is a favoriting/liking application for Django-powered websites.
It gives you the ability integrate favoriting functionality to any model you have eg. blogs, pictures, etc..
In addition, related functionalities like thumbs up, vote, like, follow are also supported.
####All actions are ajax supported.
Installation is available via pip
$ pip install django-ajax-favorite
or via source on github
$ git clone https://github.com/dreidev/Scarlet.git
$ cd Scarlet
$ python setup.py install
Add 'fav' to your installed_apps in your settings.py
file. It should look like the following. Note that you should add it after django.contrib.auth
In your urls.py:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^fav/', include('fav.urls')),
##Migrations for Django 1.7 and later migrate app models
python manage.py migrate
###Step 1 In your models.py add the field favorites to the model for which favorite functionality should be added (e.g. Blog) and the appropriate imports as shown below
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from fav.models import Favorite
class Blog(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(User)
title = models.CharField(max_length=256)
body = models.TextField()
favorites = GenericRelation(Favorite)
###Step 2 In your template (e.g. blog-detail.html) add the following template tags where object is the instance of blog.
{% load favorite_tags %} <!-- Loading the template tag -->
{% get_fav_count object %} <!-- Include the number of people 'favorited' a certain object -->
<!-- authentication is required for users to use our functionality, however there's an implemented tag for unauthenticated users -->
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% get_fav object user %} <!-- for unauthenticated users -->
{% else %}
{% get_fav_nouser object request %} <!-- for authenticated users -->
{% endif %}
This requires jQuery. If you're not already including it, we have a template tag that you can include in your html.
It should be added after {% load favorite_tags %}
{% load favorite_tags %}
{% include_jQuery %}
Also static files should be added for ajax to work
{% load static %}
<script src="{% static 'js/fav.js' %}">
In settings.py
we only need to indicate which notations we would be using in our application. Wether it's favorite, like, vote, thumbs up, follow .. etc
#for example ..
or alternatively
#for example ..
By default anonymous users are allowed to use the app's functionality. However, you can change that by setting ALLOW_ANONYMOUS to FALSE.
In settings.py
###DEFAULT Default values are
#for example ..