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-# MicroOVN
-MicroOVN is [snap-deployed OVN][snapstore-microovn] with built-in clustering.
-[Open Virtual Network][upstream-ovn] (OVN) is an SDN platform that is commonly
-used with enterprise-grade cloud solutions.
-## 📖 Documentation
-The documentation is found in the [`docs`][docs-dir-microovn] directory. It is
-written in RST format, built with Sphinx, and published on Read The Docs:
-[MicroOVN documentation][rtd-microovn]
-## 💫 Project & community
-* [Join our online forum][ubuntu-discourse-microovn]
-* [Contributing guidelines][contrib-microovn]
-* [Code of conduct][ubuntu-coc]
-* [File a bug][bug-microovn]
-You can ask for technical help in the [Support][ubuntu-discourse-microovn-support]
-sub-category in the above forum.
-## 📰 License
-MicroOVN is free software, distributed under the AGPLv3 license (GNU Affero
-General Public License version 3.0). Refer to the [COPYING][license-microovn]
-file (the actual license) for more information.
-[snapstore-microovn]: https://snapcraft.io/microovn
-[upstream-ovn]: https://www.ovn.org/
-[rtd-microovn]: https://canonical-microovn.readthedocs-hosted.com/
-[docs-dir-microovn]: https://github.com/canonical/microovn/tree/main/docs
-[ubuntu-discourse-microovn]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/microovn/160
-[ubuntu-discourse-microovn-support]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/microovn/support/164
-[contrib-microovn]: ./CONTRIBUTING.rst
-[license-microovn]: ./COPYING
-[ubuntu-coc]: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct
-[bug-microovn]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/microovn/+filebug
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
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+MicroOVN is `snap-deployed OVN`_ with built-in clustering.
+`Open Virtual Network`_ (OVN) is an SDN platform that is commonly
+used with enterprise-grade cloud solutions.
+📖 Documentation
+The `MicroOVN documentation`_ is found in the `docs`_ directory. It is
+written in RST format, built with Sphinx, and published on Read The Docs.
+💫 Project & community
+* `Join our online forum`_
+* `Contributing guidelines`_
+* `Code of conduct`_
+* `File a bug`_
+You can ask for technical help in the `Support`_
+sub-category in the above forum.
+📰 License
+MicroOVN is free software, distributed under the AGPLv3 license (GNU Affero
+General Public License version 3.0). Refer to the `COPYING`_
+file (the actual license) for more information.
+.. _snap-deployed OVN: https://snapcraft.io/microovn
+.. _Open Virtual Network: https://www.ovn.org/
+.. _MicroOVN documentation: https://canonical-microovn.readthedocs-hosted.com/
+.. _docs: https://github.com/canonical/microovn/tree/main/docs
+.. _Join our online forum: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/microovn/160
+.. _Support: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/microovn/support/164
+.. _Contributing guidelines: ./CONTRIBUTING.rst
+.. _Code of conduct: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct
+.. _File a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/microovn/+filebug