To create your own status line module that uses the catppuccin theme,
all you need to do is add it to the status-left
or status-right
You can add arbitrary things to the status line like so:
# ~/.tmux.conf
set -agF status-right "#[fg=#{@thm_crust},bg=#{@thm_teal}] ##H "
This will append the current hostname (#H
) to the status line with a teal
background and dark black text.
You can also use icons for styling, for example to show the used memory percentage on MacOS:
set -g status-right "#[bg=#{@thm_flamingo},fg=#{@thm_crust}]#[reverse]#[noreverse] "
set -ag status-right "#[fg=#{@thm_fg},bg=#{@thm_mantle}] #(memory_pressure | awk '/percentage/{print $5}') "
To use the status module formatting that catppuccin uses, do the following:
# In ~/.tmux.conf, after the catppuccin plugin has been loaded.
%hidden MODULE_NAME="my_custom_module"
set -ogq "@catppuccin_${MODULE_NAME}_icon" " "
set -ogqF "@catppuccin_${MODULE_NAME}_color" "#{E:@thm_pink}"
set -ogq "@catppuccin_${MODULE_NAME}_text" "#{pane_current_command}"
source "<path to catppuccin plugin>/utils/status_module.conf"
set -g status-right "#{E:@catppuccin_status_application}#{E:@catppuccin_status_my_custom_module}"