- Requires >= python 3.7
# Setup a python virtual environment.
python -m venv /path/to/venv
# Activate python environment
source /path/to/venv/bin/activate
# CD into the python directory
cd CASM-Smart-Phase/python
# Install CASM-Smart-Phase python
pip install ./
Alternatively use the CASM-Smart-Phase Docker container
Generate a bed file of adjacent SNVs in a VCF file. Allows for targeted analysis in smart-phase using the -g
$ casmsmartphase generate-bed --help
Usage: casmsmartphase generate-bed [OPTIONS]
Generate a bed file of adjacent SNVs in a VCF for smartphase analysis
--version Show the version and exit.
-f, --vcfin FILE Path to input VCF file [required]
-o, --output output.bed Path to write output bed file
--markhz / --nomarkhz Mark homozygous adjacent SNVs in the bed file
output (default - don't mark)
--help Show this message and exit.
Merge MNVs from original VCF using the output from smart-phase
$ casmsmartphase merge-mnvs --help
Usage: casmsmartphase merge-mnvs [OPTIONS]
Merge MNVs parsed by smartphase into a CaVEMan SNV and MNV vcf file
-f, --vcfin FILE Path to input VCF file [required]
-o, --output output.vcf Path to write output vcf file
-p, --smart-phased-output sample.phased.output
The phased output file from Smart-Phase
-c, --cutoff FLOAT Exclude any MNVs with a phased score <
-x, --exclude INTEGER Exclude phased MNV if it matches any of the
exclude flag bits
--help Show this message and exit.