- Upgrade project to latest Angular v7.x to prevent npm warnings
- Fix Router injector to handle UIRouter and not throw errors (or set up page tracking metrics)
- Deprecation warning added for
(will be removed in next major version(?)) - Use
(capital "L") to match correct AppInsights Interface - AppInsights context & queue now proxied to prevent undefined when not loaded immediately
- for Angular 6.x with Rxjs 6.1+
- Angular 5.x with Rxjs 5.5+ (pipeable operators)
- Angular 5.x (with older rxjs < 5.5)
- Updated to Angular 4.0 (use version 1.0.0 for Angular 2.x)
- Added @types/applicationinsights-js types
- ** BREAKING ** Refactor to implement Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IConfig and Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IAppInsights
- Refactor config into service and expose full config
- Add call to init to module
- Implemented remaining methods
- ** BREAKING ** Re-released to NPM package via
, remove thex
. (According to latest Angular naming guidelines)- Old npm unpublshed/removed.
- Updated to use applicationinsights-js SDK.
- Released to npm with