rTLsDeep: An R Package for post-hurricane damage severity classification at the individual tree level using terrestrial laser scanning and deep learning.
Authors: Carine Klauberg, Carlos Alberto Silva, Ricardo Dalagnol, Matheus Ferreira, Danilo Romeu Farias de Souza, Luiz Guilherme Almeida Nogueira, Eben Broadbent, Caio Hamamura and Jason Vogel.
The rTLSDeep package provides options for i) rotating and deriving 2D images from TLS 3D point clouds, ii) calibrating and validating convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures and iii) predicting post-hurricane damage severity at the individual tree level
- R >= 4.0.0: https://www.r-project.org/
- Rtools >= 4 (windows): https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/
- Git: https://git-scm.com/
- tensorflow (python): https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3929709
- numpy (python)
- scipy (python)
- pillow (python - recommended)
# The CRAN version:
# The development version:
install_github("https://github.com/carlos-alberto-silva/rTLsDeep", dependencies = TRUE)
# get pacman
#load pcaman and all packages
# Path to las file
lasfile <- system.file("extdata", "tree_c1.laz", package="rTLsDeep")
# Reading las file
# plotting las file in 3D
plot(las, bg="white")
rgl::axes3d(c("x+", "y-", "z-"), col="black")
rgl::grid3d(side=c('x+', 'y-', 'z'), col="gray")
# Rotating around the x-axis
las<-tlsrotate3d(las,theta=120, by="x", scale=TRUE)
# Rotating around the y-axis
las<-tlsrotate3d(las,theta=120, by="y", scale=TRUE)
# Rotating around the z-axis
las<-tlsrotate3d(las,theta=120, by="z", scale=TRUE)
# Set output dir for downloading the example dataset files
# downloading zip file
download.file("https://github.com/carlos-alberto-silva/rTLsDeep/raw/main/readme/laz_files.zip",destfile=file.path(outdir, "laz_files.zip"))
# unzip file
# Reading las file for each post-hurricane individual tree-level damage classes
# Defining the func parameter
func = ~list(Z = max(Z)) # plot by height
# computing 2D grid snapshot
gtree_c1<-getTLS2D(tree_c1, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
gtree_c2<-getTLS2D(tree_c2, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
gtree_c3<-getTLS2D(tree_c3, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
gtree_c4<-getTLS2D(tree_c4, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
gtree_c5<-getTLS2D(tree_c5, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
gtree_c6<-getTLS2D(tree_c6, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
# Visualizing 2D grid snapshot
plot(gtree_c1, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C1",cex=2)
plot(gtree_c2, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C2",cex=2)
plot(gtree_c3, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C3",cex=2)
plot(gtree_c4, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C4",cex=2)
plot(gtree_c5, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C5",cex=2)
plot(gtree_c6, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C6",cex=2)
# Exporting 2D grids
## Creating train/test datasets for C1 and C2 only
classes = c('C1', 'C2')
targets = c('train', 'validation')
### Create folders
folders_to_create = file.path(targets, rep(classes, each=length(targets)))
sapply(folders_to_create, dir.create, recursive=T, showWarnings=FALSE)
### Calculate rotations by 15 degrees
rotations = c(seq(0, 89, 15), seq(180, 269, 15))
n_images = length(rotations) * 2 # We will use xz and yz from TLS
### Get random training samples
indices = seq_len(n_images)
val_samples = sample(indices, size=n_images * 0.25)
### Image parameters
img_width = 256
img_height = 256
resolution = 0.05
max_height = 30
createImage = function(raster, file_path, width, height) {
png(paste0(file_path, '.png'), units="px", width=img_width, height=img_height)
terra::image(raster, col=viridis::viridis(100), axes=FALSE, ylim=c(-resolution,max_height-resolution))
ii = 1
func = ~list(Z = max(Z)) # plot by height
## Create images rotating images
for (rotation in rotations) {
train_or_vals = targets[(c(ii, ii+1) %in% val_samples) + 1]
for (current_class in classes) {
tree = tlsrotate3d(get(paste0('tree_', tolower(current_class))), theta=rotation, by="z", scale=TRUE)
raster = getTLS2D(tree, res=resolution, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
createImage(raster, file.path(train_or_vals[1], current_class, ii), width, height)
raster = getTLS2D(tree, res=resolution, by="yz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
createImage(raster, file.path(train_or_vals[2], current_class, ii + 1), width, height)
ii = ii + 2
# Set directory to tensorflow (python environment)
# This is required if running deep learning local computer with GPU
# Guide to install here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3929709
tensorflow_dir = NA
# define model type
#model_type = "simple"
model_type = "vgg"
#model_type = "inception"
#model_type = "resnet"
#model_type = "densenet"
#model_type = "efficientnet"
train_image_files_path = 'train'
test_image_files_path = 'validation'
# Image and model properties
img_width <- 256
img_height <- 256
class_list_train = unique(list.files(train_image_files_path))
class_list_test = unique(list.files(test_image_files_path))
lr_rate = 0.0001
target_size <- c(img_width, img_height)
channels <- 4
batch_size = 8L
epochs = 20L
# get model
model = get_dl_model(model_type=model_type,
lr_rate = lr_rate,
tensorflow_dir = tensorflow_dir,
class_list = class_list_train)
weights_fname = fit_dl_model(model = model,
train_input_path = train_image_files_path,
test_input_path = test_image_files_path,
target_size = target_size,
batch_size = batch_size,
class_list = class_list_train,
epochs = epochs,
lr_rate = lr_rate)
tree_damage<-predict_treedamage(model = model,
input_file_path = test_image_files_path,
weights = weights_fname,
target_size = c(256,256),
batch_size = batch_size)
# Get damage classes for validation datasets
# Calculate confusion matrix
cm = confmatrix_treedamage(predict_class = tree_damage,
class_list = class_list_test)
# Plot confusion matrix
colors=c(low="white", high="#009194"),
# Find the best angle and perform rotation
(best_angle_c2 = get_best_angle(tree_c2))
rotated_c2 = tlsrotate3d(tree_c2, theta = best_angle_c2)
# computing 2D grid snapshot
gtree_rotated_c2<-getTLS2D(rotated_c2, res=0.05, by="xz", func = func, scale=TRUE)
# Visualizing 2D grid snapshot
plot(gtree_c2, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, legend=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main="C2",cex=2)
plot(gtree_rotated_c2, col=viridis::viridis(100),axes=FALSE, legend=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,30), main=gettextf("C2 (best %s°)", round(best_angle_c2,0)),cex=2)
R Core Team. (2021). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing; R Core Team: Vienna, Austria. https://www.r-project.org/
We gratefully acknowledge funding from NIFA Award # 2020-67030-30714.
Please report any issue regarding the rTLsDeep package to Dr. Carlos A. Silva ([email protected]; maintainer)
Klauberg, C., Vogel, J., Dalagnol, R., Ferreira, M., Broadbent,E.N.; Hamamura, C., Silva, C.A. Post-hurricane damage severity classification at the individual tree level using terrestrial laser scanning and deep learning. Remote Sensing. in review
Klauberg, C., Vogel, J., Dalagnol, R., Ferreira, M., Broadbent,E.N.; Hamamura, C., Souza, D. R. F, Silva, Nogueira, L. G. A., C.A. rTLsDeep: An R Package for post-hurricane damage severity classification at the individual tree level using terrestrial laser scanning and deep learning. Version 0.0.1, accessed on December. 30 2022, available at: https://github.com/carlos-alberto-silva/rTLsDeep
rTLsDeep has been developed using R (R Core Team 2022), and it comes with no guarantee, expressed or implied, and the authors hold no responsibility for its use or reliability of its outputs.