- downloadeaza blockurile in ordine consecutiva
- tine toate blocurile in memorie si scrie la final in fisier
- download un singur fisier
- no upload
- mesageje s-ar putea sa nu vina in pachete disceret, ele s-ar putea sa fie despartite in mai multe pachete. Trebuie un listener care asteapta pana construieste un mesaj complet si apoi il livreaza. Alta posibilitate este ca un pachet sa contina mai multe mesaje, deci trebuie despartite in mesaje discrete.
- UI cu Elm
- un algoritm mai bun de selectia a urmatorului block pentru download
- nu tine toate blocurile in memorie
- comunica cu trackerul prin UDP
- download un torrent cu mai multe fisier
- handle upload
- reconnect to more peers when they drop
I need a central unit to spawn and manage all peer threads. Get peers from tracker Spawn threads for maxConnections peers Disable and enable peer threads by using choke and interested
has inbound and outbound parts
- inbound: handle messages from remote peer - update KeepAlive status of remote peer, no KeepAlive for two minutes => drop connection - on BitField bitfield has wrong length or spare bits at the end are set => drop connection - on Request, length != 2^14 => drop connection
- outbound: send messages to remote peer
- send KeepAlive every 2 minutes
avoid fibrilation by changing choked peers every 10 seconds
optimistic unchoking => every 30 seconds
if amInterested
if not amChoked
if have piece to download
request piece to remote peer
download piece
send piece to pieces manager
request piece from pieces manager
- request only pieces that the peer has => Peer has to store pieces that connected peer has
on torrent load build an array of booleans that shows which pieces we have so far
has a inbound message queue from Peers
has n outbound message queues, one for each Peer
messages: inbound: RequestPiece - peer request a piece to download CompletePiece ByteString - Peer sends completed piece outbound: RequestePieceIndex Int - PiecesManager sends index of next piece to download
on CompletePiece validate piece SHA-1 hash
RequestedPiece ByteString -> return to Peer data of requested piece, used for uploading to other peers