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Controller Marks
Controller | Extends | Path |
Marks | Plain_Controller | /application/controllers/marks.php |
This controller handles the login view as well as processing the login requests.
Called automatically which in turn calls the parent constructor, it also does the following:
- Redirects the user if NOT logged in
- Loads the user marks model
Used to handle all primary requests to add a new mark to the system and to the user. Mark URLs are unique in the system. If it already exists we don't add it again, will simply extract its mark_id
and make the relationship to the user. If it does NOT exist, we add the mark and then make the relationship.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | Yes |
Variable | Type | Default | Required | Options | Description |
$url | String | N/A | Yes | N/A | The URL to add. |
$title | String | No Title | No | N/A | The page title from the URL. |
URL: /mark/add
Query Parameters: url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fsearch%2Fref%3Dsr_il_ti_popular%3Frh%3Dn%253A5174%252Cp_n_date%253A20140204%26sort%3Dpopularity-rank%26ie%3DUTF8%26qid%3D1389147159%26lo%3Dpopular&title=Amazon.com%3A%2020140204%3A%20Music
All your query parameters should ALWAYS be urlencoded.
Used to archive an existing user mark.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
URL: /marks/archive/{MARK_ID}
Used to check if the url passed is already saved to the current user's account.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
URL: /mark/check
Query Parameters: url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
Used to remove an existing user mark. Users marks are never really deleted, they are set to active=0
. You can run a cronjob if you wish to remove all user marks that are inactive. We do this so the user doesn't have to wait for the table to reindex during a simple request like this.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
URL: /mark/delete/{MARK_ID}
Used to edit an existing user mark. This URL is NOT accessible from a web view. Only for XMLHttpRequest and API requests.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
Variable | Type | Default | Required | Options | Description |
$label_id | Integer | N/A | No | N/A | The label's id to associate this user mark to. If not sent or not numeric it will not be used in the update. |
$notes | String | N/A | No | N/A | The notes for this mark. Any #hashmarks will be used for tags. If not sent, it will not be used in the update. |
URL: /mark/edit/{MARK_ID}
Query Parameters: label_id=5¬es=Cool%20mark%20bro.%20%23awesome
All your query parameters should ALWAYS be urlencoded.
Used as a router of sorts to figure if a get URL is valid. If the method is found, it executes, if not it sets an error. This method saves us from having to add a new route for each /get/{WHAT}
request. Now if someone requests /get/labels
the request is sent to marks.get
and the labels
portion is used to create the method to check for.
It becomes converted to getLabels
. We then check for this method. If it exists we execute it and render the JSON. If not we set the 'Invalid Request' error.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
Method | Visibility | Request Path | Description |
getLabels | Private | /get/labels | Sets all the system level labels and gets the total marks associated to each for the user. |
getStats | Private | /get/stats | Sets all the user stats for total mark for different timeframes. It returns an array of saved (all marks), archived and marks (active marks) for various time periods. It also returns the overall total of each. |
getTags | Private | /get/tags | Sets all the most popular and most recently used tags for the current user. |
You can call the above child methods directly from the marks
controller by simply calling self::getStats()
. All other requests need to come from and XMLHttpRequest or API request.
Returns all the marks for the period/options provided. All marks returned are sorted from newest to oldest and 30 at a time. To read more about the data returned please click here.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | Yes |
Option | Request Path | Description |
all | /marks | A list of all the active marks. |
archive | /marks/archive | A list of all the archived marks. |
search | /marks/search?q={QUERY}&archive={1|0} | A list of marks matching the query string. The query will search mark title, url and your notes. If you pass the archive param and set to 1, it will search your archived marks instead of active marks. |
today | /marks/today | A list of active marks created today. |
yesterday | /marks/yesterday | A list of active marks created yesterday. |
last-week | /marks/last-week | A list of active marks created over the last 7 days. |
last-month | /marks/last-month | A list of active marks created over the last 30 days. |
last-three-months | /marks/last-three-months | A list of active marks created over the last 90 days. |
last-six-months | /marks/last-six-months | A list of active marks created over the last 180 days. |
last-year | /marks/last-year | A list of active marks created over the last year. |
ages-ago | /marks/ages-ago | A list of active marks created over longer than a year ago. |
label | /marks/label/{LABEL_SLUG|LABEL_ID} | A list of active marks with the label specified. |
tag | /marks/tag/{TAG_SLUG|TAG_ID} | A list of active marks with the tag specified. |
custom_date | /marks/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD | A list of active marks within the range of dates. Dates should can be full datetime or just a year. |
If no marks are found for any of the above requests, the total
will be returned as 0
and the errors
key will be set. For all of these requests, if calling from the web view, we will also call the following:
If a label or tag lookup we will also append the following data:
= array('label_id' => $label_id, 'label_name' => $name); -
= array('tag_id' => $tag_id, 'tag_name' => $name);
They will only be set for a label or tag lookup. All other lookups will not have this data as it does not apply.
By default we sort all marks from newest to oldest. For active marks this used the created_on
column for archived marks it uses the archived_on
column. If you wish to switch this sorting option you can send the sort
parameter with your request. It has two options:
- newest
- oldest
It default to newest.
Returns all the information for a specific mark.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | Yes |
URL: /mark/info/{MARK_ID}
Returns 1 random mark and its information.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
URL: /mark/random
Unarchives a specific mark.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
URL: /mark/restore/{MARK_ID}
Used as a router of sorts to figure if a get URL is valid. If the method is found, it executes, if not it sets an error. This method saves us from having to add a new route for each /total/{WHAT}
request. Now if someone requests /total/marks
the request is sent to marks.total
and the marks
portion is used to create the method to check for.
It becomes converted to totalMarks
. We then check for this method. If it exists we execute it and render the JSON. If not we set the 'Invalid Request' error.
Type | Accessible |
XMLHttpRequest | Yes |
API | Yes |
Web View | No |
Method | Visibility | Request Path | Description |
totalArchived | Private | /marks/total/archived | Returns the total archived marks for the period of time set. |
totalMarks | Private | /marks/total/marks | Returns the total active marks for the period of time set. |
totalSaved | Private | /marks/total/saved | Returns the total marks (archived or not) for the period of time set. |
You can call the above child methods directly from the marks
controller by simply calling self::totalMarks()
. All other requests need to come from and XMLHttpRequest or API request.
Simply call the private method from the child list above and pass a start and finish date.
$total = self::getMarks('yesterday', 'today');
// Total will equal the total active marks from yesterday
// First param is $start, second is $finish
// Query is constructed like such created_on >= $start AND created_on is < $finish
// Only the YYYY-MM-DD portion is used
// In the example above it would look like: created_on >= '2014-02-03' AND created_on is < '2014-02-04'
Simply call /marks/total/{WHAT}/START/FINISH
URL: /marks/total/marks/yesterday/today