first contribution in #224
Full Changelog: 1.0.7...1.0.12
Docker image: us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/celo-testnet-production/celo-oracle/celo-oracle:1.0.12
For the latest recommended client configuration please refer to the deployment section in the repo's readme.