You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 6
This plugin provides a jQuery interface for published blogs on the
Movable Type Publishing Platform. The interface is responsible for
rendering sign in/out/up links on a page based upon the state of a
user’s session. It exposes event handlers for authentication
events so that developers can bind to the DOM handers that respond
to a user logging in or out.
This library is meant to service partly as a replacement for the
bulk of the standard javascript file that is typically found in
every Movable Type template set or theme.
Currently this library is limited to:
- displaying a greeting to logged in or logged out users
- rendering login/logout/edit profile links
Before you begin, make sure you have a copy of jQuery 1.3 or
greater installed on your system/website. You will need to include
this in your web page or Movable Type templates:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.1.js"></script>
Found in this package is a file containing template code that is
meant to be published as an index template for any blog that
utilizes this jQuery library. You can find this template code in
the file called: `javascript_mt.mtml`.
1. Navigate to your blog’s Design > Templates area.
2. Click “Create index template.”
3. Cut and paste the contents of `javascript_mt.mtml` into the
newly created template.
4. Set the output file name to `mt.js`.
5. Click “Save and Publish.”
Once your `mt.js` file has been published you have all that you need
to get started. The next step is to add the javascript libraries to
your web site. Add this code to the header of your web site.
<script type="text/javascript" src="mt.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.mtauth.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.mtgreeting.js"></script>
Note: you may need to adjust the paths to each of the scripts above
depending upon where they are located on your web server.
Now let’s look at some actual HTML and javascript that you can use on
your web site and blog:
<script type="text/javascript" src="mt.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.mtauth.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.mtgreeting.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="greeting"></div>
- `mode` – Controls whether links for signing in, registering
will be constructed using the open source version, or will
link to the Movable Type Pro equivalents. Possible values
are: “mtos” and “mtpro”. (default: mtos)
- `loggedInMessage` – The message to display in the target
element when the user is logged in. (default: ‘Welcome, %p! %o’)
- `loggedOutMessage` – The message to display in the target
element when the user is NOT logged in. (default: ‘%i or %r’)
- `noPermissionMessage` – The message to display in the target
element when the user does NOT have permission to leave a
comment. (default: ‘Welcome, %p! %o’)
- `loginText` – The text to use in the login link.
(default: ‘Sign In’)
- `logoutText` – The text to use in the logout link.
(default: ‘Sign Out’)
- `registerText` – The text to use in the register link.
(default: ‘Sign Up’)
- `editProfileText` – The text to use in the edit profile link.
(default: ‘%u’)
- `isPreview` – A boolean value indicating whether a user is
currently previewing an entry or comment. (default: false)
- `returnToURL` – An optional return to URL that will override
typical defaults. This controls the page a user will return
after logging in, out or registering.
The following settings are set via the mt.js file (inside the
index template you published previously).
- `mt.entry.id` – The ID of the current entry in context. This is used
when constructing return to URLs for commenting forms.
(default: 0)
- `mt.blog.community.script` – The name of the community script. This
is only valid for Movable Type Pro users. (default: mt-cp.cgi)
- `mt.blog.comments.script` – The name of the comment script.
(default: mt-comment.cgi)
- `mt.links.signIn` – The sign in URL for this blog.
- `mt.links.signOut` – The logout URL for this blog.
- `mt.links.signUp` – The register URL for this blog.
- `mt.blog.id` – The ID of the blog currently in context.
- `mt.blog.registration.required` – Whether registration is required for
the current blog or not. (default: false)
- `mt.blog.staticWebPath` – The URL to the Movable Type static web path.
- `mt.cookie.name` – The name of the cookie storing session data.
- `mt.cookie.domain` – The domain of the cookie storing session
- `mt.cookie.path` – The path of the cookie storing session data.
- `mt.cookie.timeout` – The length of time the cookie being set
to store session data will last. Time is expressed in
seconds. (default: 14400)
To customize the messages that are rendered out to your greeting
element, the following options can be used when initializing the
greet function:
- loggedInMessage: ‘Welcome, %p! %o’
- loggedOutMessage: ‘%i or %r’
- noPermissionMessage: ‘Welcome, %p! %o’
The following are the tokens currently supported:
- %p – profile link, e.g. edit profile
- %u – user name
- %i – login link
- %o – logout link
- %r – register link
The messages above contain tokens that will be replaced with
full links tags. To customize the labels for those links, these
options can be provided:
- loginText: ‘Sign In’
- logoutText: ‘Sign Out’
- registerText: ‘Sign Up’
- editProfileText: ‘%u’
editProfileText: 'edit profile',
logoutText: 'logout',
loggedInMessage: 'Hello, %u. (%p | %o)',
loggedOutMessage: '%i or %r'
There are a number of events that this plugin will fire when specific
conditions occur or are met. They are:
- onAuthedUser – fired when a user is determined to be authenticated
- onUnauthedUser – fired when a user is determined to be logged out
- onAuthEvent – fired whenever a user is determined to be logged in or
logged out.
Copyright 2009, Byrne Reese. All rights reserved.
This plugin is licensed under the same terms as jQuery itself.