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Jeff Johns edited this page Jan 30, 2014 · 8 revisions

All the data for any view can easily be found if you are an admin by adding ?debug=1 to the end of any url. We will try our best to keep the below up-to-date by view.

All web view requests

All web view requests will always have the following data. However, you should ALWAYS make sure a variable exists before trying to use it.

Key Type Description
csrf_token String The current user's CSRF token.
errors Array An array with any errors and error numbers/codes as the key. This will **ONLY** be present if there is an error or warning. The key is the error code and the value is the message.
flash_message Array An array with type and message if there are any flash messages to show on the current page.
flash_message['type'] String Will always be `error` or `success`.
flash_message['message'] String The flash message.
labels Array An array of all the system level static labels.
labels[x].label_id Integer The label id.
labels[x].name String The label name.
labels[x].slug String The label slug used for urls and/or lookups.
labels[x].active Integer 1 = active, 0 = inactive.
labels[x].type String The type of label (possible values overall are label or smart).
labels[x].total_marks Integer The total active marks for the user under that label.
logged_in Boolean True = logged in, false = no.
lookup_type String The type of lookup requested. (all, archive, search, today, yesterday, last-week, last-month, last-three-months, last-six-months, last-year, ages-ago, label, tag or custom_date)
stats Array An array of statistics for the current user.
stats[x].saved Array An array of stats for all saved marks.
stats[x] Array Total marks saved today.
stats[x].saved.yesterday Array Total marks saved yesterday.
stats[x].saved.{2 days ago} Array Total marks saved 2 days ago.
stats[x].saved.{3 days ago} Array Total marks saved 3 days ago.
stats[x].saved.{4 days ago} Array Total marks saved 4 days ago.
stats[x] Array Total marks.
stats[x].archived Array An array of stats for all archived marks.
stats[x] Array Total marks archived today.
stats[x].archived.yesterday Array Total marks archived yesterday.
stats[x].archived.{2 days ago} Array Total marks archived 2 days ago.
stats[x].archived.{3 days ago} Array Total marks archived 3 days ago.
stats[x].archived.{4 days ago} Array Total marks archived 4 days ago.
stats[x] Array Total archived marks.
stats[x].marks Array An array of stats for all unarchived marks.
stats[x] Array Total marks unarchived from today.
stats[x].marks.yesterday Array Total marks unarchived from yesterday.
stats[x].marks.{last week} Array Total marks unarchived from last week.
stats[x].marks.{last month} Array Total marks unarchived from last month.
stats[x].marks.{last 3 months} Array Total marks unarchived from over the last 3 months.
stats[x].marks.{last 6 months} Array Total marks unarchived from over the last 6 months.
stats[x].marks.{last year} Array Total marks unarchived from over the last year.
stats[x].marks.{ages ago} Array Total marks unarchived from more than a year ago.
stats[x] Array Total unarchived marks.
tags Array An array of tags for the user's most popular and recent tags.
tags[popular|recent] Array An array of popular or recent tags.
tags[popular|recent][x].tag_id Integer The tag id.
tags[popular|recent][x].total Integer The total marks that use this tag for the current user.
tags[popular|recent][x].name String The tag name.
tags[popular|recent][x].slug String The tag slug.
user Array An array with any user information. Will only be valid for logged in users.
user['user_id'] Integer The user's id.
user['user_token'] String The user's security token they can use for API calls.
user['active'] Integer 1 = active, 0 = inactive.
user['admin'] Boolean true = admin, false = normal user.
user['email'] String The user's email address.

Lookup Pages

The following data is shown for all response types when requesting marks, tags or labels; no matter the lookup type.

Key Type Description
page Integer The current results page you are viewing. Only shown if total >= 1.
pages Integer The total pages the lookup has. Only shown if total >= 1.
per_page Integer How many results are being shown per page. Only shown if total >= 1.
total Integer The total results for the current lookup. Always shown.

Route: /marks/*

The following data is shown on all mark lookup pages, no matter the lookup type or response type.

Key Type Description
marks Array An array of marks for the current lookup. Will only be present if total > 0. If 0, the error key will be found.
marks[x].mark_id Integer The mark id.
marks[x].notes String The notes for this mark. Hashtags will be automatically linked.
marks[x].created_on Datetime The date and time the mark was created (EST).
marks[x].archived_on Datetime The date and time the mark was archived (EST). NULL if not archived.
marks[x].title String The title of the mark.
marks[x].url String The URL of the mark.
marks[x].embed String If an embed was found, the HTML will be listed here.
marks[x].label_id Integer The label id associated to this mark.
marks[x].label_name String The label name associated to this mark.
marks[x].tags Array An array of tags associated to this mark.
marks[x].tags['slug'] Array The data for the specific tag.
marks[x].tags['slug']['tag_id'] Integer The tag id.
marks[x].tags['slug']['name'] String The tag name.
marks[x].tags['slug']['slug'] String The tag slug.
marks[x].nice_time String A nice, readable way to view the time the mark was created. IE: 10 hours ago.

Route: /marks/label/{LABEL_SLUG OR LABEL_ID}

The following data is shown on all label lookup pages.

Key Type Description
active_label Array An array the current label being looked up. Only return for web views.
active_label['label_id'] Integer The current label_id.
active_label['label_name'] String The current label's name.
labels[x].current Boolean True if current, false if not.

Route: /marks/tags/{TAG_SLUG OR TAG_ID}

The following data is shown on all tag lookup pages.

Key Type Description
tags[popular|recent][x].current Boolean True if current, false if not.