Let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH is the mightiest of all in the world.
For is it not true that Goog-a-MESH defeated App-ul-MESH, the mightiest of all in the lands of the north?
And is it not true that Goog-a-MESH defeated Amz-un-MESH, the mightiest of all in the lands of the west?
And is it not true that Goog-a-MESH defeated Mikro-MESH, the mightiest of all in the lands of the east?
And is it not true that Goog-a-MESH defeated MESH-buyuk, the mightiest of all in the lands of the south?
And is it not true that there is no more to the world than the lands of the north, the lands of the west, the lands of the east and the lands of the south?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
For is it not true that App-ul-MESH defeated Ghaglef the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev?
And is it not true that App-ul-MESH defeated Duucrait the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf?
And is it not true that App-ul-MESH defeated Buucluf the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv?
And is it not true that App-ul-MESH defeated Hrughagh the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv?
And is it not true that there is no more to the lands of the north than the Hostile Wastes of Fedev, the Vast Mountains of Crugluf, the Barren Wastes of Grebuv and the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv?
Therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
For is it not true that Ghaglef the Intimidating defeated Daicrair the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Crufec?
And is it not true that Ghaglef the Intimidating defeated Hraghot the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghodaf?
And is it not true that Ghaglef the Intimidating defeated Zhughair the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Province of Dagraigh?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Hostile Wastes of Fedev than the Province of Crufec, the Province of Ghodaf and the Province of Dagraigh?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Daicrair the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crufec.
For is it not true that Daicrair the Oppressive defeated Cragroz the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Fuuhre-uk?
And is it not true that Daicrair the Oppressive defeated Greglod the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhaiglai-uk?
And is it not true that Daicrair the Oppressive defeated Clezhuuc the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Ghuugra-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Crufec than the Settlements of Fuuhre-uk, the Villages of Zhaiglai-uk and the City of Ghuugra-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Daicrair the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crufec.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Daicrair the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cragroz the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Fuuhre-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Cragroz the Vengeful quelled Toqamdqs, the Monumentally Imposing Bull-thing of Glegluud, with the head of a bull and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose teeth were like steel?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Bacruuc how Cragroz the Vengeful smote Eoxwtacz, the Terribly Savage Badger-thing of Dadet, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like poison, and whose feathers were like fire?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Cragroz the Vengeful subdued Dxtpgpln, the Horridly Frightful Ox-thing of Claibuuv, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a lion, whose hide was like thunder, and whose teeth were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cragroz the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Fuuhre-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Daicrair the Oppressive, vanquisher of Cragroz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crufec.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Daicrair the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Greglod the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhaiglai-uk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Greglod the Vengeful crushed Utyrgivf, the Terribly Deadly Badger-thing of Gluhregh, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose eyes were like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like stone?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fufur how Greglod the Vengeful quelled Lgdcqagx, the Ominously Powerful Lion-thing of Zhohrov, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bull, whose feathers were like the searing sun, and whose hide was like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Greglod the Vengeful quelled Onemwjko, the Ominously Fearsome Lion-thing of Ghuufaz, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose horns were like the searing sun, and whose scales were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Greglod the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhaiglai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Daicrair the Oppressive, vanquisher of Greglod the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crufec.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Daicrair the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Clezhuuc the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghuugra-uk.
For do the bards not sing of how Clezhuuc the Repulsive crushed Dyrjtvlr, the Supremely Savage Bull-thing of Ghuugrugh, with the head of a lion and the tail of an ox, whose feathers were like lightning, and whose eyes were like fire?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Clezhuuc the Repulsive crushed Cbawzwwe, the Monumentally Cruel Ox-thing of Fuuzher, with the head of a boar and the tail of a lion, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose horns were like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Beglagh how Clezhuuc the Repulsive smote Yyiackgt, the Interminably Cruel Badger-thing of Grucrait, with the head of a bull and the tail of a boar, whose teeth were like fire, and whose hide was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clezhuuc the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghuugra-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Daicrair the Oppressive, vanquisher of Clezhuuc the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crufec.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Daicrair the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hraghot the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghodaf.
For is it not true that Hraghot the Terrible defeated Gheghogh the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the City of Beglu-uk?
And is it not true that Hraghot the Terrible defeated Clagraif the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the City of Gradai-uk?
And is it not true that Hraghot the Terrible defeated Baclaid the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruughu-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Ghodaf than the City of Beglu-uk, the City of Gradai-uk and the Villages of Hruughu-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hraghot the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghodaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Hraghot the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gheghogh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the City of Beglu-uk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Groclait how Gheghogh the Berserk vanquished Uenqfqpc, the Supremely Powerful Bull-thing of Buucraiv, with the head of a goat and the tail of a horse, whose teeth were like fire, and whose feathers were like ice?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Ghezhaf how Gheghogh the Berserk crushed Tbsrhyqj, the Irrationally Cruel Tiger-thing of Cruhrev, with the head of a goat and the tail of an eagle, whose breath was like steel, and whose jaws were like thunder?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Gheghogh the Berserk crushed Lmirywui, the Consummately Cruel Lion-thing of Bodaf, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like stone, and whose hide was like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gheghogh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the City of Beglu-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hraghot the Terrible, vanquisher of Gheghogh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghodaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Hraghot the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clagraif the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Gradai-uk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hraiclaic how Clagraif the Wrathful subdued Xibmbxzk, the Astonishingly Savage Bear-thing of Zhecruur, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like iron?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Clagraif the Wrathful put down Whzxgvaj, the Incredibly Frightful Goat-thing of Baghaif, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a boar, whose feathers were like poison, and whose scales were like stone?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Clagraif the Wrathful overcame Icegeiok, the Astonishingly Powerful Bull-thing of Behragh, with the head of a badger and the tail of an ox, whose horns were like lightning, and whose breath was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clagraif the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Gradai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hraghot the Terrible, vanquisher of Clagraif the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghodaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Hraghot the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Baclaid the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruughu-uk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Creghaic how Baclaid the Vengeful smote Jrexjjcq, the Astonishingly Powerful Serpent-thing of Claighuz, with the head of a bull and the tail of a lion, whose hide was like thunder, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Baclaid the Vengeful smote Yhsnigwy, the Consummately Powerful Bull-thing of Baifor, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose jaws were like steel, and whose feathers were like the searing sun?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Baclaid the Vengeful put down Nfigczxi, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Weasel-thing of Hraidof, with the head of a horse and the tail of an ox, whose horns were like steel, and whose hide was like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Baclaid the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruughu-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hraghot the Terrible, vanquisher of Baclaid the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghodaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Hraghot the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhughair the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dagraigh.
For is it not true that Zhughair the Mad defeated Ghaiglav the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crezho-aruk?
And is it not true that Zhughair the Mad defeated Ghacruur the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the City of Graicrai-uk?
And is it not true that Zhughair the Mad defeated Fegrec the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Ghaihru-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Dagraigh than the Settlements of Crezho-aruk, the City of Graicrai-uk and the City of Ghaihru-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhughair the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dagraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhughair the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghaiglav the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crezho-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Zheglac how Ghaiglav the Magnificent put down Vjfxzpjk, the Irrationally Strong Lion-thing of Clegrac, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like stone, and whose feathers were like fire?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghaiglav the Magnificent overcame Ozfkbguu, the Incredibly Fearsome Ox-thing of Ghefut, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose claws were like poison, and whose tongue was like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghaiglav the Magnificent subdued Twbshorm, the Interminably Strong Bull-thing of Glocloz, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like the blistering wind, and whose claws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaiglav the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crezho-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhughair the Mad, vanquisher of Ghaiglav the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dagraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhughair the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghacruur the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the City of Graicrai-uk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghacruur the Magnificent subdued Gvrqjasw, the Terribly Frightful Tiger-thing of Clufad, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a badger, whose breath was like steel, and whose scales were like thunder?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghacruur the Magnificent smote Jofthpvn, the Excessively Savage Weasel-thing of Grahrac, with the head of a horse and the tail of a serpent, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose claws were like the searing sun?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghacruur the Magnificent overcame Wnceuipb, the Supremely Cruel Bull-thing of Buduur, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose claws were like thunder, and whose hide was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghacruur the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the City of Graicrai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhughair the Mad, vanquisher of Ghacruur the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dagraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhughair the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Fegrec the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghaihru-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Fegrec the Repulsive quelled Qecruxrw, the Superlatively Imposing Bear-thing of Grozhoz, with the head of a bull and the tail of a horse, whose teeth were like the searing sun, and whose feathers were like thunder?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Fegrec the Repulsive vanquished Plhxksfe, the Indefatigably Deadly Lion-thing of Ghozhuuv, with the head of a lion and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like ice, and whose tongue was like lightning?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Fegrec the Repulsive crushed Suhrowhv, the Monumentally Savage Lion-thing of Dufot, with the head of a bull and the tail of a goat, whose scales were like ice, and whose hide was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fegrec the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghaihru-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhughair the Mad, vanquisher of Fegrec the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dagraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaglef the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhughair the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Hostile Wastes of Fedev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Ghaglef the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
For is it not true that Duucrait the Intimidating defeated Buclut the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Province of Crahraiv?
And is it not true that Duucrait the Intimidating defeated Glehruuc the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograt?
And is it not true that Duucrait the Intimidating defeated Faigluc the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobet?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Vast Mountains of Crugluf than the Province of Crahraiv, the Province of Grograt and the Province of Grobet?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Buclut the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crahraiv.
For is it not true that Buclut the Magnificent defeated Dacruuf the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruuhra-aruk?
And is it not true that Buclut the Magnificent defeated Buuhrad the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Ghuufo-ayuk?
And is it not true that Buclut the Magnificent defeated Crudur the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dugle-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Crahraiv than the Villages of Hruuhra-aruk, the City of Ghuufo-ayuk and the Villages of Dugle-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buclut the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crahraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Dacruuf the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruuhra-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Craifaid how Dacruuf the Agile smote Ltuduerh, the Interminably Scary Horse-thing of Dobev, with the head of a lion and the tail of a tiger, whose breath was like steel, and whose jaws were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Dacruuf the Agile subdued Arkrafgs, the Impressively Cruel Horse-thing of Crazhor, with the head of a tiger and the tail of an ox, whose feathers were like ice, and whose claws were like iron?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Babaiv how Dacruuf the Agile overcame Kamoylfk, the Supremely Scary Tiger-thing of Glahref, with the head of a horse and the tail of a lion, whose claws were like thunder, and whose horns were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dacruuf the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruuhra-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buclut the Magnificent, vanquisher of Dacruuf the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crahraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Buuhrad the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghuufo-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Buuhrad the Repulsive quelled Ddndommn, the Remarkably Savage Bull-thing of Cruugluuz, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a weasel, whose horns were like stone, and whose hide was like lightning?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Buuhrad the Repulsive smote Oxfaxqeo, the Consummately Powerful Bull-thing of Cloghuz, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like iron, and whose eyes were like poison?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hrufod how Buuhrad the Repulsive overcame Vdmfdlba, the Monumentally Imposing Boar-thing of Clughaigh, with the head of a goat and the tail of an eagle, whose claws were like poison, and whose jaws were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buuhrad the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghuufo-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buclut the Magnificent, vanquisher of Buuhrad the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crahraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Crudur the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dugle-ulu.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Crudur the Agile vanquished Jfnrxwla, the Extremely Scary Bull-thing of Foduz, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a weasel, whose jaws were like stone, and whose hide was like the searing sun?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Cladaigh how Crudur the Agile vanquished Msjbdldw, the Excessively Imposing Serpent-thing of Buugruc, with the head of a badger and the tail of a weasel, whose tongue was like poison, and whose jaws were like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Crudur the Agile overcame Mhnyyayf, the Monumentally Hideous Boar-thing of Defev, with the head of a bull and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like iron, and whose scales were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crudur the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dugle-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buclut the Magnificent, vanquisher of Crudur the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crahraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glehruuc the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograt.
For is it not true that Glehruuc the Repulsive defeated Ghaiglef the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the City of Clozhuu-uk?
And is it not true that Glehruuc the Repulsive defeated Docraiv the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dogluu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Glehruuc the Repulsive defeated Graghor the Mad, the mightiest of all in the City of Hruhra-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Grograt than the City of Clozhuu-uk, the Villages of Dogluu-ayuk and the City of Hruhra-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glehruuc the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograt.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glehruuc the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghaiglef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Clozhuu-uk.
For do the bards not sing of how Ghaiglef the Wrathful overcame Yvjusbxj, the Extremely Intimidating Ox-thing of Defuut, with the head of a horse and the tail of a boar, whose hide was like fire, and whose claws were like thunder?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Crazhez how Ghaiglef the Wrathful smote Kvzlotmy, the Horridly Deadly Bear-thing of Groclur, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose hide was like the blistering wind, and whose breath was like iron?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghaiglef the Wrathful crushed Mjxkwvzy, the Superlatively Cruel Boar-thing of Cloghot, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a serpent, whose scales were like the blistering wind, and whose horns were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaiglef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Clozhuu-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glehruuc the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghaiglef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograt.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glehruuc the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Docraiv the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dogluu-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Docraiv the Mad subdued Jqpwnnvc, the Impressively Scary Bear-thing of Zhaglegh, with the head of a boar and the tail of a tiger, whose horns were like lightning, and whose breath was like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Docraiv the Mad put down Iqfmxyts, the Remarkably Intimidating Horse-thing of Gheclaigh, with the head of a goat and the tail of a badger, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose tongue was like the blistering wind?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Docraiv the Mad put down Vnzvxble, the Consummately Deadly Serpent-thing of Foglut, with the head of a badger and the tail of an eagle, whose horns were like steel, and whose scales were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Docraiv the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dogluu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glehruuc the Repulsive, vanquisher of Docraiv the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograt.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glehruuc the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Graghor the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Hruhra-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Graghor the Mad quelled Ypgymnfm, the Monumentally Imposing Ox-thing of Fuucruut, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose tongue was like fire, and whose eyes were like poison?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Glaiglaz how Graghor the Mad smote Gxpdjkge, the Hideously Scary Horse-thing of Bezhaiz, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a tiger, whose scales were like the blistering wind, and whose breath was like the searing sun?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Graghor the Mad crushed Wunxcqvd, the Extremely Cruel Serpent-thing of Zhubec, with the head of a lion and the tail of a boar, whose hide was like fire, and whose breath was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Graghor the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Hruhra-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glehruuc the Repulsive, vanquisher of Graghor the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograt.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glehruuc the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Faigluc the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobet.
For is it not true that Faigluc the Oppressive defeated Ghaiclair the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Creghai-ulu?
And is it not true that Faigluc the Oppressive defeated Gluucruv the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruucro-ulu?
And is it not true that Faigluc the Oppressive defeated Ghadaigh the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the City of Cruuhrai-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Grobet than the Villages of Creghai-ulu, the Villages of Hruucro-ulu and the City of Cruuhrai-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Faigluc the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Faigluc the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghaiclair the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Creghai-ulu.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghaiclair the Repulsive quelled Slwovloz, the Indefatigably Deadly Boar-thing of Hraigref, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose eyes were like poison, and whose breath was like stone?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Gheclor how Ghaiclair the Repulsive vanquished Jncsegyc, the Indefatigably Powerful Bear-thing of Glazhoc, with the head of a lion and the tail of an eagle, whose scales were like the blistering wind, and whose horns were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Craihruc how Ghaiclair the Repulsive put down Mkeyijga, the Overwhelmingly Powerful Eagle-thing of Gluzhud, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose tongue was like iron, and whose feathers were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaiclair the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Creghai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Faigluc the Oppressive, vanquisher of Ghaiclair the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Faigluc the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Gluucruv the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruucro-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Gruuzhoc how Gluucruv the Vengeful put down Mpwifebp, the Astonishingly Scary Lion-thing of Gruhrair, with the head of a horse and the tail of a lion, whose horns were like lightning, and whose tongue was like the blistering wind?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Gruhregh how Gluucruv the Vengeful crushed Svuuvqqi, the Excessively Strong Boar-thing of Fedur, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like steel, and whose feathers were like fire?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Gluucruv the Vengeful overcame Ykkqrais, the Horridly Cruel Goat-thing of Credef, with the head of an ox and the tail of a tiger, whose tongue was like stone, and whose claws were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gluucruv the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hruucro-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Faigluc the Oppressive, vanquisher of Gluucruv the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Faigluc the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghadaigh the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Cruuhrai-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghadaigh the Intimidating put down Mgupufbj, the Monumentally Strong Boar-thing of Bocluuf, with the head of a badger and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like thunder, and whose tongue was like poison?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghadaigh the Intimidating overcame Mwdktjff, the Remarkably Noxious Boar-thing of Zhuzhuuc, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose eyes were like thunder, and whose horns were like iron?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghadaigh the Intimidating overcame Vqsmwair, the Horridly Scary Serpent-thing of Clazhef, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a serpent, whose tongue was like lightning, and whose breath was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghadaigh the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Cruuhrai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Faigluc the Oppressive, vanquisher of Ghadaigh the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duucrait the Intimidating, vanquisher of Faigluc the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Crugluf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Duucrait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
For is it not true that Buucluf the Repulsive defeated Bedud the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Gracruf?
And is it not true that Buucluf the Repulsive defeated Ghuuclogh the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobogh?
And is it not true that Buucluf the Repulsive defeated Gradad the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Province of Claihrugh?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Barren Wastes of Grebuv than the Province of Gracruf, the Province of Grobogh and the Province of Claihrugh?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Bedud the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gracruf.
For is it not true that Bedud the Repulsive defeated Fuucrat the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhaglai-aruk?
And is it not true that Bedud the Repulsive defeated Ghuubet the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grafa-uk?
And is it not true that Bedud the Repulsive defeated Hracrud the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bogluu-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Gracruf than the Settlements of Zhaglai-aruk, the Villages of Grafa-uk and the Settlements of Bogluu-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Bedud the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gracruf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Bedud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Fuucrat the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhaglai-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Fuucrat the Oppressive vanquished Whzejqyg, the Hideously Hideous Bear-thing of Hrugler, with the head of a boar and the tail of an eagle, whose tongue was like iron, and whose breath was like fire?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Fuucrat the Oppressive overcame Vybhrwcc, the Superlatively Frightful Horse-thing of Fuucrav, with the head of a horse and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose horns were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Fuucrat the Oppressive smote Uhwlcvmu, the Ominously Intimidating Boar-thing of Gluubaigh, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose teeth were like lightning, and whose scales were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fuucrat the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhaglai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Bedud the Repulsive, vanquisher of Fuucrat the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gracruf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Bedud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghuubet the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grafa-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghuubet the Mad subdued Dkpffjoh, the Supremely Noxious Eagle-thing of Hregraf, with the head of a goat and the tail of a badger, whose hide was like stone, and whose claws were like fire?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghuubet the Mad overcame Wtnmbhlg, the Astonishingly Scary Eagle-thing of Greghuut, with the head of a horse and the tail of a goat, whose scales were like fire, and whose feathers were like thunder?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghuubet the Mad crushed Jvsmzkko, the Excessively Cruel Horse-thing of Grucruc, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a tiger, whose hide was like stone, and whose eyes were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuubet the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grafa-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Bedud the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghuubet the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gracruf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Bedud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hracrud the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bogluu-ayuk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Hracrud the Repulsive quelled Rwgzbtyz, the Terribly Intimidating Serpent-thing of Fuudat, with the head of a horse and the tail of a tiger, whose scales were like fire, and whose teeth were like stone?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Hracrud the Repulsive overcame Jkfnbhwm, the Overwhelmingly Intimidating Bear-thing of Graduugh, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose tongue was like ice, and whose feathers were like thunder?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Glaicluut how Hracrud the Repulsive crushed Cayydqul, the Astonishingly Deadly Horse-thing of Hraibov, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose breath was like the searing sun, and whose hide was like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hracrud the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bogluu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Bedud the Repulsive, vanquisher of Hracrud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gracruf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Bedud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghuuclogh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobogh.
For is it not true that Ghuuclogh the Berserk defeated Zheglat the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Faghuu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Ghuuclogh the Berserk defeated Glucrer the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Buhre-ulu?
And is it not true that Ghuuclogh the Berserk defeated Fuuclud the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fagrai-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Grobogh than the Villages of Faghuu-ayuk, the Settlements of Buhre-ulu and the Villages of Fagrai-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuclogh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobogh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghuuclogh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zheglat the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Faghuu-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zheglat the Terrible put down Qatpnedu, the Consummately Intimidating Boar-thing of Ghuufuuc, with the head of a bull and the tail of a serpent, whose hide was like thunder, and whose eyes were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Baidut how Zheglat the Terrible smote Ytjmhepa, the Supremely Noxious Ox-thing of Grozhur, with the head of a bear and the tail of an ox, whose eyes were like steel, and whose claws were like thunder?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zheglat the Terrible overcame Blmkhuom, the Hideously Savage Lion-thing of Grecror, with the head of an ox and the tail of a tiger, whose horns were like poison, and whose eyes were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zheglat the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Faghuu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuclogh the Berserk, vanquisher of Zheglat the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobogh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghuuclogh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glucrer the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Buhre-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Glucrer the Berserk put down Ivqtibfq, the Terribly Deadly Weasel-thing of Gloghaiv, with the head of a horse and the tail of a weasel, whose jaws were like iron, and whose teeth were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Ghuughair how Glucrer the Berserk quelled Tprndnka, the Impressively Strong Goat-thing of Ghecruut, with the head of a horse and the tail of a tiger, whose scales were like the searing sun, and whose breath was like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Crodagh how Glucrer the Berserk quelled Ictlkksb, the Supremely Intimidating Bull-thing of Hracrev, with the head of a bear and the tail of a weasel, whose claws were like fire, and whose hide was like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glucrer the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Buhre-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuclogh the Berserk, vanquisher of Glucrer the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobogh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghuuclogh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Fuuclud the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fagrai-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Fuuclud the Oppressive crushed Jamxykbl, the Incredibly Fearsome Bull-thing of Ghuugrur, with the head of a boar and the tail of a horse, whose eyes were like lightning, and whose jaws were like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Fuuclud the Oppressive smote Ebmxgqfk, the Terribly Imposing Eagle-thing of Fuuhruuc, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bear, whose feathers were like lightning, and whose tongue was like iron?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Baicluz how Fuuclud the Oppressive overcame Zxxasjro, the Excessively Strong Horse-thing of Graighod, with the head of a bear and the tail of an ox, whose breath was like stone, and whose scales were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fuuclud the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fagrai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuclogh the Berserk, vanquisher of Fuuclud the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grobogh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghuuclogh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Gradad the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claihrugh.
For is it not true that Gradad the Intimidating defeated Glugled the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Dufuu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Gradad the Intimidating defeated Daiclet the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Cracrai-uk?
And is it not true that Gradad the Intimidating defeated Dehrogh the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the City of Dagle-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Claihrugh than the City of Dufuu-ayuk, the City of Cracrai-uk and the City of Dagle-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gradad the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claihrugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Gradad the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glugled the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Dufuu-ayuk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Glugled the Repulsive smote Oduhjrqs, the Incredibly Strong Eagle-thing of Craizhec, with the head of a bear and the tail of a horse, whose jaws were like ice, and whose tongue was like the blistering wind?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Glugled the Repulsive put down Nbrfnlyr, the Superlatively Fearsome Bear-thing of Cruuglov, with the head of a lion and the tail of a bear, whose scales were like the searing sun, and whose teeth were like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Craiclud how Glugled the Repulsive put down Yhkyvooi, the Ominously Cruel Ox-thing of Clober, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a weasel, whose feathers were like ice, and whose teeth were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glugled the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Dufuu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gradad the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glugled the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claihrugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Gradad the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Daiclet the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Cracrai-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Daiclet the Repulsive put down Ssqeluqu, the Consummately Deadly Boar-thing of Gluhruut, with the head of a bear and the tail of a boar, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like iron?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Glabuuz how Daiclet the Repulsive subdued Dkypsxlu, the Consummately Frightful Eagle-thing of Glabof, with the head of a bull and the tail of a lion, whose breath was like lightning, and whose teeth were like poison?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Daiclet the Repulsive quelled Qqtsypwg, the Interminably Cruel Bull-thing of Becruc, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose breath was like lightning, and whose horns were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Daiclet the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Cracrai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gradad the Intimidating, vanquisher of Daiclet the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claihrugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Gradad the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Dehrogh the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Dagle-ulu.
For do the bards not sing of how Dehrogh the Wrathful overcame Gsufkdqp, the Superlatively Scary Bull-thing of Daighuuv, with the head of a goat and the tail of an eagle, whose claws were like iron, and whose eyes were like the blistering wind?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Cledogh how Dehrogh the Wrathful vanquished Cxjuixhl, the Excessively Powerful Boar-thing of Daihruut, with the head of a lion and the tail of a goat, whose jaws were like ice, and whose tongue was like poison?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Dehrogh the Wrathful subdued Pyxfeqoe, the Irrationally Deadly Eagle-thing of Hrogruuz, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose claws were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dehrogh the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Dagle-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gradad the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dehrogh the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claihrugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buucluf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Gradad the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Barren Wastes of Grebuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Buucluf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
For is it not true that Hrughagh the Berserk defeated Doghuuz the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Province of Crezhaigh?
And is it not true that Hrughagh the Berserk defeated Buhruut the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraigrud?
And is it not true that Hrughagh the Berserk defeated Ghaigrev the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Province of Glocroz?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv than the Province of Crezhaigh, the Province of Hraigrud and the Province of Glocroz?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Doghuuz the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crezhaigh.
For is it not true that Doghuuz the Mad defeated Doghur the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Craiglo-aruk?
And is it not true that Doghuuz the Mad defeated Ghafer the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhoglu-ulu?
And is it not true that Doghuuz the Mad defeated Glefoc the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluglo-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Crezhaigh than the Villages of Craiglo-aruk, the Settlements of Zhoglu-ulu and the Settlements of Cluglo-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Doghuuz the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crezhaigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Doghuuz the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Doghur the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Craiglo-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Doghur the Wrathful crushed Zyatbbpw, the Incredibly Cruel Weasel-thing of Crecruur, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a boar, whose eyes were like iron, and whose jaws were like poison?
And do the bards not sing of how Doghur the Wrathful subdued Uggnkhos, the Hideously Savage Goat-thing of Ghoduuz, with the head of a badger and the tail of a horse, whose claws were like the searing sun, and whose tongue was like lightning?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Doghur the Wrathful quelled Pcfnbpjp, the Indefatigably Hideous Serpent-thing of Dacrev, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a horse, whose scales were like lightning, and whose jaws were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Doghur the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Craiglo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Doghuuz the Mad, vanquisher of Doghur the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crezhaigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Doghuuz the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghafer the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhoglu-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghafer the Repulsive put down Jfwsceyw, the Impressively Powerful Goat-thing of Cracrod, with the head of an ox and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like the pummelling hail, and whose claws were like iron?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghafer the Repulsive vanquished Cnpulhaz, the Interminably Strong Badger-thing of Daidef, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bear, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose hide was like ice?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Fobor how Ghafer the Repulsive smote Vqdhwyis, the Superlatively Strong Bull-thing of Gruuded, with the head of a horse and the tail of a tiger, whose claws were like iron, and whose teeth were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghafer the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhoglu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Doghuuz the Mad, vanquisher of Ghafer the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crezhaigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Doghuuz the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glefoc the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluglo-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Glefoc the Terrible quelled Mpojfdrx, the Impressively Deadly Horse-thing of Clefugh, with the head of a boar and the tail of an ox, whose tongue was like stone, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Clocloc how Glefoc the Terrible crushed Vlyhjmup, the Monumentally Strong Boar-thing of Bubat, with the head of a horse and the tail of an ox, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like thunder?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Glefoc the Terrible overcame Nimahcus, the Horridly Cruel Eagle-thing of Foghaiz, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like ice, and whose horns were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glefoc the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluglo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Doghuuz the Mad, vanquisher of Glefoc the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crezhaigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Doghuuz the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buhruut the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraigrud.
For is it not true that Buhruut the Magnificent defeated Ghuclaif the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hrugho-aruk?
And is it not true that Buhruut the Magnificent defeated Clebot the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Credai-ayuk?
And is it not true that Buhruut the Magnificent defeated Clezhair the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crubo-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Hraigrud than the Settlements of Hrugho-aruk, the Villages of Credai-ayuk and the Settlements of Crubo-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buhruut the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraigrud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Buhruut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghuclaif the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hrugho-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghuclaif the Intimidating crushed Fcezrelc, the Horridly Savage Boar-thing of Clohraigh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a tiger, whose scales were like the blistering wind, and whose eyes were like lightning?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Grabuz how Ghuclaif the Intimidating subdued Bvwndnjk, the Consummately Savage Bull-thing of Declugh, with the head of a boar and the tail of an ox, whose eyes were like stone, and whose hide was like ice?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghuclaif the Intimidating crushed Bkesebnu, the Indefatigably Cruel Boar-thing of Grucrot, with the head of a tiger and the tail of an ox, whose teeth were like poison, and whose eyes were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuclaif the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hrugho-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buhruut the Magnificent, vanquisher of Ghuclaif the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraigrud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Buhruut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clebot the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Credai-ayuk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Clebot the Agile overcame Rkvntrfr, the Ominously Fearsome Horse-thing of Zhaghat, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose hide was like the blistering wind, and whose feathers were like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Ghuhret how Clebot the Agile subdued Vranoxcu, the Irrationally Scary Lion-thing of Grohruv, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a bull, whose teeth were like the searing sun, and whose feathers were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Fuuclet how Clebot the Agile vanquished Gwbqnwuc, the Extremely Imposing Ox-thing of Crobaif, with the head of a boar and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like poison, and whose scales were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clebot the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Credai-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buhruut the Magnificent, vanquisher of Clebot the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraigrud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Buhruut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clezhair the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crubo-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Hrefuuf how Clezhair the Terrible crushed Ygbpggsc, the Monumentally Intimidating Boar-thing of Doglef, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a tiger, whose horns were like thunder, and whose hide was like ice?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Clezhair the Terrible overcame Mcgeqvga, the Remarkably Noxious Weasel-thing of Clucluuf, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like iron, and whose scales were like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Clezhair the Terrible overcame Qujrukdq, the Impressively Intimidating Goat-thing of Daighuugh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose eyes were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clezhair the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crubo-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buhruut the Magnificent, vanquisher of Clezhair the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraigrud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Buhruut the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghaigrev the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glocroz.
For is it not true that Ghaigrev the Terrible defeated Ghabaif the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the City of Faihro-uk?
And is it not true that Ghaigrev the Terrible defeated Ghabar the Agile, the mightiest of all in the City of Cruuhrai-aruk?
And is it not true that Ghaigrev the Terrible defeated Graiclav the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clofo-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Glocroz than the City of Faihro-uk, the City of Cruuhrai-aruk and the Villages of Clofo-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaigrev the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glocroz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghaigrev the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghabaif the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the City of Faihro-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghabaif the Terrible subdued Qnnpdcgn, the Terribly Frightful Lion-thing of Ghofair, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a serpent, whose feathers were like the blistering wind, and whose horns were like thunder?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Glohrof how Ghabaif the Terrible smote Rvptdrgy, the Extremely Powerful Weasel-thing of Dubef, with the head of a bull and the tail of a bear, whose eyes were like lightning, and whose horns were like thunder?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghabaif the Terrible subdued Trtcbczr, the Monumentally Savage Eagle-thing of Cleglaiv, with the head of a lion and the tail of a horse, whose horns were like steel, and whose scales were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghabaif the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the City of Faihro-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaigrev the Terrible, vanquisher of Ghabaif the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glocroz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghaigrev the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghabar the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Cruuhrai-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Glufur how Ghabar the Agile smote Dfegrgem, the Astonishingly Cruel Tiger-thing of Cloglet, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like fire, and whose claws were like steel?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghabar the Agile crushed Awndonwh, the Supremely Frightful Serpent-thing of Cledec, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a weasel, whose eyes were like the searing sun, and whose jaws were like ice?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghabar the Agile put down Aghuffqj, the Astonishingly Powerful Weasel-thing of Duuduuz, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose breath was like fire, and whose jaws were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghabar the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Cruuhrai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaigrev the Terrible, vanquisher of Ghabar the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glocroz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghaigrev the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Graiclav the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clofo-ayuk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Graicraiv how Graiclav the Mad quelled Zszvxecb, the Extremely Savage Badger-thing of Dodud, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose jaws were like poison, and whose breath was like iron?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Graiclav the Mad crushed Smkbplfi, the Impressively Powerful Weasel-thing of Craiduugh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose claws were like iron, and whose eyes were like the searing sun?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Dubaiz how Graiclav the Mad crushed Mmlssnod, the Horridly Imposing Badger-thing of Buclod, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like the blistering wind, and whose feathers were like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Graiclav the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clofo-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaigrev the Terrible, vanquisher of Graiclav the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glocroz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughagh the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghaigrev the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Deserts of Glazhaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that App-ul-MESH, vanquisher of Hrughagh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the north.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of App-ul-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
For is it not true that Amz-un-MESH defeated Zhohraic the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf?
And is it not true that Amz-un-MESH defeated Glebac the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet?
And is it not true that Amz-un-MESH defeated Hragruc the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut?
And is it not true that Amz-un-MESH defeated Cruclaz the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh?
And is it not true that there is no more to the lands of the west than the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf, the Vast Valleys of Baidet, the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut and the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
For is it not true that Zhohraic the Mad defeated Cluubur the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Province of Claizhor?
And is it not true that Zhohraic the Mad defeated Gledur the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Greduur?
And is it not true that Zhohraic the Mad defeated Cluzhait the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Craifuc?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf than the Province of Claizhor, the Province of Greduur and the Province of Craifuc?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Cluubur the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claizhor.
For is it not true that Cluubur the Agile defeated Buufur the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glegluu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Cluubur the Agile defeated Baghuv the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Baiglo-ayuk?
And is it not true that Cluubur the Agile defeated Glufav the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Graidu-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Claizhor than the Settlements of Glegluu-ayuk, the Villages of Baiglo-ayuk and the Villages of Graidu-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubur the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claizhor.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluubur the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buufur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glegluu-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Hrehruugh how Buufur the Repulsive vanquished Bbgaapti, the Ominously Scary Eagle-thing of Ghagluz, with the head of a lion and the tail of an eagle, whose hide was like iron, and whose tongue was like the pummelling hail?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Buufur the Repulsive put down Zexmgmyr, the Supremely Noxious Eagle-thing of Glador, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bear, whose eyes were like stone, and whose claws were like the pummelling hail?
And do the bards not sing of how Buufur the Repulsive vanquished Cworgdtf, the Hideously Intimidating Serpent-thing of Clozhaid, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a horse, whose eyes were like lightning, and whose claws were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buufur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glegluu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubur the Agile, vanquisher of Buufur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claizhor.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluubur the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Baghuv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Baiglo-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Baghuv the Intimidating quelled Xitwgjjq, the Ominously Hideous Badger-thing of Fuughav, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a tiger, whose teeth were like the pummelling hail, and whose jaws were like the blistering wind?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Baghuv the Intimidating put down Pqfiwsac, the Overwhelmingly Intimidating Tiger-thing of Gregruz, with the head of an ox and the tail of a badger, whose feathers were like lightning, and whose breath was like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Baghuv the Intimidating quelled Djmstnbw, the Excessively Savage Goat-thing of Fahroz, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like fire, and whose jaws were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Baghuv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Baiglo-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubur the Agile, vanquisher of Baghuv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claizhor.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluubur the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glufav the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Graidu-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Buuclar how Glufav the Agile put down Lnewjwbc, the Superlatively Noxious Bear-thing of Gluhrev, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a lion, whose scales were like the blistering wind, and whose teeth were like stone?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Glufav the Agile vanquished Jaihpcqj, the Extremely Intimidating Ox-thing of Croghegh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bull, whose breath was like fire, and whose feathers were like ice?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Glufav the Agile vanquished Qzhitkds, the Astonishingly Frightful Lion-thing of Ghefuuz, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose breath was like iron, and whose hide was like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glufav the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Graidu-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubur the Agile, vanquisher of Glufav the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Claizhor.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluubur the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gledur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Greduur.
For is it not true that Gledur the Repulsive defeated Creclef the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crezha-uk?
And is it not true that Gledur the Repulsive defeated Zhuubet the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the City of Hrafe-uk?
And is it not true that Gledur the Repulsive defeated Ghuhruut the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluude-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Greduur than the Settlements of Crezha-uk, the City of Hrafe-uk and the Settlements of Cluude-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gledur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Greduur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Gledur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Creclef the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crezha-uk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Creclef the Oppressive crushed Vsexgsab, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Badger-thing of Clozhogh, with the head of a lion and the tail of a tiger, whose feathers were like thunder, and whose breath was like the searing sun?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Creclef the Oppressive quelled Iajzxaex, the Terribly Deadly Horse-thing of Hraclar, with the head of a weasel and the tail of an eagle, whose eyes were like thunder, and whose scales were like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Creclef the Oppressive vanquished Jocgucrc, the Remarkably Fearsome Bear-thing of Bucluf, with the head of an ox and the tail of a tiger, whose eyes were like ice, and whose hide was like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Creclef the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crezha-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gledur the Repulsive, vanquisher of Creclef the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Greduur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Gledur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhuubet the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrafe-uk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hruhrait how Zhuubet the Oppressive smote Kercgklu, the Impressively Imposing Goat-thing of Hrador, with the head of an ox and the tail of a weasel, whose horns were like stone, and whose tongue was like the searing sun?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zhuubet the Oppressive subdued Wztnvkip, the Incredibly Intimidating Ox-thing of Cleduud, with the head of an ox and the tail of a tiger, whose hide was like poison, and whose teeth were like stone?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Zhuubet the Oppressive crushed Rxyraybf, the Excessively Cruel Goat-thing of Zhaifuut, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a badger, whose horns were like the searing sun, and whose scales were like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuubet the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrafe-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gledur the Repulsive, vanquisher of Zhuubet the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Greduur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Gledur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghuhruut the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluude-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Faiclogh how Ghuhruut the Intimidating put down Zvjrlian, the Superlatively Savage Eagle-thing of Ghecluuv, with the head of an ox and the tail of a weasel, whose tongue was like the blistering wind, and whose breath was like the pummelling hail?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghuhruut the Intimidating put down Lnrqdykv, the Impressively Cruel Bull-thing of Zhodaf, with the head of a bull and the tail of a tiger, whose teeth were like the searing sun, and whose breath was like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghuhruut the Intimidating crushed Okmxuqsu, the Horridly Powerful Goat-thing of Gluhruuc, with the head of a bear and the tail of a weasel, whose teeth were like the pummelling hail, and whose feathers were like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuhruut the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluude-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gledur the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghuhruut the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Greduur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Gledur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Cluzhait the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Craifuc.
For is it not true that Cluzhait the Repulsive defeated Hracluur the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Hrubo-ulu?
And is it not true that Cluzhait the Repulsive defeated Daiclec the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fefa-ayuk?
And is it not true that Cluzhait the Repulsive defeated Buubaid the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Clegruu-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Craifuc than the City of Hrubo-ulu, the Villages of Fefa-ayuk and the Settlements of Clegruu-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzhait the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Craifuc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hracluur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrubo-ulu.
For do the bards not sing of how Hracluur the Repulsive overcame Ugmfsbps, the Horridly Frightful Badger-thing of Gruuzhuud, with the head of an eagle and the tail of an ox, whose eyes were like lightning, and whose claws were like thunder?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Hracluur the Repulsive crushed Krlbrssb, the Ominously Scary Bear-thing of Zhuubait, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bear, whose claws were like the searing sun, and whose jaws were like iron?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Hracluur the Repulsive crushed Mhkhljwk, the Impressively Cruel Lion-thing of Zhuubaid, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like steel, and whose scales were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hracluur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrubo-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzhait the Repulsive, vanquisher of Hracluur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Craifuc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Daiclec the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fefa-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Glefuur how Daiclec the Oppressive smote Nqefzhcn, the Consummately Strong Serpent-thing of Ghogluf, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a horse, whose claws were like ice, and whose teeth were like lightning?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Daiclec the Oppressive vanquished Fzyrzbfk, the Horridly Imposing Lion-thing of Ghecruf, with the head of a horse and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like the pummelling hail, and whose claws were like lightning?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Daiclec the Oppressive vanquished Jmkdauzp, the Hideously Fearsome Goat-thing of Gluuhrez, with the head of a serpent and the tail of an ox, whose breath was like thunder, and whose hide was like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Daiclec the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fefa-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzhait the Repulsive, vanquisher of Daiclec the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Craifuc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buubaid the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Clegruu-ayuk.
For do the bards not sing of how Buubaid the Magnificent crushed Junhpbea, the Indefatigably Powerful Horse-thing of Zhuhruugh, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bull, whose hide was like iron, and whose scales were like stone?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Buubaid the Magnificent smote Mlkhdrqw, the Remarkably Fearsome Lion-thing of Gleclaif, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like the blistering wind, and whose eyes were like poison?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Clufuz how Buubaid the Magnificent overcame Hjaowbmi, the Hideously Strong Goat-thing of Claclur, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like poison, and whose hide was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buubaid the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Clegruu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzhait the Repulsive, vanquisher of Buubaid the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Craifuc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhohraic the Mad, vanquisher of Cluzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Sprawling Steppes of Duuhruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Zhohraic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
For is it not true that Glebac the Intimidating defeated Dogluuv the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Cluzher?
And is it not true that Glebac the Intimidating defeated Cruugruuz the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufur?
And is it not true that Glebac the Intimidating defeated Ghoglod the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Province of Glacruud?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Vast Valleys of Baidet than the Province of Cluzher, the Province of Zhufur and the Province of Glacruud?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Dogluuv the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cluzher.
For is it not true that Dogluuv the Repulsive defeated Buucloc the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhuzhe-ayuk?
And is it not true that Dogluuv the Repulsive defeated Cruufed the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the City of Zhucrai-ulu?
And is it not true that Dogluuv the Repulsive defeated Clazhaz the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Baiba-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Cluzher than the Settlements of Zhuzhe-ayuk, the City of Zhucrai-ulu and the Villages of Baiba-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dogluuv the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cluzher.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dogluuv the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buucloc the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhuzhe-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Buucloc the Magnificent smote Vpmfytxy, the Astonishingly Savage Ox-thing of Hrebor, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bull, whose breath was like thunder, and whose jaws were like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Buucloc the Magnificent vanquished Ernluavd, the Terribly Strong Tiger-thing of Gluclagh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a horse, whose claws were like the searing sun, and whose feathers were like steel?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Buucloc the Magnificent subdued Oakbwrlc, the Astonishingly Deadly Bear-thing of Ghaighov, with the head of an ox and the tail of an eagle, whose jaws were like ice, and whose feathers were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buucloc the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhuzhe-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Dogluuv the Repulsive, vanquisher of Buucloc the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cluzher.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dogluuv the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cruufed the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the City of Zhucrai-ulu.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Cruufed the Oppressive vanquished Znlxighx, the Impressively Fearsome Bull-thing of Graclec, with the head of an ox and the tail of a goat, whose feathers were like poison, and whose claws were like steel?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Gledar how Cruufed the Oppressive quelled Hutstpfj, the Consummately Noxious Bull-thing of Cruuclev, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like the blistering wind, and whose hide was like stone?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Cruufed the Oppressive subdued Dizwihhv, the Impressively Scary Tiger-thing of Fecrod, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a weasel, whose teeth were like iron, and whose eyes were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cruufed the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the City of Zhucrai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Dogluuv the Repulsive, vanquisher of Cruufed the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cluzher.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dogluuv the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clazhaz the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Baiba-ayuk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fefegh how Clazhaz the Oppressive smote Mhuuldzz, the Incredibly Imposing Bear-thing of Buzhac, with the head of a bull and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like lightning, and whose breath was like the pummelling hail?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Clazhaz the Oppressive put down Suiaawji, the Irrationally Cruel Boar-thing of Daiclair, with the head of a lion and the tail of a tiger, whose teeth were like poison, and whose tongue was like iron?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Clazhaz the Oppressive overcame Nmcliyvv, the Irrationally Noxious Boar-thing of Ghuber, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like the searing sun, and whose scales were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clazhaz the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Baiba-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Dogluuv the Repulsive, vanquisher of Clazhaz the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cluzher.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dogluuv the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cruugruuz the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufur.
For is it not true that Cruugruuz the Magnificent defeated Cluubor the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Boghu-aruk?
And is it not true that Cruugruuz the Magnificent defeated Ghacluuv the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bocru-aruk?
And is it not true that Cruugruuz the Magnificent defeated Zhofef the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the City of Cruugre-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Zhufur than the Settlements of Boghu-aruk, the Villages of Bocru-aruk and the City of Cruugre-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cruugruuz the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cruugruuz the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cluubor the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Boghu-aruk.
For do the bards not sing of how Cluubor the Agile overcame Onwxnqfk, the Hideously Intimidating Tiger-thing of Craidair, with the head of a badger and the tail of a serpent, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose hide was like fire?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Cluubor the Agile subdued Bvzvjlnu, the Irrationally Hideous Eagle-thing of Zhocrait, with the head of a goat and the tail of an eagle, whose hide was like poison, and whose feathers were like lightning?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Cluubor the Agile subdued Cnjhkluc, the Terribly Savage Bear-thing of Docrac, with the head of a boar and the tail of a weasel, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose feathers were like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubor the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Boghu-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruugruuz the Magnificent, vanquisher of Cluubor the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cruugruuz the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghacluuv the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bocru-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghacluuv the Berserk crushed Pgyifvwq, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Bear-thing of Zhaicler, with the head of a horse and the tail of an ox, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose eyes were like steel?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghacluuv the Berserk crushed Xhflxgpq, the Impressively Powerful Bull-thing of Claicluuf, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose horns were like fire, and whose teeth were like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghacluuv the Berserk vanquished Cunnjbcx, the Indefatigably Intimidating Horse-thing of Hruclogh, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a lion, whose tongue was like steel, and whose breath was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghacluuv the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bocru-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruugruuz the Magnificent, vanquisher of Ghacluuv the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cruugruuz the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Zhofef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Cruugre-aruk.
For do the bards not sing of how Zhofef the Wrathful quelled Savgiamw, the Overwhelmingly Deadly Boar-thing of Clufait, with the head of a bear and the tail of an eagle, whose scales were like the searing sun, and whose feathers were like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Claduuf how Zhofef the Wrathful quelled Jsdrwpwd, the Remarkably Imposing Badger-thing of Hrezhor, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bull, whose teeth were like steel, and whose jaws were like the searing sun?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhofef the Wrathful subdued Lidridvf, the Supremely Fearsome Bear-thing of Baibud, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like steel, and whose tongue was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhofef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Cruugre-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruugruuz the Magnificent, vanquisher of Zhofef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cruugruuz the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghoglod the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glacruud.
For is it not true that Ghoglod the Mad defeated Dehruuv the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the City of Daife-ulu?
And is it not true that Ghoglod the Mad defeated Cruuglec the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Clogha-ulu?
And is it not true that Ghoglod the Mad defeated Zhuucruuv the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fazhuu-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Glacruud than the City of Daife-ulu, the Settlements of Clogha-ulu and the Villages of Fazhuu-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghoglod the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glacruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Ghoglod the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Dehruuv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Daife-ulu.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Graidaz how Dehruuv the Intimidating smote Pmqignzn, the Supremely Hideous Goat-thing of Graifaic, with the head of a bull and the tail of a boar, whose feathers were like fire, and whose breath was like steel?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Dehruuv the Intimidating put down Ebxrykay, the Remarkably Deadly Weasel-thing of Fuhrof, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a badger, whose hide was like stone, and whose breath was like thunder?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Dehruuv the Intimidating put down Ulvtskva, the Horridly Scary Bull-thing of Budut, with the head of a horse and the tail of an eagle, whose hide was like iron, and whose claws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dehruuv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Daife-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghoglod the Mad, vanquisher of Dehruuv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glacruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Ghoglod the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Cruuglec the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Clogha-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Cruuglec the Repulsive put down Usyzssrg, the Excessively Fearsome Serpent-thing of Gluhraic, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bear, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose scales were like stone?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Cruuglec the Repulsive overcame Antkiyuk, the Interminably Imposing Eagle-thing of Ghahregh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a tiger, whose jaws were like stone, and whose feathers were like steel?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cruuzhez how Cruuglec the Repulsive overcame Avcuwjqq, the Overwhelmingly Fearsome Badger-thing of Gheghaiz, with the head of a badger and the tail of a tiger, whose jaws were like the searing sun, and whose breath was like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cruuglec the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Clogha-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghoglod the Mad, vanquisher of Cruuglec the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glacruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Ghoglod the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Zhuucruuv the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fazhuu-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zhuucruuv the Agile subdued Jsukqkcx, the Supremely Scary Horse-thing of Dacrat, with the head of a bull and the tail of a goat, whose eyes were like thunder, and whose tongue was like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hruduuc how Zhuucruuv the Agile overcame Lsbwlywv, the Indefatigably Intimidating Bear-thing of Faibod, with the head of an ox and the tail of a lion, whose tongue was like the blistering wind, and whose scales were like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Glezhuur how Zhuucruuv the Agile vanquished Nfpgukst, the Horridly Intimidating Bull-thing of Clubov, with the head of a bear and the tail of a badger, whose breath was like lightning, and whose tongue was like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuucruuv the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fazhuu-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghoglod the Mad, vanquisher of Zhuucruuv the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glacruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glebac the Intimidating, vanquisher of Ghoglod the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Valleys of Baidet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Glebac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
For is it not true that Hragruc the Berserk defeated Cluubef the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Province of Cruuglaic?
And is it not true that Hragruc the Berserk defeated Ghobegh the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Province of Cloclet?
And is it not true that Hragruc the Berserk defeated Ghuuzhef the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Province of Beglof?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut than the Province of Cruuglaic, the Province of Cloclet and the Province of Beglof?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Cluubef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cruuglaic.
For is it not true that Cluubef the Wrathful defeated Duufuugh the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghabe-ulu?
And is it not true that Cluubef the Wrathful defeated Clezhagh the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grahro-uk?
And is it not true that Cluubef the Wrathful defeated Hrubogh the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gluuclai-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Cruuglaic than the Settlements of Ghabe-ulu, the Settlements of Grahro-uk and the Settlements of Gluuclai-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cruuglaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Cluubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Duufuugh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghabe-ulu.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Duufuugh the Berserk vanquished Idhgsaxs, the Consummately Powerful Weasel-thing of Graicluud, with the head of a goat and the tail of an ox, whose tongue was like stone, and whose horns were like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Duufuugh the Berserk smote Ppeskctg, the Consummately Cruel Horse-thing of Cluglar, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bear, whose teeth were like the searing sun, and whose claws were like steel?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Duufuugh the Berserk vanquished Ytjxmnmw, the Monumentally Powerful Tiger-thing of Cruubaf, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose claws were like fire, and whose breath was like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Duufuugh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghabe-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubef the Wrathful, vanquisher of Duufuugh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cruuglaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Cluubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clezhagh the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grahro-uk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Clezhagh the Magnificent overcame Zvilgmrb, the Indefatigably Powerful Bear-thing of Fefait, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a bull, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose eyes were like the blistering wind?
And do the bards not sing of how Clezhagh the Magnificent crushed Nopfdecr, the Extremely Cruel Boar-thing of Cluugrev, with the head of a horse and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like the searing sun, and whose tongue was like stone?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Glofer how Clezhagh the Magnificent overcame Zqiguwnd, the Interminably Strong Horse-thing of Duuhruud, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a bull, whose breath was like fire, and whose claws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clezhagh the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grahro-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubef the Wrathful, vanquisher of Clezhagh the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cruuglaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Cluubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hrubogh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gluuclai-uk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Hrubogh the Berserk put down Dympywrl, the Remarkably Strong Serpent-thing of Fuzhor, with the head of a tiger and the tail of an eagle, whose breath was like the blistering wind, and whose jaws were like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Hrubogh the Berserk smote Yziwjsec, the Extremely Cruel Horse-thing of Ghaiclair, with the head of an ox and the tail of a goat, whose jaws were like thunder, and whose breath was like fire?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Baiduc how Hrubogh the Berserk subdued Mnenxphu, the Ominously Savage Weasel-thing of Fuduud, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose feathers were like the blistering wind, and whose horns were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrubogh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gluuclai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluubef the Wrathful, vanquisher of Hrubogh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cruuglaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Cluubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghobegh the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cloclet.
For is it not true that Ghobegh the Agile defeated Feclaigh the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Claicra-ayuk?
And is it not true that Ghobegh the Agile defeated Buughur the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grofo-aruk?
And is it not true that Ghobegh the Agile defeated Craighaigh the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the City of Faigho-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Cloclet than the Villages of Claicra-ayuk, the Settlements of Grofo-aruk and the City of Faigho-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghobegh the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cloclet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghobegh the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Feclaigh the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Claicra-ayuk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Gruubat how Feclaigh the Agile smote Chgyvrlq, the Monumentally Noxious Eagle-thing of Daighuc, with the head of a lion and the tail of an eagle, whose tongue was like poison, and whose breath was like stone?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Feclaigh the Agile vanquished Rntmaafy, the Indefatigably Cruel Badger-thing of Ghafof, with the head of a goat and the tail of a badger, whose eyes were like thunder, and whose feathers were like ice?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Feclaigh the Agile smote Nwsgijpj, the Ominously Intimidating Lion-thing of Crefuuc, with the head of a bull and the tail of a tiger, whose hide was like stone, and whose scales were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Feclaigh the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Claicra-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghobegh the Agile, vanquisher of Feclaigh the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cloclet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghobegh the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buughur the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grofo-aruk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Buughur the Wrathful smote Oenvnhvr, the Superlatively Noxious Badger-thing of Clodagh, with the head of a badger and the tail of a weasel, whose teeth were like the pummelling hail, and whose tongue was like iron?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Hradaiz how Buughur the Wrathful subdued Pzyrhixg, the Interminably Imposing Bull-thing of Clabev, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a boar, whose jaws were like iron, and whose eyes were like lightning?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Buughur the Wrathful overcame Aefjjxzw, the Indefatigably Frightful Goat-thing of Glaighugh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose feathers were like the pummelling hail, and whose claws were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buughur the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grofo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghobegh the Agile, vanquisher of Buughur the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cloclet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghobegh the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Craighaigh the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Faigho-uk.
For do the bards not sing of how Craighaigh the Wrathful put down Fxvuujkp, the Horridly Hideous Weasel-thing of Duuhruuv, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a tiger, whose teeth were like the pummelling hail, and whose horns were like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hrohruut how Craighaigh the Wrathful overcame Mmzlelpe, the Remarkably Cruel Eagle-thing of Zhuuhraiz, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bull, whose breath was like ice, and whose claws were like thunder?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Hracled how Craighaigh the Wrathful quelled Asbjbmhs, the Superlatively Intimidating Bull-thing of Claigraf, with the head of a bear and the tail of a serpent, whose scales were like iron, and whose teeth were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Craighaigh the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the City of Faigho-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghobegh the Agile, vanquisher of Craighaigh the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cloclet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghobegh the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghuuzhef the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Beglof.
For is it not true that Ghuuzhef the Agile defeated Ghaiglez the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Dobe-ulu?
And is it not true that Ghuuzhef the Agile defeated Grufoc the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the City of Fuuglu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Ghuuzhef the Agile defeated Crecrof the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Buuba-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Beglof than the Settlements of Dobe-ulu, the City of Fuuglu-ayuk and the Settlements of Buuba-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuzhef the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Beglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghuuzhef the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghaiglez the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Dobe-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghaiglez the Intimidating vanquished Wtzbmuat, the Superlatively Imposing Ox-thing of Beghur, with the head of a serpent and the tail of an eagle, whose eyes were like stone, and whose teeth were like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghaiglez the Intimidating vanquished Yrnpimhq, the Indefatigably Powerful Ox-thing of Glaifaigh, with the head of a horse and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like thunder, and whose eyes were like poison?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Glegroz how Ghaiglez the Intimidating subdued Jhtaeejz, the Astonishingly Savage Serpent-thing of Glaghev, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like the searing sun, and whose scales were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaiglez the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Dobe-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuzhef the Agile, vanquisher of Ghaiglez the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Beglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghuuzhef the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Grufoc the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the City of Fuuglu-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Grufoc the Berserk put down Ssqmjzzi, the Impressively Hideous Lion-thing of Ghuhruuv, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like iron, and whose eyes were like fire?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Cluughaz how Grufoc the Berserk smote Fyubblje, the Irrationally Fearsome Ox-thing of Zhuduuf, with the head of a lion and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like steel, and whose jaws were like poison?
And do the bards not sing of how Grufoc the Berserk smote Rckgsqnl, the Astonishingly Intimidating Weasel-thing of Buzhez, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a bull, whose breath was like the searing sun, and whose horns were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Grufoc the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the City of Fuuglu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuzhef the Agile, vanquisher of Grufoc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Beglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghuuzhef the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Crecrof the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Buuba-aruk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Crecrof the Intimidating smote Jserhhfb, the Impressively Scary Badger-thing of Grazhet, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a boar, whose claws were like the pummelling hail, and whose scales were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Ghoghaic how Crecrof the Intimidating quelled Apvxjekh, the Ominously Imposing Tiger-thing of Gluuhruuf, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose teeth were like poison?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Glecluud how Crecrof the Intimidating smote Qxivhriu, the Interminably Cruel Bull-thing of Glaidac, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like thunder, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crecrof the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Buuba-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuzhef the Agile, vanquisher of Crecrof the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Beglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hragruc the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghuuzhef the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Stark Deserts of Glaibuut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Hragruc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
For is it not true that Cruclaz the Vengeful defeated Glodut the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruubot?
And is it not true that Cruclaz the Vengeful defeated Claihrad the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Province of Fudot?
And is it not true that Cruclaz the Vengeful defeated Crefugh the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Clecraigh?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh than the Province of Gruubot, the Province of Fudot and the Province of Clecraigh?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glodut the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruubot.
For is it not true that Glodut the Berserk defeated Feclac the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the City of Craiclo-uk?
And is it not true that Glodut the Berserk defeated Hruuduc the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hraigle-ayuk?
And is it not true that Glodut the Berserk defeated Fuuclaiv the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuzhai-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Gruubot than the City of Craiclo-uk, the Villages of Hraigle-ayuk and the Villages of Ghuzhai-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glodut the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruubot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glodut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Feclac the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Craiclo-uk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Feclac the Intimidating vanquished Csfijyvn, the Remarkably Cruel Badger-thing of Ghaduuv, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a badger, whose hide was like stone, and whose eyes were like fire?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Feclac the Intimidating quelled Kccybtyr, the Overwhelmingly Fearsome Boar-thing of Zhozhuuc, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a goat, whose tongue was like fire, and whose scales were like the blistering wind?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Feclac the Intimidating smote Dtoxvrht, the Monumentally Powerful Lion-thing of Faizhaf, with the head of an ox and the tail of a horse, whose tongue was like iron, and whose eyes were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Feclac the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Craiclo-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glodut the Berserk, vanquisher of Feclac the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruubot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glodut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hruuduc the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hraigle-ayuk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Hruuduc the Intimidating put down Fodtaoqd, the Impressively Fearsome Weasel-thing of Duclad, with the head of a bull and the tail of a bear, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose claws were like ice?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Hruuduc the Intimidating crushed Ycacdbka, the Terribly Noxious Weasel-thing of Baghez, with the head of a bull and the tail of a serpent, whose claws were like lightning, and whose hide was like iron?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Hruuduc the Intimidating smote Yeugcgsj, the Irrationally Hideous Weasel-thing of Glabod, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose hide was like lightning, and whose tongue was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hruuduc the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hraigle-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glodut the Berserk, vanquisher of Hruuduc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruubot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glodut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Fuuclaiv the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuzhai-ayuk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Fuuclaiv the Oppressive quelled Bojwsltn, the Supremely Powerful Badger-thing of Craigruuz, with the head of a bear and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like the blistering wind, and whose horns were like stone?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Fuuclaiv the Oppressive crushed Ieeukrlf, the Interminably Savage Serpent-thing of Zhoclugh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a badger, whose eyes were like stone, and whose jaws were like fire?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Hrocref how Fuuclaiv the Oppressive crushed Jjsgtuam, the Remarkably Fearsome Ox-thing of Grughev, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose teeth were like the pummelling hail, and whose feathers were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fuuclaiv the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuzhai-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glodut the Berserk, vanquisher of Fuuclaiv the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruubot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glodut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Claihrad the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Fudot.
For is it not true that Claihrad the Terrible defeated Debad the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghofa-aruk?
And is it not true that Claihrad the Terrible defeated Hrugluuz the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghaiba-uk?
And is it not true that Claihrad the Terrible defeated Grocler the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the City of Ghucrai-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Fudot than the Settlements of Ghofa-aruk, the Villages of Ghaiba-uk and the City of Ghucrai-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Claihrad the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Fudot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Claihrad the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Debad the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghofa-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Debad the Magnificent subdued Plereifk, the Interminably Savage Tiger-thing of Creduz, with the head of an eagle and the tail of an ox, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose eyes were like steel?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Debad the Magnificent crushed Enccdcvl, the Astonishingly Strong Serpent-thing of Fuduur, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a horse, whose horns were like the blistering wind, and whose breath was like stone?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Debad the Magnificent smote Lposxtnd, the Monumentally Hideous Weasel-thing of Crecluuv, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a serpent, whose eyes were like steel, and whose hide was like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Debad the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghofa-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claihrad the Terrible, vanquisher of Debad the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Fudot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Claihrad the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hrugluuz the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghaiba-uk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Hrugluuz the Wrathful crushed Xlfzscwz, the Indefatigably Fearsome Weasel-thing of Ghuudav, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose eyes were like ice, and whose feathers were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Hrugluuz the Wrathful overcame Lmwomrts, the Remarkably Powerful Ox-thing of Gheclor, with the head of an ox and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like the blistering wind, and whose hide was like poison?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Hrugluuz the Wrathful crushed Pdcddehi, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Bull-thing of Fuughaic, with the head of a bear and the tail of a boar, whose eyes were like poison, and whose breath was like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrugluuz the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghaiba-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claihrad the Terrible, vanquisher of Hrugluuz the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Fudot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Claihrad the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Grocler the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghucrai-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cloghuuf how Grocler the Berserk smote Qzggpmpu, the Irrationally Scary Goat-thing of Ghuufot, with the head of a boar and the tail of an eagle, whose teeth were like stone, and whose jaws were like the pummelling hail?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Grocler the Berserk subdued Qtqzxycf, the Extremely Scary Horse-thing of Glodat, with the head of a bull and the tail of a tiger, whose claws were like lightning, and whose teeth were like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Grocler the Berserk vanquished Igiyqmdz, the Supremely Deadly Bull-thing of Fubaic, with the head of an ox and the tail of a badger, whose horns were like fire, and whose feathers were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Grocler the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the City of Ghucrai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claihrad the Terrible, vanquisher of Grocler the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Fudot.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Claihrad the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Crefugh the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clecraigh.
For is it not true that Crefugh the Repulsive defeated Crograigh the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhobe-ulu?
And is it not true that Crefugh the Repulsive defeated Behrar the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crecre-uk?
And is it not true that Crefugh the Repulsive defeated Crafoc the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grebuu-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Clecraigh than the Settlements of Zhobe-ulu, the Villages of Crecre-uk and the Villages of Grebuu-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crefugh the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clecraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Crefugh the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Crograigh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhobe-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Crograigh the Mad subdued Nbnvokwk, the Impressively Imposing Ox-thing of Fuglef, with the head of a lion and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like ice, and whose hide was like poison?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Clufot how Crograigh the Mad overcame Unkgbsbo, the Monumentally Fearsome Lion-thing of Glaicruz, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bear, whose feathers were like the searing sun, and whose eyes were like poison?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Crograigh the Mad put down Gilenvmq, the Indefatigably Strong Goat-thing of Zhaicrugh, with the head of a bull and the tail of an ox, whose hide was like thunder, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crograigh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhobe-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Crefugh the Repulsive, vanquisher of Crograigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clecraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Crefugh the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Behrar the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crecre-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Behrar the Vengeful vanquished Zndtlvst, the Extremely Noxious Goat-thing of Hrabav, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a lion, whose breath was like poison, and whose eyes were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Claihrof how Behrar the Vengeful smote Qndonjir, the Consummately Hideous Bull-thing of Zhaglaif, with the head of a horse and the tail of a bear, whose eyes were like iron, and whose breath was like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Behrar the Vengeful overcame Bkncemmk, the Overwhelmingly Savage Badger-thing of Fugroz, with the head of a badger and the tail of an ox, whose hide was like the pummelling hail, and whose feathers were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Behrar the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crecre-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Crefugh the Repulsive, vanquisher of Behrar the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clecraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Crefugh the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Crafoc the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grebuu-ayuk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Crafoc the Magnificent smote Grrkngym, the Irrationally Strong Bear-thing of Glagluugh, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bear, whose hide was like steel, and whose feathers were like ice?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cluucrat how Crafoc the Magnificent quelled Dxbflmph, the Impressively Deadly Boar-thing of Cluglogh, with the head of a bull and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like ice, and whose horns were like the pummelling hail?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Crafoc the Magnificent vanquished Kgdchiif, the Irrationally Fearsome Eagle-thing of Fecluugh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bear, whose claws were like thunder, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crafoc the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grebuu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Crefugh the Repulsive, vanquisher of Crafoc the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clecraigh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cruclaz the Vengeful, vanquisher of Crefugh the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Steppes of Ghuglugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Amz-un-MESH, vanquisher of Cruclaz the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the west.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Amz-un-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
For is it not true that Mikro-MESH defeated Hrahruuc the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair?
And is it not true that Mikro-MESH defeated Glagrof the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar?
And is it not true that Mikro-MESH defeated Cluhraiv the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv?
And is it not true that Mikro-MESH defeated Zhuduuf the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz?
And is it not true that there is no more to the lands of the east than the Vast Mountains of Daiclair, the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar, the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv and the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
For is it not true that Hrahruuc the Intimidating defeated Bucruz the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufet?
And is it not true that Hrahruuc the Intimidating defeated Buclaigh the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghaifaf?
And is it not true that Hrahruuc the Intimidating defeated Duubaic the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Province of Deghad?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Vast Mountains of Daiclair than the Province of Zhufet, the Province of Ghaifaf and the Province of Deghad?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Bucruz the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufet.
For is it not true that Bucruz the Oppressive defeated Glaiglegh the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bagro-aruk?
And is it not true that Bucruz the Oppressive defeated Beglaid the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grufa-ayuk?
And is it not true that Bucruz the Oppressive defeated Grahrov the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crehrai-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Zhufet than the Settlements of Bagro-aruk, the Settlements of Grufa-ayuk and the Settlements of Crehrai-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Bucruz the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Bucruz the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glaiglegh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bagro-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Ghuubuz how Glaiglegh the Berserk put down Nqwyardp, the Indefatigably Hideous Boar-thing of Docrod, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like poison, and whose teeth were like thunder?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Glaiglegh the Berserk quelled Thexoktc, the Horridly Deadly Weasel-thing of Glazhuuc, with the head of a bear and the tail of a bull, whose teeth were like steel, and whose tongue was like fire?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Glaiglegh the Berserk crushed Umshbfzn, the Hideously Cruel Badger-thing of Bugrud, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose feathers were like poison, and whose teeth were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glaiglegh the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bagro-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Bucruz the Oppressive, vanquisher of Glaiglegh the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Bucruz the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Beglaid the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grufa-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Fuzhegh how Beglaid the Terrible put down Ijpjzujf, the Excessively Noxious Serpent-thing of Glugloc, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose horns were like lightning, and whose jaws were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Beglaid the Terrible smote Zjixhqzj, the Horridly Noxious Badger-thing of Feglov, with the head of a bull and the tail of a boar, whose eyes were like fire, and whose scales were like thunder?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Beglaid the Terrible put down Pqxmhmhb, the Remarkably Intimidating Serpent-thing of Fofof, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose jaws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Beglaid the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grufa-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Bucruz the Oppressive, vanquisher of Beglaid the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Bucruz the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Grahrov the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crehrai-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Baizhaf how Grahrov the Mad smote Pmvjvoxt, the Hideously Cruel Weasel-thing of Duclat, with the head of a bear and the tail of a serpent, whose teeth were like ice, and whose breath was like stone?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Glucror how Grahrov the Mad crushed Doubjowk, the Ominously Powerful Horse-thing of Duhraf, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a horse, whose teeth were like steel, and whose jaws were like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Grahrov the Mad smote Ttlmmxrj, the Incredibly Powerful Bear-thing of Ghecrair, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose feathers were like ice, and whose tongue was like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Grahrov the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Crehrai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Bucruz the Oppressive, vanquisher of Grahrov the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhufet.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Bucruz the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buclaigh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghaifaf.
For is it not true that Buclaigh the Mad defeated Clazhegh the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grozhu-ulu?
And is it not true that Buclaigh the Mad defeated Grocruv the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Craigho-ayuk?
And is it not true that Buclaigh the Mad defeated Zhudod the Agile, the mightiest of all in the City of Glaibo-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Ghaifaf than the Settlements of Grozhu-ulu, the Settlements of Craigho-ayuk and the City of Glaibo-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buclaigh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghaifaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclaigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clazhegh the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grozhu-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Dagruf how Clazhegh the Oppressive smote Dzegxvdg, the Superlatively Cruel Eagle-thing of Glaifud, with the head of a lion and the tail of an ox, whose horns were like steel, and whose scales were like stone?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Clazhegh the Oppressive subdued Fppaucnx, the Impressively Fearsome Bull-thing of Foghet, with the head of an ox and the tail of a boar, whose eyes were like iron, and whose hide was like steel?
And do the bards not sing of how Clazhegh the Oppressive vanquished Xpkyxtae, the Consummately Strong Horse-thing of Daigluuf, with the head of an ox and the tail of a boar, whose horns were like lightning, and whose feathers were like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clazhegh the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grozhu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buclaigh the Mad, vanquisher of Clazhegh the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghaifaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclaigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Grocruv the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Craigho-ayuk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Grocruv the Terrible smote Xpulypvg, the Extremely Fearsome Horse-thing of Bahrat, with the head of a horse and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like stone, and whose jaws were like the pummelling hail?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Grocruv the Terrible subdued Hfbveyhk, the Superlatively Powerful Ox-thing of Zhahraf, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a bull, whose horns were like thunder, and whose scales were like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Clacragh how Grocruv the Terrible quelled Zhvgjgpz, the Irrationally Noxious Eagle-thing of Beclaf, with the head of a weasel and the tail of an eagle, whose feathers were like stone, and whose claws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Grocruv the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Craigho-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buclaigh the Mad, vanquisher of Grocruv the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghaifaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclaigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhudod the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Glaibo-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zhudod the Agile crushed Srjlagjs, the Overwhelmingly Noxious Lion-thing of Zhafuf, with the head of a horse and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like ice, and whose feathers were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cleghud how Zhudod the Agile put down Kblxnstp, the Indefatigably Noxious Ox-thing of Hrocluuv, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bear, whose tongue was like fire, and whose scales were like lightning?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhudod the Agile subdued Wexgimqy, the Incredibly Scary Badger-thing of Daiglor, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a lion, whose teeth were like stone, and whose hide was like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhudod the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Glaibo-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Buclaigh the Mad, vanquisher of Zhudod the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghaifaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Buclaigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Duubaic the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Deghad.
For is it not true that Duubaic the Intimidating defeated Zhefuc the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grabuu-ulu?
And is it not true that Duubaic the Intimidating defeated Clazhuur the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clefu-aruk?
And is it not true that Duubaic the Intimidating defeated Graifaid the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Graghai-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Deghad than the Villages of Grabuu-ulu, the Villages of Clefu-aruk and the Villages of Graghai-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Duubaic the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Deghad.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Duubaic the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhefuc the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grabuu-ulu.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Zhefuc the Oppressive crushed Acxkaldb, the Hideously Savage Horse-thing of Fodaigh, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like ice, and whose teeth were like iron?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Zhebac how Zhefuc the Oppressive crushed Eqjtvbiv, the Horridly Deadly Weasel-thing of Buufaif, with the head of a boar and the tail of a horse, whose horns were like stone, and whose teeth were like poison?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Zhuclaic how Zhefuc the Oppressive smote Bbokbbfj, the Excessively Fearsome Goat-thing of Grehruuv, with the head of a horse and the tail of a serpent, whose claws were like ice, and whose teeth were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhefuc the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Grabuu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duubaic the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhefuc the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Deghad.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Duubaic the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clazhuur the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clefu-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Clazhuur the Intimidating put down Rocwojne, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Eagle-thing of Fedod, with the head of a bear and the tail of an ox, whose eyes were like fire, and whose feathers were like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Clazhuur the Intimidating subdued Obhzynno, the Impressively Intimidating Goat-thing of Fafez, with the head of a bull and the tail of a serpent, whose breath was like thunder, and whose tongue was like lightning?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cruhrov how Clazhuur the Intimidating put down Kbpbxzvv, the Monumentally Hideous Bear-thing of Grazhot, with the head of a bull and the tail of a goat, whose claws were like the blistering wind, and whose scales were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clazhuur the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clefu-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duubaic the Intimidating, vanquisher of Clazhuur the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Deghad.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Duubaic the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Graifaid the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Graghai-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Graifaid the Magnificent overcame Rgudwuax, the Astonishingly Intimidating Ox-thing of Ghuhraic, with the head of a bear and the tail of an ox, whose scales were like stone, and whose jaws were like the searing sun?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Graifaid the Magnificent overcame Gkldnnum, the Extremely Scary Bear-thing of Groclut, with the head of a tiger and the tail of an ox, whose tongue was like iron, and whose eyes were like the searing sun?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Daibuuf how Graifaid the Magnificent overcame Zvnjbavl, the Astonishingly Deadly Badger-thing of Faglez, with the head of a lion and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like fire, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Graifaid the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Graghai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Duubaic the Intimidating, vanquisher of Graifaid the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Deghad.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Hrahruuc the Intimidating, vanquisher of Duubaic the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Vast Mountains of Daiclair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Hrahruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
For is it not true that Glagrof the Magnificent defeated Claihruf the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Clogluv?
And is it not true that Glagrof the Magnificent defeated Creclet the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Crecruuf?
And is it not true that Glagrof the Magnificent defeated Ghaifof the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Province of Faihrev?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar than the Province of Clogluv, the Province of Crecruuf and the Province of Faihrev?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Claihruf the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clogluv.
For is it not true that Claihruf the Repulsive defeated Ghaibec the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghahro-ulu?
And is it not true that Claihruf the Repulsive defeated Badoz the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhahrai-ulu?
And is it not true that Claihruf the Repulsive defeated Facrev the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghebo-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Clogluv than the Settlements of Ghahro-ulu, the Settlements of Zhahrai-ulu and the Settlements of Ghebo-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Claihruf the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clogluv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Claihruf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghaibec the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghahro-ulu.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghaibec the Magnificent subdued Qkycyuml, the Extremely Savage Horse-thing of Crughov, with the head of a lion and the tail of a horse, whose hide was like the pummelling hail, and whose tongue was like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghaibec the Magnificent overcame Zwfmnfup, the Irrationally Deadly Eagle-thing of Fuughaif, with the head of a lion and the tail of an eagle, whose horns were like iron, and whose breath was like fire?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Bocluur how Ghaibec the Magnificent smote Hmyhqczo, the Terribly Fearsome Lion-thing of Hraighuur, with the head of a badger and the tail of a goat, whose tongue was like stone, and whose breath was like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibec the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghahro-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claihruf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghaibec the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clogluv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Claihruf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Badoz the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhahrai-ulu.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Badoz the Wrathful smote Jrnmxotb, the Superlatively Cruel Tiger-thing of Zhuugled, with the head of a bull and the tail of a lion, whose tongue was like ice, and whose scales were like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Badoz the Wrathful smote Ajirhhwm, the Supremely Savage Badger-thing of Zhuhrud, with the head of a goat and the tail of a lion, whose claws were like lightning, and whose teeth were like fire?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Badoz the Wrathful quelled Usazcqdf, the Ominously Scary Horse-thing of Gruugruz, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a tiger, whose hide was like the blistering wind, and whose feathers were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Badoz the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhahrai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claihruf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Badoz the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clogluv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Claihruf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Facrev the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghebo-ulu.
For do the bards not sing of how Facrev the Magnificent smote Oiooprmg, the Astonishingly Noxious Weasel-thing of Glaicraz, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose feathers were like lightning, and whose scales were like poison?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Facrev the Magnificent vanquished Tayfbcaf, the Impressively Noxious Tiger-thing of Glogrov, with the head of a badger and the tail of a weasel, whose claws were like thunder, and whose horns were like stone?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hroclof how Facrev the Magnificent overcame Nzumfddv, the Extremely Savage Goat-thing of Zhocruut, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bear, whose scales were like fire, and whose hide was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Facrev the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghebo-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claihruf the Repulsive, vanquisher of Facrev the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Clogluv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Claihruf the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Creclet the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crecruuf.
For is it not true that Creclet the Repulsive defeated Hruhrair the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghuudo-aruk?
And is it not true that Creclet the Repulsive defeated Dehret the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dezhai-aruk?
And is it not true that Creclet the Repulsive defeated Ghubaz the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hrehro-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Crecruuf than the Settlements of Ghuudo-aruk, the Villages of Dezhai-aruk and the Villages of Hrehro-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Creclet the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crecruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Creclet the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hruhrair the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghuudo-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Hruhrair the Agile quelled Snencweh, the Remarkably Powerful Lion-thing of Docraigh, with the head of a goat and the tail of a horse, whose claws were like the blistering wind, and whose eyes were like the pummelling hail?
And do the bards not sing of how Hruhrair the Agile quelled Lplfewzj, the Extremely Imposing Eagle-thing of Fabaiz, with the head of a horse and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like stone, and whose tongue was like lightning?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Hruhrair the Agile overcame Nlrlwlqa, the Irrationally Strong Ox-thing of Cloduur, with the head of a lion and the tail of a boar, whose jaws were like the blistering wind, and whose scales were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hruhrair the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghuudo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Creclet the Repulsive, vanquisher of Hruhrair the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crecruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Creclet the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dehret the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dezhai-aruk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Dehret the Repulsive quelled Twntmany, the Indefatigably Intimidating Ox-thing of Hrugrait, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like steel, and whose tongue was like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Dehret the Repulsive quelled Vbhymxif, the Incredibly Scary Goat-thing of Ghuudef, with the head of a goat and the tail of a weasel, whose scales were like stone, and whose horns were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Foghuuf how Dehret the Repulsive crushed Lkmrkvgo, the Irrationally Hideous Goat-thing of Fuucruz, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like the searing sun, and whose tongue was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dehret the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dezhai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Creclet the Repulsive, vanquisher of Dehret the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crecruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Creclet the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghubaz the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hrehro-aruk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghubaz the Oppressive smote Wwjbwpvv, the Hideously Powerful Ox-thing of Degrav, with the head of a horse and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like iron, and whose claws were like steel?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghubaz the Oppressive vanquished Fmytshed, the Incredibly Savage Bull-thing of Cloghuc, with the head of a bull and the tail of a serpent, whose scales were like iron, and whose horns were like ice?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghubaz the Oppressive crushed Eltnbtcb, the Horridly Noxious Goat-thing of Bodut, with the head of a badger and the tail of an ox, whose tongue was like iron, and whose horns were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghubaz the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hrehro-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Creclet the Repulsive, vanquisher of Ghubaz the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Crecruuf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Creclet the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghaifof the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Faihrev.
For is it not true that Ghaifof the Terrible defeated Craiglogh the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Gredai-aruk?
And is it not true that Ghaifof the Terrible defeated Hradac the Mad, the mightiest of all in the City of Hruugrai-ayuk?
And is it not true that Ghaifof the Terrible defeated Ghuuglof the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuughuu-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Faihrev than the Villages of Gredai-aruk, the City of Hruugrai-ayuk and the Villages of Ghuughuu-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifof the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Faihrev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Ghaifof the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Craiglogh the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Gredai-aruk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Boglar how Craiglogh the Wrathful quelled Oacnfjir, the Incredibly Savage Ox-thing of Grazhagh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a lion, whose feathers were like ice, and whose jaws were like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Craiglogh the Wrathful subdued Lgfnpshb, the Hideously Noxious Bear-thing of Ghuglagh, with the head of a bull and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose hide was like poison?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Craiglogh the Wrathful smote Yuaywuys, the Ominously Noxious Serpent-thing of Craigraiz, with the head of a badger and the tail of a lion, whose breath was like iron, and whose scales were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Craiglogh the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Gredai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifof the Terrible, vanquisher of Craiglogh the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Faihrev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Ghaifof the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hradac the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Hruugrai-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Ghaicrod how Hradac the Mad put down Mrspcgng, the Incredibly Fearsome Bear-thing of Grebuuc, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bear, whose tongue was like iron, and whose eyes were like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Hradac the Mad put down Otmwskjh, the Indefatigably Deadly Badger-thing of Zhugrugh, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a horse, whose eyes were like the blistering wind, and whose hide was like fire?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Hradac the Mad quelled Zheyecsd, the Ominously Cruel Bull-thing of Ghaicraiv, with the head of a bull and the tail of an ox, whose scales were like stone, and whose teeth were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hradac the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Hruugrai-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifof the Terrible, vanquisher of Hradac the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Faihrev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Ghaifof the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghuuglof the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuughuu-ayuk.
For do the bards not sing of how Ghuuglof the Repulsive put down Cccxnufn, the Extremely Noxious Goat-thing of Hraicrut, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bull, whose claws were like stone, and whose jaws were like lightning?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghuuglof the Repulsive vanquished Koosawja, the Excessively Frightful Bear-thing of Graglagh, with the head of a weasel and the tail of an ox, whose eyes were like stone, and whose hide was like lightning?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghuuglof the Repulsive put down Chtedjeg, the Irrationally Hideous Goat-thing of Graicluugh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a weasel, whose scales were like stone, and whose claws were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuuglof the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuughuu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifof the Terrible, vanquisher of Ghuuglof the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Faihrev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glagrof the Magnificent, vanquisher of Ghaifof the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Madness-inducing Wastes of Graizhar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Glagrof the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
For is it not true that Cluhraiv the Intimidating defeated Cluzher the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagrair?
And is it not true that Cluhraiv the Intimidating defeated Docraf the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Province of Buzhev?
And is it not true that Cluhraiv the Intimidating defeated Glaibod the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraicruud?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv than the Province of Glagrair, the Province of Buzhev and the Province of Hraicruud?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cluzher the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagrair.
For is it not true that Cluzher the Intimidating defeated Daigrec the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Craifo-aruk?
And is it not true that Cluzher the Intimidating defeated Fabod the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crocru-ayuk?
And is it not true that Cluzher the Intimidating defeated Gloglaif the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hrazha-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Glagrair than the Villages of Craifo-aruk, the Villages of Crocru-ayuk and the Villages of Hrazha-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzher the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagrair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cluzher the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Daigrec the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Craifo-aruk.
For do the bards not sing of how Daigrec the Intimidating overcame Fknxifhh, the Terribly Hideous Tiger-thing of Groclac, with the head of a boar and the tail of a weasel, whose claws were like poison, and whose hide was like stone?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Croghaigh how Daigrec the Intimidating overcame Uvhiuagg, the Indefatigably Deadly Badger-thing of Baihraz, with the head of a horse and the tail of a badger, whose eyes were like poison, and whose jaws were like fire?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Daigrec the Intimidating put down Ormegsvr, the Excessively Scary Badger-thing of Fuuduz, with the head of an ox and the tail of a lion, whose teeth were like fire, and whose eyes were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Daigrec the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Craifo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzher the Intimidating, vanquisher of Daigrec the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagrair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cluzher the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Fabod the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crocru-ayuk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Fabod the Terrible vanquished Kdzqjreu, the Supremely Savage Bear-thing of Daidegh, with the head of a goat and the tail of an ox, whose claws were like ice, and whose jaws were like the searing sun?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Fabod the Terrible overcame Wposolid, the Ominously Imposing Goat-thing of Buucloc, with the head of a goat and the tail of a lion, whose teeth were like lightning, and whose jaws were like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Fabod the Terrible smote Tlgokpmf, the Monumentally Deadly Bull-thing of Gleduut, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like thunder, and whose breath was like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fabod the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crocru-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzher the Intimidating, vanquisher of Fabod the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagrair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cluzher the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Gloglaif the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hrazha-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Gloglaif the Agile subdued Bmtjtjdw, the Horridly Frightful Tiger-thing of Glahruuz, with the head of a horse and the tail of a lion, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose tongue was like fire?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Gloglaif the Agile subdued Sghvagmp, the Terribly Powerful Horse-thing of Fobuuf, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a bear, whose scales were like steel, and whose hide was like ice?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hruughoc how Gloglaif the Agile vanquished Nedurabg, the Remarkably Scary Horse-thing of Zhugluc, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a weasel, whose claws were like thunder, and whose jaws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gloglaif the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Hrazha-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluzher the Intimidating, vanquisher of Gloglaif the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagrair.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Cluzher the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Docraf the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Buzhev.
For is it not true that Docraf the Magnificent defeated Zhacruuf the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluugho-aruk?
And is it not true that Docraf the Magnificent defeated Hrabaif the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bacle-aruk?
And is it not true that Docraf the Magnificent defeated Crebuuc the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhaghuu-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Buzhev than the Settlements of Cluugho-aruk, the Villages of Bacle-aruk and the Villages of Zhaghuu-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Docraf the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Buzhev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Docraf the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Zhacruuf the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluugho-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zhacruuf the Berserk subdued Huqugasa, the Hideously Cruel Horse-thing of Crubugh, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a goat, whose hide was like steel, and whose feathers were like lightning?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Zhacruuf the Berserk overcame Svflbzpd, the Superlatively Fearsome Bear-thing of Gracruz, with the head of a badger and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like iron, and whose horns were like fire?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhacruuf the Berserk subdued Fouxsjkz, the Incredibly Powerful Lion-thing of Fuufuuv, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a goat, whose feathers were like thunder, and whose teeth were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhacruuf the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cluugho-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Docraf the Magnificent, vanquisher of Zhacruuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Buzhev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Docraf the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hrabaif the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bacle-aruk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Hrabaif the Agile crushed Gkgthuij, the Excessively Fearsome Bull-thing of Dahrut, with the head of a lion and the tail of a tiger, whose breath was like thunder, and whose hide was like stone?
And do the bards not sing of how Hrabaif the Agile smote Vfriyojs, the Ominously Cruel Ox-thing of Hregruud, with the head of a goat and the tail of a lion, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose scales were like thunder?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Gleclut how Hrabaif the Agile crushed Bwmllcsi, the Monumentally Scary Horse-thing of Ghuzhod, with the head of a badger and the tail of a horse, whose feathers were like the searing sun, and whose breath was like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrabaif the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bacle-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Docraf the Magnificent, vanquisher of Hrabaif the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Buzhev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Docraf the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Crebuuc the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhaghuu-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Dazhut how Crebuuc the Mad put down Znkzrvzd, the Horridly Noxious Badger-thing of Gluubugh, with the head of a bull and the tail of a boar, whose scales were like stone, and whose tongue was like iron?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Crebuuc the Mad quelled Certygyo, the Remarkably Imposing Boar-thing of Fecraif, with the head of an ox and the tail of a boar, whose hide was like thunder, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Crebuuc the Mad overcame Lrtuigse, the Overwhelmingly Strong Boar-thing of Becraiv, with the head of an ox and the tail of a horse, whose teeth were like steel, and whose breath was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crebuuc the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhaghuu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Docraf the Magnificent, vanquisher of Crebuuc the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Buzhev.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Docraf the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glaibod the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraicruud.
For is it not true that Glaibod the Terrible defeated Buugruur the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Fogla-ulu?
And is it not true that Glaibod the Terrible defeated Zhofaic the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fuuclai-aruk?
And is it not true that Glaibod the Terrible defeated Hrughoc the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Faizha-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Hraicruud than the City of Fogla-ulu, the Villages of Fuuclai-aruk and the Villages of Faizha-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glaibod the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraicruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glaibod the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Buugruur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Fogla-ulu.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Buugruur the Repulsive quelled Ypjgidjn, the Superlatively Intimidating Tiger-thing of Grecraf, with the head of a lion and the tail of a boar, whose breath was like fire, and whose teeth were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Buugruur the Repulsive smote Mglpodkk, the Terribly Noxious Goat-thing of Zhagregh, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose breath was like the searing sun, and whose horns were like the pummelling hail?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Buugruur the Repulsive crushed Knevpdsy, the Indefatigably Hideous Tiger-thing of Ghuuclot, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a boar, whose eyes were like iron, and whose feathers were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buugruur the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Fogla-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaibod the Terrible, vanquisher of Buugruur the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraicruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glaibod the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhofaic the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fuuclai-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fuubef how Zhofaic the Magnificent crushed Ucqojlyb, the Consummately Cruel Bull-thing of Badat, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a serpent, whose feathers were like thunder, and whose tongue was like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Zhofaic the Magnificent put down Cpizurxq, the Astonishingly Intimidating Horse-thing of Clahrait, with the head of a bear and the tail of a bull, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose horns were like ice?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Zhofaic the Magnificent put down Hevvqyct, the Remarkably Deadly Serpent-thing of Hroduuz, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a weasel, whose feathers were like the searing sun, and whose horns were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhofaic the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fuuclai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaibod the Terrible, vanquisher of Zhofaic the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraicruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glaibod the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hrughoc the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Faizha-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Zhughuuc how Hrughoc the Terrible overcame Hhfvdcyy, the Extremely Scary Eagle-thing of Zhughaigh, with the head of a boar and the tail of a tiger, whose hide was like the blistering wind, and whose tongue was like the searing sun?
And do the bards not sing of how Hrughoc the Terrible vanquished Amecezic, the Incredibly Savage Horse-thing of Duuglet, with the head of a badger and the tail of a horse, whose scales were like steel, and whose jaws were like ice?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Hrughoc the Terrible subdued Jyxtqcnp, the Hideously Hideous Goat-thing of Craidaf, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a goat, whose hide was like iron, and whose horns were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrughoc the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Faizha-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaibod the Terrible, vanquisher of Hrughoc the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Hraicruud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Cluhraiv the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glaibod the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Dank Jungles of Beghaiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Cluhraiv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
For is it not true that Zhuduuf the Berserk defeated Croclegh the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Province of Feclugh?
And is it not true that Zhuduuf the Berserk defeated Ghofar the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghuuglur?
And is it not true that Zhuduuf the Berserk defeated Dubef the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograz?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz than the Province of Feclugh, the Province of Ghuuglur and the Province of Grograz?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Croclegh the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Feclugh.
For is it not true that Croclegh the Intimidating defeated Ghuubuuf the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Greghai-aruk?
And is it not true that Croclegh the Intimidating defeated Faiglav the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Cluhra-ayuk?
And is it not true that Croclegh the Intimidating defeated Ghafogh the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cruuhrai-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Feclugh than the Villages of Greghai-aruk, the Villages of Cluhra-ayuk and the Settlements of Cruuhrai-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Croclegh the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Feclugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Croclegh the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghuubuuf the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Greghai-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghuubuuf the Vengeful put down Nfokaidx, the Interminably Powerful Lion-thing of Zhefef, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bear, whose teeth were like lightning, and whose jaws were like poison?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghuubuuf the Vengeful put down Mjyvtkvn, the Incredibly Scary Weasel-thing of Zhaizhugh, with the head of a horse and the tail of a weasel, whose teeth were like stone, and whose eyes were like the pummelling hail?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghuubuuf the Vengeful vanquished Bdcyorcy, the Indefatigably Imposing Bull-thing of Cluglez, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like the pummelling hail, and whose eyes were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuubuuf the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Greghai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Croclegh the Intimidating, vanquisher of Ghuubuuf the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Feclugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Croclegh the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Faiglav the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Cluhra-ayuk.
For do the bards not sing of how Faiglav the Intimidating crushed Hksmyxjx, the Irrationally Imposing Badger-thing of Gloclaif, with the head of a lion and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like poison, and whose horns were like thunder?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Faiglav the Intimidating quelled Jgcgfbku, the Horridly Fearsome Serpent-thing of Dofov, with the head of a bull and the tail of a horse, whose tongue was like stone, and whose teeth were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Faiglav the Intimidating quelled Gsvoxepl, the Extremely Cruel Boar-thing of Craizhed, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a lion, whose scales were like fire, and whose jaws were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Faiglav the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Cluhra-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Croclegh the Intimidating, vanquisher of Faiglav the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Feclugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Croclegh the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghafogh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cruuhrai-ayuk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Claicrar how Ghafogh the Mad overcame Lqxldxqz, the Supremely Strong Horse-thing of Claifor, with the head of a horse and the tail of a boar, whose claws were like iron, and whose feathers were like fire?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghafogh the Mad quelled Hfdjzetp, the Consummately Powerful Serpent-thing of Crozhor, with the head of a lion and the tail of a tiger, whose breath was like lightning, and whose tongue was like iron?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Zhucruv how Ghafogh the Mad put down Cgkfkgcw, the Hideously Frightful Lion-thing of Clabogh, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose jaws were like stone, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghafogh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Cruuhrai-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Croclegh the Intimidating, vanquisher of Ghafogh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Feclugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Croclegh the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghofar the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghuuglur.
For is it not true that Ghofar the Berserk defeated Gregraf the Agile, the mightiest of all in the City of Hrocra-ulu?
And is it not true that Ghofar the Berserk defeated Graclef the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Glezhu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Ghofar the Berserk defeated Dadagh the Mad, the mightiest of all in the City of Zhabai-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Ghuuglur than the City of Hrocra-ulu, the Villages of Glezhu-ayuk and the City of Zhabai-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghofar the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghuuglur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghofar the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gregraf the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrocra-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Craghet how Gregraf the Agile vanquished Apdnzyiw, the Impressively Intimidating Bull-thing of Graghuz, with the head of a boar and the tail of a lion, whose feathers were like thunder, and whose hide was like ice?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Gregraf the Agile vanquished Dphybzgv, the Remarkably Frightful Horse-thing of Dodaigh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like the blistering wind, and whose claws were like lightning?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Gregraf the Agile crushed Ilknsaxi, the Consummately Imposing Bear-thing of Zhabuuz, with the head of a badger and the tail of a goat, whose claws were like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gregraf the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrocra-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghofar the Berserk, vanquisher of Gregraf the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghuuglur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghofar the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Graclef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Glezhu-ayuk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Graclef the Wrathful put down Iqnfjqvn, the Interminably Fearsome Bull-thing of Glufef, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like thunder, and whose scales were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Dehruuz how Graclef the Wrathful overcame Qaiaemzn, the Impressively Strong Bear-thing of Dufec, with the head of a bear and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like the blistering wind, and whose tongue was like ice?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hroduf how Graclef the Wrathful vanquished Tvlajmcg, the Remarkably Fearsome Bear-thing of Hruduuv, with the head of a lion and the tail of a goat, whose breath was like lightning, and whose eyes were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Graclef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Glezhu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghofar the Berserk, vanquisher of Graclef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghuuglur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghofar the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dadagh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Zhabai-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fabugh how Dadagh the Mad vanquished Brxwzxbv, the Interminably Powerful Weasel-thing of Degluur, with the head of a horse and the tail of a goat, whose horns were like the pummelling hail, and whose feathers were like ice?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Ghuucraiv how Dadagh the Mad overcame Cgcmapeb, the Hideously Powerful Serpent-thing of Gluubof, with the head of a horse and the tail of a goat, whose jaws were like stone, and whose eyes were like fire?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Dadagh the Mad put down Inqodjjd, the Indefatigably Intimidating Tiger-thing of Zhezhuv, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose hide was like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dadagh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Zhabai-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghofar the Berserk, vanquisher of Dadagh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghuuglur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Ghofar the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dubef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograz.
For is it not true that Dubef the Wrathful defeated Cruzhuuz the Agile, the mightiest of all in the City of Cluhro-ulu?
And is it not true that Dubef the Wrathful defeated Dugraiz the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fobu-uk?
And is it not true that Dubef the Wrathful defeated Ghabuut the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Claide-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Grograz than the City of Cluhro-ulu, the Villages of Fobu-uk and the Villages of Claide-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dubef the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Dubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cruzhuuz the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Cluhro-ulu.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Fafed how Cruzhuuz the Agile quelled Lrhqohxd, the Extremely Noxious Horse-thing of Glecruuz, with the head of an ox and the tail of a horse, whose jaws were like lightning, and whose feathers were like the pummelling hail?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Cruzhuuz the Agile put down Iewndjac, the Monumentally Savage Lion-thing of Clecrer, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a boar, whose horns were like the pummelling hail, and whose tongue was like iron?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Cruzhuuz the Agile crushed Dadvhhnb, the Horridly Fearsome Serpent-thing of Dezhuur, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose hide was like thunder, and whose tongue was like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cruzhuuz the Agile was the mightiest of all in the City of Cluhro-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Dubef the Wrathful, vanquisher of Cruzhuuz the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Dubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dugraiz the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fobu-uk.
For do the bards not sing of how Dugraiz the Magnificent subdued Slkkuacc, the Superlatively Noxious Badger-thing of Crohref, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose eyes were like poison?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Dugraiz the Magnificent smote Zxnncdgn, the Extremely Scary Weasel-thing of Fugluuf, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a horse, whose scales were like poison, and whose feathers were like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Bogluud how Dugraiz the Magnificent vanquished Yarfjnuh, the Consummately Deadly Lion-thing of Cloduuz, with the head of a horse and the tail of a bear, whose hide was like fire, and whose scales were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dugraiz the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fobu-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Dubef the Wrathful, vanquisher of Dugraiz the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Dubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghabuut the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Claide-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghabuut the Terrible quelled Djnufcfm, the Indefatigably Scary Badger-thing of Fabor, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a bear, whose tongue was like poison, and whose breath was like ice?
And do the bards not sing of how Ghabuut the Terrible quelled Sdbkyzsc, the Superlatively Imposing Bull-thing of Duugluud, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a bull, whose teeth were like lightning, and whose breath was like stone?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghabuut the Terrible subdued Ppxqsshu, the Hideously Intimidating Serpent-thing of Clofed, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose tongue was like ice, and whose teeth were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghabuut the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Claide-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Dubef the Wrathful, vanquisher of Ghabuut the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Grograz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuduuf the Berserk, vanquisher of Dubef the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Forests of Ghacruuz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Mikro-MESH, vanquisher of Zhuduuf the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the east.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of Mikro-MESH, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
For is it not true that MESH-buyuk defeated Glaghud the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic?
And is it not true that MESH-buyuk defeated Glegrur the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez?
And is it not true that MESH-buyuk defeated Ghaibuud the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc?
And is it not true that MESH-buyuk defeated Ghaifuut the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof?
And is it not true that there is no more to the lands of the south than the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic, the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez, the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc and the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof?
Therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
For is it not true that Glaghud the Mad defeated Claibaf the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Province of Dazhugh?
And is it not true that Glaghud the Mad defeated Gruzhait the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Becrur?
And is it not true that Glaghud the Mad defeated Craglaiz the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Province of Baglar?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic than the Province of Dazhugh, the Province of Becrur and the Province of Baglar?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Claibaf the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dazhugh.
For is it not true that Claibaf the Intimidating defeated Zhuughaic the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fafe-ulu?
And is it not true that Claibaf the Intimidating defeated Dograd the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuduu-ayuk?
And is it not true that Claibaf the Intimidating defeated Hruuhraz the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Feda-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Dazhugh than the Villages of Fafe-ulu, the Villages of Ghuduu-ayuk and the Settlements of Feda-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Claibaf the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dazhugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Claibaf the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhuughaic the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fafe-ulu.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhuughaic the Mad crushed Ufizbmey, the Superlatively Powerful Bull-thing of Craghov, with the head of a bull and the tail of a weasel, whose teeth were like poison, and whose scales were like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Zhuughaic the Mad crushed Utowhgwu, the Consummately Noxious Bear-thing of Fafuv, with the head of an ox and the tail of a goat, whose breath was like fire, and whose jaws were like thunder?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Grugraiz how Zhuughaic the Mad quelled Fcpzmtng, the Incredibly Savage Horse-thing of Fuugluut, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a goat, whose feathers were like ice, and whose horns were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuughaic the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fafe-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claibaf the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhuughaic the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dazhugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Claibaf the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Dograd the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuduu-ayuk.
For do the bards not sing of how Dograd the Magnificent quelled Lhzomgyq, the Consummately Cruel Serpent-thing of Baicrac, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a serpent, whose breath was like ice, and whose jaws were like poison?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Dograd the Magnificent smote Mznnnjzx, the Impressively Intimidating Weasel-thing of Creghev, with the head of a bull and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like stone, and whose scales were like fire?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Dograd the Magnificent put down Gryadynp, the Hideously Hideous Eagle-thing of Clegrut, with the head of a badger and the tail of a weasel, whose feathers were like fire, and whose hide was like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dograd the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghuduu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claibaf the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dograd the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dazhugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Claibaf the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hruuhraz the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Feda-aruk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Hruuhraz the Agile vanquished Kanxwuux, the Irrationally Fearsome Bull-thing of Zhuugruv, with the head of a bull and the tail of a horse, whose horns were like the searing sun, and whose tongue was like steel?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Hruuhraz the Agile subdued Wwccuywy, the Interminably Strong Ox-thing of Hraicrogh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of an ox, whose teeth were like fire, and whose feathers were like the searing sun?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Ghebaz how Hruuhraz the Agile smote Mxpyihom, the Terribly Noxious Badger-thing of Claiglot, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like fire, and whose claws were like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hruuhraz the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Feda-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Claibaf the Intimidating, vanquisher of Hruuhraz the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Dazhugh.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Claibaf the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gruzhait the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Becrur.
For is it not true that Gruzhait the Repulsive defeated Dozhaif the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Focru-uk?
And is it not true that Gruzhait the Repulsive defeated Crebac the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the City of Clacra-ayuk?
And is it not true that Gruzhait the Repulsive defeated Clogrur the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Docrai-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Becrur than the Settlements of Focru-uk, the City of Clacra-ayuk and the Villages of Docrai-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gruzhait the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Becrur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Gruzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dozhaif the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Focru-uk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fohrav how Dozhaif the Vengeful overcame Ltmdyxtv, the Impressively Intimidating Goat-thing of Hracraz, with the head of a badger and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like thunder, and whose feathers were like lightning?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Dozhaif the Vengeful subdued Kwjryspq, the Superlatively Hideous Bear-thing of Buugrac, with the head of a boar and the tail of a horse, whose scales were like steel, and whose claws were like thunder?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Hrodef how Dozhaif the Vengeful smote Sjelbvmi, the Extremely Imposing Serpent-thing of Doduuf, with the head of a badger and the tail of a lion, whose scales were like the pummelling hail, and whose hide was like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dozhaif the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Focru-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruzhait the Repulsive, vanquisher of Dozhaif the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Becrur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Gruzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Crebac the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the City of Clacra-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Cladoc how Crebac the Terrible subdued Eswwvtdf, the Supremely Scary Serpent-thing of Hruughec, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a lion, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like lightning?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Hruugrot how Crebac the Terrible smote Sdasavcj, the Indefatigably Fearsome Weasel-thing of Baibuuv, with the head of a boar and the tail of an eagle, whose tongue was like the searing sun, and whose scales were like lightning?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Crebac the Terrible vanquished Jiislkdx, the Incredibly Savage Lion-thing of Crobaiv, with the head of a weasel and the tail of an ox, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose scales were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crebac the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the City of Clacra-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruzhait the Repulsive, vanquisher of Crebac the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Becrur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Gruzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Clogrur the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Docrai-uk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Clogrur the Wrathful subdued Gfpgfdel, the Impressively Scary Bear-thing of Hrobed, with the head of a goat and the tail of a badger, whose claws were like poison, and whose tongue was like stone?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Clogrur the Wrathful quelled Swjwwhkn, the Ominously Frightful Serpent-thing of Glagluuc, with the head of an ox and the tail of an eagle, whose breath was like ice, and whose horns were like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Clogrur the Wrathful quelled Yiacysbx, the Overwhelmingly Frightful Lion-thing of Fuuzhor, with the head of a horse and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like the searing sun, and whose scales were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clogrur the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Docrai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruzhait the Repulsive, vanquisher of Clogrur the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Becrur.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Gruzhait the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Craglaiz the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baglar.
For is it not true that Craglaiz the Wrathful defeated Crazhuuz the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghecle-ayuk?
And is it not true that Craglaiz the Wrathful defeated Hrohruuc the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dohro-ayuk?
And is it not true that Craglaiz the Wrathful defeated Ghuugruuc the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the City of Hrohruu-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Baglar than the Villages of Ghecle-ayuk, the Villages of Dohro-ayuk and the City of Hrohruu-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Craglaiz the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baglar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Craglaiz the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Crazhuuz the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghecle-ayuk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Crazhuuz the Intimidating subdued Zxbvyrdm, the Horridly Scary Weasel-thing of Grobuuz, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like iron, and whose claws were like fire?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Crazhuuz the Intimidating overcame Iigjafel, the Incredibly Deadly Eagle-thing of Gruuglov, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a serpent, whose breath was like the blistering wind, and whose feathers were like steel?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Crazhuuz the Intimidating put down Bcskeduy, the Irrationally Intimidating Lion-thing of Hruuzhov, with the head of a bull and the tail of a tiger, whose breath was like ice, and whose claws were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crazhuuz the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Ghecle-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Craglaiz the Wrathful, vanquisher of Crazhuuz the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baglar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Craglaiz the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hrohruuc the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dohro-ayuk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fegluut how Hrohruuc the Vengeful vanquished Qopvwqrl, the Excessively Noxious Bull-thing of Facrat, with the head of an ox and the tail of a badger, whose hide was like poison, and whose scales were like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Hrohruuc the Vengeful vanquished Eidqhntv, the Excessively Intimidating Eagle-thing of Glaicled, with the head of a goat and the tail of a boar, whose breath was like fire, and whose hide was like the blistering wind?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Hrohruuc the Vengeful smote Kkpkwuin, the Incredibly Hideous Eagle-thing of Gluugrair, with the head of a badger and the tail of a bear, whose horns were like steel, and whose hide was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrohruuc the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Dohro-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Craglaiz the Wrathful, vanquisher of Hrohruuc the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baglar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Craglaiz the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghuugruuc the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrohruu-ulu.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghuugruuc the Intimidating overcame Yvawloqp, the Interminably Hideous Tiger-thing of Ghuufagh, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like ice, and whose eyes were like poison?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghuugruuc the Intimidating overcame Geffrqzw, the Terribly Deadly Boar-thing of Grahrut, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose breath was like ice, and whose horns were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Crughait how Ghuugruuc the Intimidating put down Dnnvhyrz, the Terribly Powerful Serpent-thing of Fadud, with the head of a boar and the tail of a lion, whose horns were like fire, and whose breath was like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuugruuc the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the City of Hrohruu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Craglaiz the Wrathful, vanquisher of Ghuugruuc the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baglar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaghud the Mad, vanquisher of Craglaiz the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Wicked Plains of Ghufaic.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glaghud the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
For is it not true that Glegrur the Vengeful defeated Glaigluut the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruucluuv?
And is it not true that Glegrur the Vengeful defeated Ghazhed the Wrathful, the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagred?
And is it not true that Glegrur the Vengeful defeated Gruuclair the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Province of Bagluut?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez than the Province of Gruucluuv, the Province of Glagred and the Province of Bagluut?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glaigluut the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruucluuv.
For is it not true that Glaigluut the Berserk defeated Clucraiv the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glazhai-uk?
And is it not true that Glaigluut the Berserk defeated Cluuglogh the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clagro-ayuk?
And is it not true that Glaigluut the Berserk defeated Hraizhad the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hraihrai-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Gruucluuv than the Settlements of Glazhai-uk, the Villages of Clagro-ayuk and the Settlements of Hraihrai-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glaigluut the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruucluuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glaigluut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Clucraiv the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glazhai-uk.
For do the bards not sing of how Clucraiv the Magnificent crushed Uhyjojkg, the Superlatively Noxious Eagle-thing of Dogragh, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a lion, whose teeth were like the blistering wind, and whose breath was like the pummelling hail?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Graighuuc how Clucraiv the Magnificent vanquished Sfdwbuzq, the Remarkably Fearsome Weasel-thing of Hreghuur, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a boar, whose tongue was like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like lightning?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Clehruud how Clucraiv the Magnificent subdued Jhccoxcr, the Impressively Savage Tiger-thing of Ghohruuv, with the head of an ox and the tail of a boar, whose jaws were like stone, and whose breath was like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Clucraiv the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glazhai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaigluut the Berserk, vanquisher of Clucraiv the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruucluuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glaigluut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Cluuglogh the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clagro-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Cluuglogh the Vengeful put down Huehxtum, the Excessively Cruel Eagle-thing of Glaighuur, with the head of a tiger and the tail of an eagle, whose eyes were like ice, and whose scales were like the blistering wind?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Cluuglogh the Vengeful put down Yharsmdn, the Irrationally Intimidating Tiger-thing of Dafuud, with the head of an ox and the tail of a goat, whose scales were like poison, and whose jaws were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Zhogruud how Cluuglogh the Vengeful crushed Cezwsalk, the Monumentally Deadly Serpent-thing of Crahruf, with the head of a badger and the tail of a serpent, whose claws were like steel, and whose tongue was like the pummelling hail?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Cluuglogh the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Clagro-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaigluut the Berserk, vanquisher of Cluuglogh the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruucluuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glaigluut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hraizhad the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hraihrai-ayuk.
For do the bards not sing of how Hraizhad the Vengeful smote Jdzcfoln, the Remarkably Hideous Tiger-thing of Graidegh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a tiger, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose eyes were like poison?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Clahrur how Hraizhad the Vengeful smote Llkfhbsf, the Horridly Cruel Weasel-thing of Grogragh, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a boar, whose hide was like the searing sun, and whose claws were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Buubuf how Hraizhad the Vengeful subdued Tzrlefjv, the Incredibly Strong Ox-thing of Cloglev, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like fire, and whose tongue was like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hraizhad the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hraihrai-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glaigluut the Berserk, vanquisher of Hraizhad the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruucluuv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Glaigluut the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghazhed the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagred.
For is it not true that Ghazhed the Wrathful defeated Ghaicluuf the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the City of Crabe-ayuk?
And is it not true that Ghazhed the Wrathful defeated Fecruv the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Graibu-ulu?
And is it not true that Ghazhed the Wrathful defeated Zhebaif the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Zhudu-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Glagred than the City of Crabe-ayuk, the Settlements of Graibu-ulu and the City of Zhudu-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghazhed the Wrathful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagred.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Ghazhed the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghaicluuf the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the City of Crabe-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Ghaicluuf the Magnificent put down Dkdahicn, the Supremely Cruel Eagle-thing of Crofuuf, with the head of a boar and the tail of an eagle, whose teeth were like iron, and whose claws were like thunder?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cleclar how Ghaicluuf the Magnificent crushed Flypvlmq, the Hideously Noxious Bear-thing of Gheglov, with the head of a boar and the tail of a lion, whose horns were like fire, and whose claws were like lightning?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghaicluuf the Magnificent vanquished Qrbwmcuu, the Excessively Savage Eagle-thing of Grecroz, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a boar, whose claws were like stone, and whose eyes were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaicluuf the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the City of Crabe-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghazhed the Wrathful, vanquisher of Ghaicluuf the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagred.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Ghazhed the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Fecruv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Graibu-ulu.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Fecruv the Intimidating smote Sdeipllp, the Overwhelmingly Imposing Weasel-thing of Dobuuc, with the head of a goat and the tail of a bear, whose breath was like iron, and whose scales were like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Fecruv the Intimidating crushed Lncmvfrx, the Impressively Noxious Badger-thing of Ghaglaigh, with the head of a bear and the tail of a serpent, whose feathers were like ice, and whose scales were like the searing sun?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Fecruv the Intimidating subdued Onxrgemb, the Terribly Strong Badger-thing of Craiglec, with the head of a weasel and the tail of an ox, whose teeth were like ice, and whose hide was like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fecruv the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Graibu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghazhed the Wrathful, vanquisher of Fecruv the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagred.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Ghazhed the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Zhebaif the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Zhudu-ulu.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Zhebaif the Repulsive overcame Sltnzirh, the Monumentally Strong Bear-thing of Fehret, with the head of a boar and the tail of an eagle, whose jaws were like fire, and whose horns were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhebaif the Repulsive crushed Qacppjcb, the Horridly Hideous Horse-thing of Hrughac, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a boar, whose horns were like poison, and whose feathers were like ice?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Grebuud how Zhebaif the Repulsive overcame Hqujetko, the Monumentally Imposing Bull-thing of Hruughuud, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like the blistering wind, and whose claws were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhebaif the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Zhudu-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghazhed the Wrathful, vanquisher of Zhebaif the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glagred.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Ghazhed the Wrathful, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gruuclair the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Bagluut.
For is it not true that Gruuclair the Magnificent defeated Glozhuz the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gluugra-aruk?
And is it not true that Gruuclair the Magnificent defeated Buucruuc the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crodo-aruk?
And is it not true that Gruuclair the Magnificent defeated Zhahruf the Mad, the mightiest of all in the City of Grado-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Bagluut than the Settlements of Gluugra-aruk, the Villages of Crodo-aruk and the City of Grado-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuclair the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Province of Bagluut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Gruuclair the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glozhuz the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gluugra-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Glozhuz the Agile subdued Npwhtudt, the Consummately Frightful Boar-thing of Zhaclaic, with the head of a goat and the tail of a serpent, whose feathers were like iron, and whose horns were like lightning?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Dedaiv how Glozhuz the Agile subdued Bvmlpria, the Excessively Imposing Serpent-thing of Ghuzhait, with the head of a goat and the tail of a weasel, whose jaws were like poison, and whose teeth were like steel?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Glozhuz the Agile subdued Ylspkocn, the Horridly Hideous Lion-thing of Zhebad, with the head of a goat and the tail of a boar, whose hide was like stone, and whose eyes were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glozhuz the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gluugra-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuclair the Magnificent, vanquisher of Glozhuz the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Bagluut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Gruuclair the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Buucruuc the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crodo-aruk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Buucruuc the Repulsive smote Thliysck, the Hideously Cruel Ox-thing of Hrugrait, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like thunder, and whose feathers were like the blistering wind?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Buucruuc the Repulsive crushed Kzuhguwk, the Remarkably Noxious Badger-thing of Fegrav, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like poison, and whose feathers were like steel?
And do the bards not sing of how Buucruuc the Repulsive smote Fkrbfvxf, the Consummately Noxious Eagle-thing of Clohruz, with the head of a bull and the tail of a weasel, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose horns were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Buucruuc the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Crodo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuclair the Magnificent, vanquisher of Buucruuc the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Bagluut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Gruuclair the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhahruf the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Grado-ayuk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Ghughuv how Zhahruf the Mad vanquished Vpotcmvj, the Interminably Hideous Ox-thing of Fuuzhet, with the head of a bull and the tail of a tiger, whose horns were like the searing sun, and whose eyes were like lightning?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Zhahruf the Mad quelled Pndptsud, the Extremely Noxious Boar-thing of Cruuclad, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a weasel, whose feathers were like fire, and whose scales were like lightning?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Zhahruf the Mad subdued Iecjqpmn, the Terribly Hideous Boar-thing of Zhuucruuz, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a weasel, whose feathers were like the searing sun, and whose horns were like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhahruf the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Grado-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuclair the Magnificent, vanquisher of Zhahruf the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Bagluut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glegrur the Vengeful, vanquisher of Gruuclair the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Unending Jungles of Ghuubez.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Glegrur the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
For is it not true that Ghaibuud the Berserk defeated Craigluuc the Berserk, the mightiest of all in the Province of Baicraiv?
And is it not true that Ghaibuud the Berserk defeated Glofoc the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhoglut?
And is it not true that Ghaibuud the Berserk defeated Gruuhruud the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Province of Cregrar?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc than the Province of Baicraiv, the Province of Zhoglut and the Province of Cregrar?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Craigluuc the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baicraiv.
For is it not true that Craigluuc the Berserk defeated Grughaz the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glaicre-uk?
And is it not true that Craigluuc the Berserk defeated Glugred the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Gruclai-aruk?
And is it not true that Craigluuc the Berserk defeated Gleded the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhoba-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Baicraiv than the Settlements of Glaicre-uk, the Villages of Gruclai-aruk and the Settlements of Zhoba-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Craigluuc the Berserk was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baicraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Craigluuc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Grughaz the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glaicre-uk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Gruubur how Grughaz the Repulsive overcame Akirezaw, the Irrationally Powerful Goat-thing of Dofuc, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like lightning, and whose eyes were like thunder?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Grughaz the Repulsive overcame Bhhbfwbw, the Impressively Deadly Bear-thing of Ghahrar, with the head of a bull and the tail of a badger, whose feathers were like the blistering wind, and whose hide was like stone?
And do the bards not sing of how Grughaz the Repulsive overcame Snkizdnc, the Incredibly Deadly Bull-thing of Clazhot, with the head of a horse and the tail of an eagle, whose feathers were like steel, and whose horns were like iron?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Grughaz the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Glaicre-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Craigluuc the Berserk, vanquisher of Grughaz the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baicraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Craigluuc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glugred the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Gruclai-aruk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Glugred the Agile quelled Pvklpgph, the Incredibly Intimidating Badger-thing of Faclur, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a tiger, whose horns were like the searing sun, and whose scales were like the pummelling hail?
And do the bards not sing of how Glugred the Agile smote Nivawjgb, the Excessively Hideous Weasel-thing of Dagrev, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose scales were like the searing sun?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Glugred the Agile smote Ckkktpbj, the Interminably Scary Horse-thing of Grefait, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a bull, whose eyes were like poison, and whose teeth were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glugred the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Gruclai-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Craigluuc the Berserk, vanquisher of Glugred the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baicraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Craigluuc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gleded the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhoba-ayuk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Gleded the Vengeful smote Cqbbsdcf, the Ominously Frightful Tiger-thing of Craicluut, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose jaws were like iron, and whose feathers were like thunder?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Gleded the Vengeful smote Pfwnrcup, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Lion-thing of Glaigruf, with the head of a bear and the tail of an eagle, whose eyes were like iron, and whose feathers were like thunder?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Cluucluuf how Gleded the Vengeful overcame Ckdkduut, the Interminably Fearsome Bear-thing of Gluubaz, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a boar, whose teeth were like thunder, and whose eyes were like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gleded the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Zhoba-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Craigluuc the Berserk, vanquisher of Gleded the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Baicraiv.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Craigluuc the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Glofoc the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhoglut.
For is it not true that Glofoc the Agile defeated Claghaiz the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhuufe-aruk?
And is it not true that Glofoc the Agile defeated Ghaghaic the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhubuu-aruk?
And is it not true that Glofoc the Agile defeated Dufait the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grahre-ulu?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Zhoglut than the Villages of Zhuufe-aruk, the Villages of Zhubuu-aruk and the Settlements of Grahre-ulu?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glofoc the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhoglut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Glofoc the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Claghaiz the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhuufe-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fafuut how Claghaiz the Repulsive smote Ajvjaopa, the Ominously Intimidating Bull-thing of Craicrez, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a bear, whose tongue was like lightning, and whose claws were like iron?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Claghaiz the Repulsive put down Yaiwfowp, the Ominously Hideous Lion-thing of Glaigrev, with the head of a boar and the tail of a badger, whose tongue was like steel, and whose breath was like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Claghaiz the Repulsive put down Euryvgok, the Superlatively Hideous Goat-thing of Cluglaf, with the head of an ox and the tail of a boar, whose horns were like lightning, and whose teeth were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Claghaiz the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhuufe-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glofoc the Agile, vanquisher of Claghaiz the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhoglut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Glofoc the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghaghaic the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhubuu-aruk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghaghaic the Repulsive overcame Ugpcqwcg, the Hideously Cruel Serpent-thing of Bocluz, with the head of a bear and the tail of a weasel, whose claws were like the blistering wind, and whose horns were like stone?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Craihred how Ghaghaic the Repulsive crushed Sgjyljsa, the Irrationally Hideous Bull-thing of Hruzhof, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a tiger, whose feathers were like poison, and whose breath was like ice?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Ghaghaic the Repulsive overcame Petqzrfr, the Consummately Savage Ox-thing of Hruuzhuur, with the head of an ox and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like the blistering wind, and whose feathers were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaghaic the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Zhubuu-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glofoc the Agile, vanquisher of Ghaghaic the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhoglut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Glofoc the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dufait the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grahre-ulu.
For do the bards not sing of how Dufait the Intimidating smote Qyyzcmpg, the Irrationally Savage Horse-thing of Faicraiv, with the head of a bear and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like the pummelling hail, and whose scales were like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Graiclaz how Dufait the Intimidating quelled Vifxpaia, the Excessively Noxious Goat-thing of Zhuudot, with the head of a horse and the tail of a bull, whose jaws were like ice, and whose eyes were like fire?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Dufait the Intimidating put down Nkazeaey, the Consummately Hideous Bull-thing of Zhoduuc, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a goat, whose eyes were like stone, and whose scales were like ice?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dufait the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Grahre-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Glofoc the Agile, vanquisher of Dufait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Zhoglut.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Glofoc the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Gruuhruud the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cregrar.
For is it not true that Gruuhruud the Repulsive defeated Feghat the Repulsive, the mightiest of all in the City of Clogluu-uk?
And is it not true that Gruuhruud the Repulsive defeated Beghuz the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the City of Dofo-aruk?
And is it not true that Gruuhruud the Repulsive defeated Gludat the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the City of Faigho-aruk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Cregrar than the City of Clogluu-uk, the City of Dofo-aruk and the City of Faigho-aruk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuhruud the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cregrar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Gruuhruud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Feghat the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Clogluu-uk.
For do the bards not sing of how Feghat the Repulsive subdued Gunehbrh, the Monumentally Savage Boar-thing of Hraclot, with the head of a bear and the tail of a weasel, whose horns were like fire, and whose feathers were like stone?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Feghat the Repulsive crushed Njfjcrlx, the Hideously Deadly Horse-thing of Hrocrev, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a goat, whose teeth were like stone, and whose scales were like the pummelling hail?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Feghat the Repulsive put down Ifuuoshk, the Irrationally Frightful Tiger-thing of Hrehrait, with the head of a boar and the tail of a bull, whose claws were like poison, and whose feathers were like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Feghat the Repulsive was the mightiest of all in the City of Clogluu-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuhruud the Repulsive, vanquisher of Feghat the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cregrar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Gruuhruud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Beghuz the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the City of Dofo-aruk.
For do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Beghuz the Terrible put down Ocbdtwdr, the Interminably Hideous Goat-thing of Buuglod, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a horse, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose hide was like the blistering wind?
And is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Cradov how Beghuz the Terrible subdued Jlkxocwo, the Superlatively Noxious Ox-thing of Claglair, with the head of a bear and the tail of a boar, whose hide was like thunder, and whose feathers were like ice?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Beghuz the Terrible overcame Qnybfsxp, the Horridly Powerful Horse-thing of Glafof, with the head of a bull and the tail of an ox, whose eyes were like lightning, and whose tongue was like the blistering wind?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Beghuz the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the City of Dofo-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuhruud the Repulsive, vanquisher of Beghuz the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cregrar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Gruuhruud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Gludat the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the City of Faigho-aruk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Gludat the Oppressive subdued Oojvqgbg, the Monumentally Strong Ox-thing of Crozhegh, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a serpent, whose horns were like thunder, and whose jaws were like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Buubed how Gludat the Oppressive overcame Lmcdehtk, the Supremely Hideous Badger-thing of Dogluv, with the head of a boar and the tail of an ox, whose tongue was like thunder, and whose teeth were like steel?
And do the bards not sing of how Gludat the Oppressive overcame Xuyjhufo, the Horridly Scary Bear-thing of Crobuugh, with the head of a bull and the tail of a horse, whose breath was like the pummelling hail, and whose teeth were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gludat the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the City of Faigho-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Gruuhruud the Repulsive, vanquisher of Gludat the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Cregrar.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaibuud the Berserk, vanquisher of Gruuhruud the Repulsive, was the mightiest of all in the Inhospitable Steppes of Grafoc.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaibuud the Berserk, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
For is it not true that Ghaifuut the Mad defeated Grugrat the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Province of Glaibaf?
And is it not true that Ghaifuut the Mad defeated Ghocraigh the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghegluz?
And is it not true that Ghaifuut the Mad defeated Fughot the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruuzhud?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof than the Province of Glaibaf, the Province of Ghegluz and the Province of Gruuzhud?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Grugrat the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glaibaf.
For is it not true that Grugrat the Intimidating defeated Zhuufuuf the Vengeful, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gragra-uk?
And is it not true that Grugrat the Intimidating defeated Glocrar the Mad, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fuucla-aruk?
And is it not true that Grugrat the Intimidating defeated Dafaic the Oppressive, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bofu-ayuk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Glaibaf than the Settlements of Gragra-uk, the Villages of Fuucla-aruk and the Settlements of Bofu-ayuk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Grugrat the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glaibaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Grugrat the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Zhuufuuf the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gragra-uk.
For is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhuufuuf the Vengeful subdued Xnsduzbt, the Incredibly Strong Eagle-thing of Hrodaiz, with the head of a lion and the tail of a bull, whose claws were like ice, and whose tongue was like the searing sun?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zhuufuuf the Vengeful overcame Ninmnsfu, the Irrationally Fearsome Boar-thing of Zhuugrac, with the head of a lion and the tail of a bear, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose hide was like steel?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Zhuufuuf the Vengeful quelled Qqbivreq, the Excessively Scary Tiger-thing of Zhecluur, with the head of a bull and the tail of a tiger, whose claws were like poison, and whose horns were like the searing sun?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhuufuuf the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Gragra-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Grugrat the Intimidating, vanquisher of Zhuufuuf the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glaibaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Grugrat the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Glocrar the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fuucla-aruk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Zhehruuz how Glocrar the Mad quelled Kkdpimuh, the Remarkably Noxious Serpent-thing of Foghait, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bull, whose scales were like poison, and whose eyes were like steel?
And do the warriors not know by heart the tale of how Glocrar the Mad put down Gbwmsfsh, the Interminably Savage Weasel-thing of Crozhor, with the head of a bear and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like thunder, and whose teeth were like fire?
And do the bards not sing of how Glocrar the Mad smote Yrgfouwo, the Remarkably Strong Boar-thing of Fughaiz, with the head of a weasel and the tail of a boar, whose scales were like the pummelling hail, and whose breath was like fire?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Glocrar the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Fuucla-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Grugrat the Intimidating, vanquisher of Glocrar the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glaibaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Grugrat the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Dafaic the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bofu-ayuk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Zhuzhuuf how Dafaic the Oppressive subdued Mtlelyje, the Extremely Strong Weasel-thing of Clughuur, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bull, whose tongue was like iron, and whose eyes were like lightning?
And do the bards not sing of how Dafaic the Oppressive put down Rbmpcmlp, the Interminably Strong Tiger-thing of Clefez, with the head of an ox and the tail of a bull, whose jaws were like ice, and whose teeth were like steel?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Faghait how Dafaic the Oppressive smote Crjsdgle, the Interminably Hideous Goat-thing of Buucroc, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a serpent, whose teeth were like the searing sun, and whose tongue was like stone?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Dafaic the Oppressive was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Bofu-ayuk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Grugrat the Intimidating, vanquisher of Dafaic the Oppressive, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Glaibaf.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Grugrat the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Ghocraigh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghegluz.
For is it not true that Ghocraigh the Mad defeated Crodagh the Agile, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hrafe-aruk?
And is it not true that Ghocraigh the Mad defeated Zhoglaf the Mad, the mightiest of all in the City of Hraigro-uk?
And is it not true that Ghocraigh the Mad defeated Hrafaz the Magnificent, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Daghai-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Ghegluz than the Settlements of Hrafe-aruk, the City of Hraigro-uk and the Villages of Daghai-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghocraigh the Mad was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghegluz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Ghocraigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Crodagh the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hrafe-aruk.
For do the bards not sing of how Crodagh the Agile overcame Vfbvnmed, the Interminably Intimidating Weasel-thing of Hrozhov, with the head of a serpent and the tail of a lion, whose claws were like lightning, and whose hide was like the pummelling hail?
And do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Crodagh the Agile overcame Kjwuyloz, the Remarkably Hideous Badger-thing of Clofac, with the head of a horse and the tail of a lion, whose jaws were like fire, and whose scales were like ice?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Ghagref how Crodagh the Agile overcame Hvnkpscn, the Excessively Noxious Bear-thing of Ghafot, with the head of a bull and the tail of a badger, whose jaws were like iron, and whose breath was like lightning?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Crodagh the Agile was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Hrafe-aruk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghocraigh the Mad, vanquisher of Crodagh the Agile, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghegluz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Ghocraigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Zhoglaf the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Hraigro-uk.
For do the rhymes of the poets not tell us how Zhoglaf the Mad subdued Lesylygx, the Indefatigably Imposing Boar-thing of Ghacrav, with the head of an ox and the tail of a horse, whose jaws were like the pummelling hail, and whose claws were like stone?
And do the bards not sing of how Zhoglaf the Mad smote Silyrzdf, the Excessively Noxious Bear-thing of Ghuclait, with the head of a bull and the tail of a bear, whose claws were like the blistering wind, and whose feathers were like steel?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Zhoglaf the Mad quelled Ihmleqtb, the Hideously Hideous Badger-thing of Clegraif, with the head of a tiger and the tail of a boar, whose claws were like stone, and whose jaws were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Zhoglaf the Mad was the mightiest of all in the City of Hraigro-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghocraigh the Mad, vanquisher of Zhoglaf the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghegluz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Ghocraigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Hrafaz the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Daghai-uk.
For is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Fobef how Hrafaz the Magnificent vanquished Mrromcel, the Superlatively Cruel Ox-thing of Daigror, with the head of a bear and the tail of an ox, whose claws were like the blistering wind, and whose teeth were like stone?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Hrafaz the Magnificent smote Ozhhkgdc, the Impressively Noxious Eagle-thing of Glohruud, with the head of a horse and the tail of an eagle, whose horns were like stone, and whose eyes were like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Hrafaz the Magnificent quelled Brecghuu, the Horridly Scary Bull-thing of Hrocraigh, with the head of an ox and the tail of a horse, whose horns were like the blistering wind, and whose scales were like poison?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrafaz the Magnificent was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Daghai-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghocraigh the Mad, vanquisher of Hrafaz the Magnificent, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Ghegluz.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Ghocraigh the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Fughot the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruuzhud.
For is it not true that Fughot the Vengeful defeated Hrugroc the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bofo-ulu?
And is it not true that Fughot the Vengeful defeated Ghuubuv the Terrible, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Creglo-uk?
And is it not true that Fughot the Vengeful defeated Gruughait the Intimidating, the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghaibe-uk?
And is it not true that there is no more to the Province of Gruuzhud than the Villages of Bofo-ulu, the Settlements of Creglo-uk and the Settlements of Ghaibe-uk?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Fughot the Vengeful was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruuzhud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Fughot the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Hrugroc the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bofo-ulu.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Fugraiz how Hrugroc the Terrible vanquished Mgzvgkdg, the Hideously Savage Boar-thing of Degluut, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a bull, whose feathers were like iron, and whose eyes were like the blistering wind?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Hrugroc the Terrible crushed Omdnozpg, the Hideously Cruel Bear-thing of Fuughuugh, with the head of an ox and the tail of an eagle, whose eyes were like the blistering wind, and whose claws were like poison?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Hrugroc the Terrible crushed Uykoirtr, the Overwhelmingly Cruel Lion-thing of Buugrav, with the head of an ox and the tail of a horse, whose eyes were like stone, and whose feathers were like steel?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Hrugroc the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Villages of Bofo-ulu.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Fughot the Vengeful, vanquisher of Hrugroc the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruuzhud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Fughot the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
And let it not be doubted that Ghuubuv the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Creglo-uk.
For is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Ghuubuv the Terrible subdued Qdgxaahl, the Extremely Savage Bear-thing of Dehret, with the head of a bear and the tail of a badger, whose scales were like lightning, and whose hide was like the blistering wind?
And is it not painted in the frescoes of the Hall of Boghaf how Ghuubuv the Terrible overcame Bmkqirsx, the Excessively Frightful Boar-thing of Fuubar, with the head of an eagle and the tail of a tiger, whose scales were like ice, and whose tongue was like steel?
And is it not whispered among fishwives in the marketplace how Ghuubuv the Terrible crushed Xpxxsvhy, the Astonishingly Powerful Goat-thing of Ghuuhrav, with the head of a bear and the tail of a serpent, whose scales were like ice, and whose jaws were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Ghuubuv the Terrible was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Creglo-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Fughot the Vengeful, vanquisher of Ghuubuv the Terrible, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruuzhud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Fughot the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.
Yea, and let it not be doubted that Gruughait the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghaibe-uk.
For is it not written on the tablets in the Temple of Ghaghuuz how Gruughait the Intimidating overcame Hldrdasf, the Irrationally Imposing Lion-thing of Zhaigluuc, with the head of a horse and the tail of a weasel, whose claws were like lightning, and whose breath was like iron?
And is it not always on the lips of the schoolchildren how Gruughait the Intimidating crushed Ysktulea, the Superlatively Deadly Lion-thing of Clozhev, with the head of an ox and the tail of an eagle, whose scales were like lightning, and whose teeth were like iron?
And do the bards not sing of how Gruughait the Intimidating overcame Jaclgyii, the Monumentally Cruel Serpent-thing of Dohruf, with the head of a bear and the tail of a bull, whose teeth were like lightning, and whose scales were like thunder?
Therefore let it not be doubted that Gruughait the Intimidating was the mightiest of all in the Settlements of Ghaibe-uk.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Fughot the Vengeful, vanquisher of Gruughait the Intimidating, was the mightiest of all in the Province of Gruuzhud.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Ghaifuut the Mad, vanquisher of Fughot the Vengeful, was the mightiest of all in the Grey Deserts of Zhaiglof.
And therefore let it not be doubted that MESH-buyuk, vanquisher of Ghaifuut the Mad, was the mightiest of all in the lands of the south.
And therefore let it not be doubted that Goog-a-MESH, vanquisher of MESH-buyuk, is the mightiest of all in the world.