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92 lines (75 loc) · 3.1 KB

WARNING! this is a tweaked version of cadCAD for optimizing performance

Included tweaks

  • Using shallow copies instead of deepcopies.
    • Massive performance and memory improvements on simulations with highly nested variables.
    • Known side-effects: keeping track of the history of nested objects must be done manually. Eg, you must pass a copy() or a deepcopy() before mutating it.
  • Multiprocessing pools instead of multi-threading pools.
    • Will allow to make full use of the CPUs during the simulations
    • Known side-effects: care must be taken when generating random numbers, else they can be all equal. Mitigate by generating the random state manually: np.random.RandomState().random
  • Progress bars for simulation execution

Original README

                  ___________    ____
  ________ __ ___/ / ____/   |  / __ \
 / ___/ __` / __  / /   / /| | / / / /
/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /___/ ___ |/ /_/ /
\___/\__,_/\__,_/\____/_/  |_/_____/
by cadCAD                  ver. 0.4.28
       Complex Adaptive Dynamics       
       o       i        e
       m       d        s
       p       e        i
       u       d        g
       t                n

cadCAD is a Python package that assists in the processes of designing, testing and validating complex systems through simulation, with support for Monte Carlo methods, A/B testing and parameter sweeping.

Getting Started

Change Log: ver. 0.4.28

Previous Stable Release (No Longer Supported)

0. Pre-installation Virtual Environments with venv (Optional):

If you wish to create an easy to use virtual environment to install cadCAD within, please use python's built in venv package.

Create a virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv ~/cadcad

Activate an existing virtual environment:

$ source ~/cadcad/bin/activate
(cadcad) $

Deactivate virtual environment:

(cadcad) $ deactivate

1. Installation:

Requires >= Python 3.6.13

Option A: Install Using pip

pip3 install cadCAD

Option B: Build From Source

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/*.whl

2. Documentation:

3. Connect:

4. Contribute to this repository:

Follow this document to start contributing!