diff --git a/config/config.html b/config/config.html index fd5e2403..10359a1e 100644 --- a/config/config.html +++ b/config/config.html @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
Pass additional options to run ngshmmalign
V-pipe uses option -R <path/to/initial_reference>
, thus option -r arg
is not allowed. Also, instead of passing -l
via the property extra
, set leave_msa_temp
to True
. Lastly, please do not modify options -o arg
, -w arg
, -t arg
, and -N arg
. These are already managed by V-pipe.
Panel of diverse references against which to align reads as a QA step
Note: The virus-specific base configuration specified in general
=> virus_base_config
will most likely change this option’s default.
You are still free to override that default in your configuration shall the need arise.
This rule takes all previously aligned reads by hmm_align
. Therefore, resources should be allocated accordingly.
With property extra
, users can pass additional options to run BWA MEM. For more details on BWA MEM configurable options refer to the software documentation.
Indicate if qualities are Phred+33 (default) or Phred+64 (--phred64
Specify Bowtie 2 presets.
Pass additional options to run Bowtie 2. V-pipe handles the input and output files, as well as the reference sequence. Thus, do not modify these options
For more details on Bowtie 2 configurable options refer to the software documentation.
Specify minimap2 preset options. See minimape’s documentation for details about each of the presets.
By default V-pipe ignores Minimap2’s secondary alignment(s) and only considers the primary one (A secondary alignment occurs when a given read could align reasonably well to more than one place). This flags turns back on Minimap2’s secondary alignments, and also includes their sequences in the output BAM file.
With property extra
, users can pass additional options to run minimap2. For more details on minimap2 configurable options refer to the software documentation.
Minimum read depth for reporting variants per locus.
Read count below which ambiguous base ’n’ is reported.
Minimum phred quality score for a base to be included.
Minimum frequency for an ambiguous nucleotide.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
and lesser or equal to 1
Value must be greater or equal to 0
and lesser or equal to 1
Minimum read depth for reporting variants per locus.
Output a numpy array file containing frequencies of all bases, including gaps and also the most abundant base across samples.
Construct intervals based on overlapping windows of the read alignment. By default, regions with high coverage are built based on the position-wise read depth.
@@ -184,4 +185,4 @@
Generate checksum for each individual consensus sequence (if a consensus is regenerated, it will help determine whether the new file has changed content or is virtually the same as the previous).
Also include the original .fastq.gz
sequencing reads files from raw_data/
in the list of files to be uploaded. See property orig_cram
below for a compressed version and see output dehumanized_raw_reads
and section dehuman
for depleting reads from the host.
Also include a compressed version of the original sequencing raw reads files from raw_data/
. Similar to property orig_fastq
above, but with reference-based compression.
Custom script that assists and prepares uploads.
It will receive the following positional parameters:
For an example, see the default script prepare_upload_symlinks.sh
, it generates symlinks that help tracking which samples are new and/or updated between runs of V-pipe and thus should be considered for upload.
Named options to be passed to the script, before the positional parameters. E.g. for an extra configuration file with SFTP server information.