diff --git a/Elm/.gitignore b/Elm/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc1f8d3394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Elm/elm-watch.json b/Elm/elm-watch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25a31f79d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/elm-watch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "targets": {
+ "Main": {
+ "inputs": [
+ "src/Main.elm"
+ ],
+ "output": "build/main.js"
+ }
+ },
+ "port": 54321,
+ "serve": "."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Elm/elm.json b/Elm/elm.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4863b9981b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/elm.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "type": "application",
+ "source-directories": [
+ "src"
+ ],
+ "elm-version": "0.19.1",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "direct": {
+ "elm/browser": "1.0.2",
+ "elm/core": "1.0.5",
+ "elm/html": "1.0.0",
+ "elm/random": "1.0.0",
+ "miniBill/elm-rope": "1.0.0"
+ },
+ "indirect": {
+ "elm/json": "1.1.3",
+ "elm/time": "1.0.0",
+ "elm/url": "1.0.0",
+ "elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.3"
+ }
+ },
+ "test-dependencies": {
+ "direct": {
+ "elm-explorations/test": "2.1.1"
+ },
+ "indirect": {
+ "elm/bytes": "1.0.8"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Elm/index.html b/Elm/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6ac0dfcf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ Trivia
diff --git a/Elm/package.json b/Elm/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e8072f97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "elm-test": "^0.19.1-revision12",
+ "elm-watch": "^1.2.0-beta.3"
+ }
diff --git a/Elm/src/Game.elm b/Elm/src/Game.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..899f099775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/src/Game.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+module Game exposing (Game, add, init, roll, wasCorrectlyAnswered, wrongAnswer)
+import Array exposing (Array)
+import Rope exposing (Rope)
+type alias Game =
+ { players : Array String
+ , places : Array Int
+ , purses : Array Int
+ , inPenaltyBox : Array Bool
+ , popQuestions : Array String
+ , scienceQuestions : Array String
+ , sportsQuestions : Array String
+ , rockQuestions : Array String
+ , currentPlayer : Int
+ , isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox : Bool
+ }
+init : ( Game, Rope String )
+init =
+ ( List.range 0 49
+ |> List.foldl
+ (\i this ->
+ { this
+ | popQuestions = Array.push ("Pop Question " ++ String.fromInt i) this.popQuestions
+ , scienceQuestions = Array.push ("Science Question " ++ String.fromInt i) this.scienceQuestions
+ , sportsQuestions = Array.push ("Sports Question " ++ String.fromInt i) this.sportsQuestions
+ , rockQuestions = Array.push (createRockQuestion i) this.rockQuestions
+ }
+ )
+ { players = Array.empty
+ , places = Array.repeat 6 0
+ , purses = Array.repeat 6 0
+ , inPenaltyBox = Array.repeat 6 False
+ , popQuestions = Array.empty
+ , scienceQuestions = Array.empty
+ , sportsQuestions = Array.empty
+ , rockQuestions = Array.empty
+ , currentPlayer = 0
+ , isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox = False
+ }
+ , Rope.empty
+ )
+createRockQuestion : Int -> String
+createRockQuestion i =
+ "Rock Question " ++ String.fromInt i
+isPlayable : Game -> Bool
+isPlayable this =
+ howManyPlayers this >= 2
+add : String -> Game -> ( Game, Rope String )
+add playerName this =
+ let
+ newGame =
+ { this
+ | players = Array.push playerName this.players
+ , places = Array.set (howManyPlayers this) 0 this.places
+ , purses = Array.set (howManyPlayers this) 0 this.purses
+ , inPenaltyBox = Array.set (howManyPlayers this) False this.inPenaltyBox
+ }
+ in
+ ( newGame
+ , Rope.fromList
+ [ playerName ++ " was added"
+ , "They are player number " ++ String.fromInt (Array.length newGame.players)
+ ]
+ )
+howManyPlayers : Game -> Int
+howManyPlayers game =
+ Array.length game.players
+roll : Int -> Game -> ( Game, Rope String )
+roll roll_ this =
+ let
+ initialLogs =
+ [ getUnsafe this.players this.currentPlayer ++ " is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a " ++ String.fromInt roll_
+ ]
+ |> Rope.fromList
+ ( next, logs ) =
+ if getUnsafe this.inPenaltyBox this.currentPlayer then
+ if modBy 2 roll_ /= 0 then
+ let
+ next_ =
+ { this
+ | isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox = True
+ , places = Array.set this.currentPlayer (getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer + roll_) this.places
+ , inPenaltyBox = Array.set this.currentPlayer False this.inPenaltyBox
+ }
+ next__ =
+ if getUnsafe next_.places this.currentPlayer > 11 then
+ { next_ | places = Array.set this.currentPlayer (getUnsafe next_.places this.currentPlayer - 12) next_.places }
+ else
+ next_
+ ( next___, askLogs ) =
+ askQuestion next__
+ in
+ ( next___
+ , [ getUnsafe this.players this.currentPlayer ++ " is getting out of the penalty box"
+ , getUnsafe next__.players next__.currentPlayer ++ "'s new location is " ++ String.fromInt (getUnsafe next__.places next__.currentPlayer)
+ , "The category is " ++ currentCategory next__
+ ]
+ |> Rope.fromList
+ |> Rope.prependTo askLogs
+ )
+ else
+ ( { this
+ | isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox = False
+ }
+ , (getUnsafe this.players this.currentPlayer ++ " is not getting out of the penalty box")
+ |> Rope.singleton
+ )
+ else
+ let
+ next_ =
+ { this
+ | places = Array.set this.currentPlayer (getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer + roll_) this.places
+ }
+ next__ =
+ if getUnsafe next_.places this.currentPlayer > 11 then
+ { next_ | places = Array.set this.currentPlayer (getUnsafe next_.places this.currentPlayer - 12) next_.places }
+ else
+ next_
+ ( next___, askLogs ) =
+ askQuestion next__
+ in
+ ( next___
+ , [ getUnsafe next__.players next__.currentPlayer ++ "'s new location is " ++ String.fromInt (getUnsafe next__.places next__.currentPlayer)
+ , "The category is " ++ currentCategory next__
+ ]
+ |> Rope.fromList
+ |> Rope.prependTo askLogs
+ )
+ in
+ ( next, Rope.appendTo initialLogs logs )
+askQuestion : Game -> ( Game, Rope String )
+askQuestion game =
+ let
+ ( popNext, popLogs ) =
+ if currentCategory game == "Pop" then
+ ( { game | popQuestions = removeFirst game.popQuestions }
+ , Array.get 0 game.popQuestions
+ |> Maybe.withDefault "--- out of Pop questions ---"
+ |> Rope.singleton
+ )
+ else
+ ( game, Rope.empty )
+ ( scienceNext, scienceLogs ) =
+ if currentCategory popNext == "Science" then
+ ( { popNext | scienceQuestions = removeFirst popNext.scienceQuestions }
+ , Array.get 0 popNext.scienceQuestions
+ |> Maybe.withDefault "--- out of Science questions ---"
+ |> Rope.singleton
+ )
+ else
+ ( game, Rope.empty )
+ ( sportsNext, sportsLogs ) =
+ if currentCategory scienceNext == "Sports" then
+ ( { scienceNext | sportsQuestions = removeFirst scienceNext.sportsQuestions }
+ , Array.get 0 scienceNext.sportsQuestions
+ |> Maybe.withDefault "--- out of Sports questions ---"
+ |> Rope.singleton
+ )
+ else
+ ( game, Rope.empty )
+ ( rockNext, rockLogs ) =
+ if currentCategory sportsNext == "Rock" then
+ ( { sportsNext | rockQuestions = removeFirst sportsNext.rockQuestions }
+ , Array.get 0 sportsNext.rockQuestions
+ |> Maybe.withDefault "--- out of Rock questions ---"
+ |> Rope.singleton
+ )
+ else
+ ( game, Rope.empty )
+ in
+ ( rockNext
+ , Rope.appendTo
+ (Rope.appendTo popLogs scienceLogs)
+ (Rope.appendTo sportsLogs rockLogs)
+ )
+currentCategory : Game -> String
+currentCategory this =
+ if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 0 then
+ "Pop"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 4 then
+ "Pop"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 8 then
+ "Pop"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 1 then
+ "Science"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 5 then
+ "Science"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 9 then
+ "Science"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 2 then
+ "Sports"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 6 then
+ "Sports"
+ else if getUnsafe this.places this.currentPlayer == 10 then
+ "Sports"
+ else
+ "Rock"
+wasCorrectlyAnswered : Game -> ( Bool, Game, Rope String )
+wasCorrectlyAnswered this =
+ if getUnsafe this.inPenaltyBox this.currentPlayer then
+ if this.isGettingOutOfPenaltyBox then
+ let
+ next =
+ { this | purses = Array.set this.currentPlayer (getUnsafe this.purses this.currentPlayer + 1) this.purses }
+ winner =
+ didPlayerWin next
+ next_ =
+ { next
+ | currentPlayer = next.currentPlayer + 1
+ }
+ next__ =
+ if next_.currentPlayer == Array.length next_.players then
+ { next_ | currentPlayer = 0 }
+ else
+ next_
+ in
+ ( winner
+ , next__
+ , [ "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , getUnsafe next.players next.currentPlayer ++ " now has " ++ String.fromInt (getUnsafe next.purses next.currentPlayer) ++ " Gold Coins."
+ ]
+ |> Rope.fromList
+ )
+ else
+ let
+ next =
+ { this
+ | currentPlayer = this.currentPlayer + 1
+ }
+ next_ =
+ if next.currentPlayer == Array.length next.players then
+ { next | currentPlayer = 0 }
+ else
+ next
+ in
+ ( True
+ , next_
+ , Rope.empty
+ )
+ else
+ let
+ next =
+ { this | purses = Array.set this.currentPlayer (getUnsafe this.purses this.currentPlayer + 1) this.purses }
+ winner =
+ didPlayerWin next
+ next_ =
+ { next
+ | currentPlayer = next.currentPlayer + 1
+ }
+ next__ =
+ if next_.currentPlayer == Array.length next_.players then
+ { next_ | currentPlayer = 0 }
+ else
+ next_
+ in
+ ( winner
+ , next__
+ , [ "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , getUnsafe next.players next.currentPlayer ++ " now has " ++ String.fromInt (getUnsafe next.purses next.currentPlayer) ++ " Gold Coins."
+ ]
+ |> Rope.fromList
+ )
+wrongAnswer : Game -> ( Bool, Game, Rope String )
+wrongAnswer this =
+ let
+ next =
+ { this
+ | inPenaltyBox = Array.set this.currentPlayer True this.inPenaltyBox
+ , currentPlayer = this.currentPlayer + 1
+ }
+ next_ =
+ if next.currentPlayer == Array.length next.players then
+ { next | currentPlayer = 0 }
+ else
+ next
+ in
+ ( True
+ , next_
+ , [ "Question was incorrectly answered"
+ , getUnsafe this.players this.currentPlayer ++ " was sent to the penalty box"
+ ]
+ |> Rope.fromList
+ )
+didPlayerWin : Game -> Bool
+didPlayerWin this =
+ not (getUnsafe this.purses this.currentPlayer == 6)
+-- Utilities to make the Array API more like imperative code
+-- You _should_ clean these up
+removeFirst : Array a -> Array a
+removeFirst array =
+ Array.slice 1 (Array.length array) array
+getUnsafe : Array a -> Int -> a
+getUnsafe arr index =
+ case Array.get index arr of
+ Nothing ->
+ Debug.todo <| "Out of boundary: " ++ String.fromInt index ++ " out of " ++ String.fromInt (Array.length arr)
+ Just e ->
+ e
diff --git a/Elm/src/Main.elm b/Elm/src/Main.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77761eb542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/src/Main.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+module Main exposing (main, run)
+import Game exposing (Game)
+import Html exposing (Html, div, p, text)
+import Random exposing (Seed)
+import Rope exposing (Rope)
+main : Html msg
+main =
+ view run
+run : Rope String
+run =
+ let
+ ( game, initialLogs ) =
+ Game.init
+ |> andThen (Game.add "Chet")
+ |> andThen (Game.add "Pat")
+ |> andThen (Game.add "Sue")
+ in
+ go game initialLogs (Random.initialSeed 0)
+go : Game -> Rope String -> Seed -> Rope String
+go game queue seed =
+ let
+ ( upToFive, seed_ ) =
+ Random.step (Random.int 1 5) seed
+ ( upToEight, seed__ ) =
+ Random.step (Random.int 0 8) seed_
+ ( game_, rollLogs ) =
+ Game.roll (upToFive + 1) game
+ ( notAWinner, game__, answerLogs ) =
+ if upToEight == 7 then
+ Game.wrongAnswer game_
+ else
+ Game.wasCorrectlyAnswered game_
+ nextGame =
+ game__
+ nextQueue =
+ Rope.appendTo
+ (Rope.appendTo queue rollLogs)
+ answerLogs
+ nextSeed =
+ seed__
+ in
+ if notAWinner then
+ go nextGame nextQueue nextSeed
+ else
+ nextQueue
+view : Rope String -> Html msg
+view games =
+ games
+ |> Rope.toList
+ |> List.map (\line -> p [] [ text line ])
+ |> div []
+-- This part is used to collect the logs, you can ignore it
+andThen : (a -> ( b, Rope String )) -> ( a, Rope String ) -> ( b, Rope String )
+andThen f ( x, xlog ) =
+ let
+ ( fx, fxlog ) =
+ f x
+ in
+ ( fx, Rope.appendTo xlog fxlog )
diff --git a/Elm/tests/EndToEnd.elm b/Elm/tests/EndToEnd.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbfbc542bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/tests/EndToEnd.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+module EndToEnd exposing (suite)
+import Expect
+import Main
+import Rope
+import Test exposing (Test, test)
+suite : Test
+suite =
+ test "Main test" <|
+ \_ ->
+ Main.run
+ |> Rope.toList
+ |> Expect.equal
+ game
+game : List String
+game =
+ [ "Chet was added"
+ , "They are player number 1"
+ , "Pat was added"
+ , "They are player number 2"
+ , "Sue was added"
+ , "They are player number 3"
+ , "Chet is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Chet's new location is 5"
+ , "The category is Science"
+ , "Science Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Chet now has 1 Gold Coins."
+ , "Pat is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 3"
+ , "Pat's new location is 3"
+ , "The category is Rock"
+ , "Rock Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Pat now has 1 Gold Coins."
+ , "Sue is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 6"
+ , "Sue's new location is 6"
+ , "The category is Sports"
+ , "Sports Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Sue now has 1 Gold Coins."
+ , "Chet is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 6"
+ , "Chet's new location is 11"
+ , "The category is Rock"
+ , "Rock Question 1"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Chet now has 2 Gold Coins."
+ , "Pat is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Pat's new location is 8"
+ , "The category is Pop"
+ , "Pop Question 0"
+ , "Question was incorrectly answered"
+ , "Pat was sent to the penalty box"
+ , "Sue is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 6"
+ , "Sue's new location is 0"
+ , "The category is Pop"
+ , "Pop Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Sue now has 2 Gold Coins."
+ , "Chet is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 3"
+ , "Chet's new location is 2"
+ , "The category is Sports"
+ , "Sports Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Chet now has 3 Gold Coins."
+ , "Pat is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Pat is getting out of the penalty box"
+ , "Pat's new location is 1"
+ , "The category is Science"
+ , "Science Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Pat now has 2 Gold Coins."
+ , "Sue is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 2"
+ , "Sue's new location is 2"
+ , "The category is Sports"
+ , "Sports Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Sue now has 3 Gold Coins."
+ , "Chet is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 3"
+ , "Chet's new location is 5"
+ , "The category is Science"
+ , "Science Question 0"
+ , "Question was incorrectly answered"
+ , "Chet was sent to the penalty box"
+ , "Pat is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 3"
+ , "Pat's new location is 4"
+ , "The category is Pop"
+ , "Pop Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Pat now has 3 Gold Coins."
+ , "Sue is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Sue's new location is 7"
+ , "The category is Rock"
+ , "Rock Question 2"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Sue now has 4 Gold Coins."
+ , "Chet is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 4"
+ , "Chet is not getting out of the penalty box"
+ , "Pat is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Pat's new location is 9"
+ , "The category is Science"
+ , "Science Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Pat now has 4 Gold Coins."
+ , "Sue is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 6"
+ , "Sue's new location is 1"
+ , "The category is Science"
+ , "Science Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Sue now has 5 Gold Coins."
+ , "Chet is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Chet is getting out of the penalty box"
+ , "Chet's new location is 10"
+ , "The category is Sports"
+ , "Sports Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Chet now has 4 Gold Coins."
+ , "Pat is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 5"
+ , "Pat's new location is 2"
+ , "The category is Sports"
+ , "Sports Question 0"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Pat now has 5 Gold Coins."
+ , "Sue is the current player"
+ , "They have rolled a 6"
+ , "Sue's new location is 7"
+ , "The category is Rock"
+ , "Rock Question 3"
+ , "Answer was corrent!!!!"
+ , "Sue now has 6 Gold Coins."
+ ]
diff --git a/Elm/yarn.lock b/Elm/yarn.lock
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Elm/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
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