- Open h5ad file
- Read DataFrames: obs and var
- Modify DataFrames In-Place
- Read Few Columns but Overwrite One in a Dataframe
- Work with X and raw.X
- Work with layers
- Handle obsm and varm sections
- Work with obsp and varp
- Read and modify uns section
- Join and Merge CapAnnDataDF
To open .h5ad file use read_h5ad
function. It could be used as a context manager or ordinary function.
from cap_anndata import read_h5ad
path = "path/to/file.h5ad"
with read_h5ad(path, edit=False) as cap_adata:
print(cap_adata.file) # h5py.File opened in 'r' mode
# Don't need to manually close the file
cap_adata = read_h5ad(path, edit=True)
print(cap_adata.file) # h5py.File opened in 'r+' mode
cap_adata.file.close() # Don't forget to close the file
By default, CapAnnData
does not automatically read any data. To begin working with dataframes, you need to explicitly read the data from the AnnData file. You can read the entire dataframe or select specific columns. For partial reading, provide a list of column names.
from cap_anndata import read_h5ad
file_path = "your_data.h5ad"
with read_h5ad(file_path=file_path, edit=False) as cap_adata:
# Get the list of all obs columns in AnnData file
cap_adata.obs_keys() # ['a', 'b', 'c']
# Read all columns of 'obs'
# Get the list of columns of DataFrame in memory
cap_adata.obs.columns # ['a', 'b', 'c']
# Get the list of all var columns in AnnData file
cap_adata.var_keys() # ['d', 'e', 'f']
# Read specific columns of 'var'
cap_adata.var.columns # ['d']
# Read additional column
cap_adata.var.columns # ['d', 'e']
# Read column and reset the in-memory DataFrame before that
cap_adata.read_var(columns=['f'], reset=True)
cap_adata.var.columns # ['f']
# Read no columns of raw.var (only the index)
returns the list of columns in the on-disc AnnData file, while obs.columns
returns the list of columns in the in-memory DataFrame. The two lists may differ if you read only specific columns. If you modify the in-memory DataFrame, the obs_keys()
will reflect the changes. BTW it is recommended to check the obs_keys()
before the overwrite()
call to avoid the AnnData file damage.
If a column doesn't exist in the file, no error will be raised but the column will be missing in the resulting DataFrame. So, the list of columns saying more like "try to read that columns from the file". Exactly the same behavior is for the var_keys()
and var.columns
You can directly modify the dataframe by adding, renaming, or removing columns.
# Create a new column
cap_adata.obs['new_col'] = [value1, value2, value3]
# Rename a column
cap_adata.obs.rename_column('old_col_name', 'new_col_name')
# Remove a column
After modifications, you can overwrite the changes back to the AnnData file. If a value doesn't exist, it will be created.
Note: read_h5ad
must be called with edit=True
argument to open .h5ad
file in r+
# overwrite all values which were read
# overwrite chosen fields
cap_adata.overwrite(['obs', 'var'])
The full list of supported fields: obs
, var
, raw.var
, obsm
, layers
and uns
The only way yet to do that is to drop all columns from in-memory dataframe (with pandas.drop
!) before the call of overwrite
# Read specific columns
cap_adata.read_obs(columns=['cell_type', 'sample'])
# Drop a column in-memory
# DON'T USE remove_column here!
cap_adata.obs.drop(columns='sample', inplace=True)
# Overwrite changes
# NOTE that the line
# cap_adata.read_obs(columns=['sample'], reset=True)
# Will override in-memory changes with values from the AnnData file
The CapAnnData package won't read any field by default. However, the X
and raw.X
will be linked to the backed matrices automatically upon the first request to those fields.
The X object will be returned as the h5py.Dataset
or AnnData.experimental.sparse_dataset
with read_h5ad(file_path=file_path, edit=False) as cap_adata:
# self.X is None here
cap_adata = CapAnnData(file)
# will return the h5py.Dataset or CSRDataset
x = cap_adata.X
# The same for raw.X
raw_x = cap_adata.raw.X
# take whole matrix in memory
x = cap_adata.X[:]
The CapAnnData supports the standard numpy
slicing rules
# slice rows
s_ = np.s_[0:5]
# slice columns
s_ = np.s_[:, 0:5]
# boolean mask + slicing
mask = np.array([i < 5 for i in range(adata.shape[0])])
s_ = np.s_[mask, :5]
By the default the CapAnnData will not read the layers.
Links to available layers will be created upon the first call of the .layers
Alike the AnnData package the call like cap_adata.layers["some_layer"]
will not return the in-memory matrix but will return the backed version instead.
Base operations with layers:
with read_h5ad(file_path=file_path, edit=True) as cap_adata:
# Will return available layer names
layer_names = cap_adata.layers.keys()
# Return the matrix in backed mode
my_layer = cap_adata.layers["some_layer"]
# Take the whole matrix into memory
my_layer = my_layer[:]
# Create new layer from in-memory matrix
# NOTE: The matrix will be propagated to the .h5ad file immediately
matrix=array, # could be numpy dense array or csr sparse matrix
# Create empty layer for dense array
# NOTE: After that in .h5ad file the empty h5py.Dataset will be created
# so one can fill it later (for ex. in chunks)
# Create empty layer for sparse matrix
# NOTE: it will create empty sparse_dataset in the .h5ad file.
# One can fill it with AnnData.experimental.sparse_dataset.append() method
format='csr', # or 'csc'
# Add data with chunks
with read_h5ad(file_path, edit=True) as cap_adata:
# Dense dataset
cap_adata.layers["empty_dense_array"][0, 0] = 1
# Sparse datasets
sparse_dataset = cap_adata.layers["empty_sparse_matrix"]
sparse_dataset.append(chunk_data) # chunk_data must be 'scipy.sparse.csr(c)_matrix'
# Remove layer
# NOTE: The layer will be removed from the .h5ad file immediately
# Delayed remove
# NOTE: the array mapping which is used for layers
# and similar entities behaves like a dict() object.
cap_adata.layers.pop("dense_array") # removed only from in-memory object, still exists in the .h5ad file
cap_adata.overwrite(["layers"]) # propagate removal to the .h5ad file
By the default the CapAnnData will not read the embedding matrix.
The link to the h5py objects will be created upon the first call of the .obsm
Alike the AnnData package the call like cap_adata.obsm["X_tsne"]
will not return the in-memory matrix but will return the backed version instead.
It is possible to get the information about the name and shape of the embeddings without taking the whole matrix in the memory.
with read_h5ad(file_path=file_path, edit=False) as cap_adata:
obsm_keys = cap_adata.obsm_keys() # ['X_tsne', 'X_umap']
# return the shape of the matrix in backed mode
embeddings = obsm_keys[0]
shape = cap_adata.obsm[embeddings].shape
# take the whole matrix in memory
matrix = cap_adata.obsm[embeddings][:]
One can create new embeddings in the .h5ad
file by the create_obsm
method and delete existing with the remove_obsm
The usage is the same to the methods described in layers section.
The same is for varm
matrices, just replace obsm
with varm
The usage of the obsp
and varp
is quite the same as for the obsm
, varm
and layers
. One can read entity of interest with read_obsp(key)
and read_varp(key)
methods. Create new objects with create_obsp
and create_varp
, remove existing with remove_obsp
and remove_varp
See layers and obsm/varm sections for examples.
The CapAnnData
class will lazily link the uns section upon the first call but WILL NOT read it into memory. Instead, the dictionary of the pairs {'key': "__NotLinkedObject"}
will be created. It allows to get the list of keys before the actual read. To read the uns section in the memory the .read_uns(keys)
method must be called.
with read_h5ad(file_path=file_path, edit=True) as cap_adata:
# will return the keys() object
keys = cap_adata.uns.keys()
# read in memory the first key only
# read the whole uns section into memory
Since the .uns
section is in the memory (partially or completely) we can work with it as with the regular dict()
python object. The main feature of the CapAnnDataDict
class which inherited from dict
is the tracking of the keys which must be removed from the .h5ad
file upon overwrite.
# get the value
v = cap_adata.uns["key1"]
v = cap_adata.uns.get("key1")
# modify values
cap_adata.uns["key1"] = "new_value"
# create new keys
cap_adata.uns["new_key"] = "value"
# remove keys
cap_adata.uns.pop("key1") # is recommended way
del cap_adata.uns.pop("key2")
To save uns
changes the method CapAnnData.overwrite()
must be called.
cap_adata.overwrite() # all in-memory fields will be overwritten
cap_adata.overwrite(["uns"]) # overwrite the uns section only
Cap-AnnData provides enhanced methods for joining and merging dataframes, preserving column order and data integrity
from cap_anndata import CapAnnDataDF
import pandas as pd
data1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]})
data2 = pd.DataFrame({'D': [7, 8, 9], 'E': [10, 11, 12]})
cap_anndata_df1 = CapAnnDataDF.from_df(data1, column_order=['A', 'B', 'C'])
cap_df = cap_anndata_df1.join(data2, how='left')
cap_df.columns # ['A', 'B', 'D', 'E']
cap_df.column_order # ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
data3 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [2, 3, 4], 'D': [10, 11, 12]})
cap_df = cap_anndata_df1.merge(data3, on='A')
cap_df.columns # ['A', 'B', 'D']
cap_df.column_order # ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
cap_df.shape # (2, 3)