Sofware for controlling the AX5043 and AX5243 radios.
Both C and Python APIs are supported. Whilst the C API provides more detailed control, it has a much steeper learning curve and requires a greater understand of the radio's internal operation. Therefore the Python API is recommended where possible.
You can also use the Python API to generate an initialised C structure, which can then be passed to the C API at runtime. This is useful for microcontrollers where Python is not available or appropriate, but the full functionality of the C API is not required either. See
- 02/07/16 Push v0.2. rx_callback now requires 3 arguments as example below.
- (G)FSK
- (G)MSK
- CW
- (G)FSK
- (G)MSK
Issues with (G)MSK below 2000 baud.
from ax_radio import AxRadio
radio = AxRadio()
# transmit
radio.transmit("Hello World de Q0QQQ "*10)
# receive
def rx_callback(data, length, metadata):
More details in
The following proceedure should be preformed to wake from DEEPSLEEP.
- Set SEL high for at least 1us, then low
- Wait for MISO to go high
In HDLC mode, bit stuffing seems to affect the AFC loop. In particular the value of TRK RF FREQ is affected. If the AFC loop is disabled (MAX RF OFFSET = 0) then the receiver will struggle with bit-stuffed packets.
There's minimum IF frequencies - 3.18kHz for FSK modes and 9.38kHz for ASK/PSK. These might reduce sensitivity at small bandwidths!
Use raspi-config
to enable SPI!
# get cffi
sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev libffi-dev
sudo pip install cffi enum34 wiringpi2 backports.shutil_get_terminal_size
# get wiring pi
git clone git://
cd wiringPi
# build ax for rpi
cd sw
# check dependancies are up to date
sudo pip install cffi enum34 wiringpi2 backports.shutil_get_terminal_size
# git
git pull
# rebuild
cd sw
Installing habitat on RPi 2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie-lite.img
sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev swig libssl-dev
git clone
cd habitiat
# needed to install m2crypto
sudo ln -s /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/openssl/opensslconf.h /usr/include/openssl/opensslconf.h
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
TODO: somehow install habitat globally, or just move habitat/habitat to sw
Also need to build reed-solomon library:
cd sw/rs8
cd ..
Now you can run a gateway:
cd sw
cp gateway-example.yaml gateway.yaml
# edit gateway.yaml
nano gateway.yaml
# run gateway
Use python --help
for more information.