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Broker API

Each call returns the HTTP code 200 or an HTTP error code with an optional error object: {"errorName": string, "errorDescription": string}. Attention: Most calls require a logged-in user! The session token is sent via the according authorization header (exceptions: /set-password, /community-global-challenge). If the session has expired, each request will result in a 401 error code and an according error object. We use POSIX time for all date/time values.

User login


POST /login


  • user (string): The account's mail address.
  • password (string): The account's password.


200 {"sessionToken": string} if username exists and password is correct or 401 {errorObject} if username does not exist or password is incorrect.

  • sessionToken (string): The session token.


GET /logout

Invalidates the user's session.

Parameters: none


200 {} if the user was logged in and the session was invalidated.


Get all hints

GET /hints

Gets all the hints how to save power available for the user.

Parameters: none


200 {"icon": string, "headline": string, "description": string}[]

Mark hint as read

POST /hint/mark-read/$id

Marks the given hint as read by the user.


  • id (int): The id of the read hint.


202 if the hint exists and was marked read or 404 {ErrorObject} if the hint does not exist.


List available challenges

GET /challenges

Gets all the challenges available for the user.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {"id": int, "name": string, "description": string, "total": int, "succeeded": int}[] or 204 if there is no challenge.

  • id: The challenge's id.
  • name: The challenge's name.
  • description: The challenge's description.
  • total: Counts how often this challenge has been run by the user.
  • succeeded: Counts how often this challenge has been completed successfully by the user. Always < total.

Start a challenge

GET /challenges/start/$id

Starts the specified challenge.


  • id (int): The id of the challenge to start.

Returns: 200 {} or 404 {ErrorObject} if the id is not valid.

Get status of running challenge(s)

GET /challenges/status

Shows the current running challenge.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {"id": int, "progress": float, "expiresAt": int, "status": "running" | "failed" | "succeeded"} | 204 {} or 204 {} if no challenge is running.

  • id: The id of the running challenge.
  • progress: A value indicating the distance to the target, usually in kWh.
  • expiresAt: Seconds left until the challenge ends.
  • status: Indicates the challenge's state, i.e. running, failed or succeeded.

Example with one challenge running: 200 {"id": 1, "progress": 0.8, "expiresAt": 72032, "status": "running"}

Quit a challenge

POST /challenges/quit

Quits a challenge. This can be used to abort a running challenge or acknowledge the failure or success of an ended challenge.


  • id (int): The id of the challenge to quit.

Returns: 200 if the challenge was quit, 404 if no such challenge is running, has failed or succeeded recently.

Consumption history


GET /individual-consumption-history?begin=$begin

Shows the history of power consumption from the given starting point.


  • begin (int): Start time of consumption as unix timestamp. Default is today at 00:00:00 am.

Returns: 200 {"energy": string => int, "power": string => int} or 206 {} if there is no history.

  • energy: A dictionary (JSON object) with the first and the latest meter reading (μWh/10) of the day mapped to their timestamps.
  • power: A dictionary (JSON object) with average power consumptions (mW) of 15 minute timeframes mapped to their timestamps.

Example: 200 {'energy': {'2020-01-15 00:00:04': 2180256872214000, '2020-01-15 00:47:10': 2180256872214000}, 'power': {'2020-01-15 00:15:00': 224550.0, '2020-01-15 00:30:00': 232000.0, '2020-01-15 00:45:00': 227630.0}}


GET /group-consumption-history

Shows the history of power consumption.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 { "consumed_energy": string => int, "consumed_power": string => int, "group_users": list, "produced_first_meter_energy": string => int, "produced_first_meter_power": string => int, "produced_second_meter_energy": string => int, "produced_second_meter_power": string => int } or 206 {} if there is no history.

  • consumed_energy: A dictionary (JSON object) with the first and the latest meter reading (μWh/10) of the day mapped to their timestamps.
  • consumed_power: A dictionary (JSON object) with average power consumptions (mW) of 15 minute timeframes mapped to their timestamps.
  • group_users: A dictionary (JSON objects) with the first and the latest meter reading (μWh/10) of the day and average power consumption values (mW) of 15 minutes timeframes of each group user mapped to their timestamps.
  • produced_first_meter_energy: A dictionary (JSON object) with the first and the latest meter reading (μWh/10) of the day mapped to their timestamps.
  • produced_first_meter_power: A dictionary (JSON object) with average power productions (mW) of 15 minute timeframes mapped to their timestamps.
  • produced_second_meter_energy: A dictionary (JSON object) with the first and the latest meter reading (μWh/10) of the day mapped to their timestamps.
  • produced_second_meter_power: A dictionary (JSON object) with average power productions (mW) of 15 minute timeframes mapped to their timestamps.


200  {
        'consumed_energy': {'2020-01-15 00:00:04': 2180256872214000, '2020-01-15 00:47:10': 2180256872214000},
        'consumed_power': {'2020-01-15 00:15:00': 224550.0, '2020-01-15 00:30:00': 232000.0, '2020-01-15 00:45:00': 227630.0},
        'group_users': {'1': {'energy': {'2020-01-15 00:00:04': 2180256872214000, '2020-01-15 00:47:10': 2180256872214000}, 
                              'power': {'2020-01-15 00:15:00': 224550.0, '2020-01-15 00:30:00': 232000.0, '2020-01-15 00:45:00': 227630.0}},
                        '2': {'energy': {'2020-01-15 00:00:04': 2180256872214000, '2020-01-15 00:47:10': 2180256872214000},
                              'power': {'2020-01-15 00:15:00': 224550.0, '2020-01-15 00:30:00': 232000.0, '2020-01-15 00:45:00': 227630.0}}
        'produced_first_meter_energy': {'2020-01-15 00:00:04': 2180256872214000, '2020-01-15 00:47:10': 2180256872214000},
        'produced_first_meter_power': {'2020-01-15 00:15:00': 224550.0, '2020-01-15 00:30:00': 232000.0, '2020-01-15 00:45:00': 227630.0},
        'produced_second_meter_energy': {'2020-01-15 00:00:04': 2180256872214000, '2020-01-15 00:47:10': 2180256872214000},
        'produced_second_meter_power': {'2020-01-15 00:15:00': 224550.0, '2020-01-15 00:30:00': 232000.0, '2020-01-15 00:45:00': 227630.0}



GET /individual-disaggregation?begin=$begin

Shows the power curve disaggregation from the given starting point.


  • begin (int): Start time of disaggregation as unix timestamp. Default is two days ago at 00:00:00 am.

Returns: 200 {string => {string => int}} or 206 {} if there is no history.

Example: 200 {"2020-01-15 10:01:10": {"Waschmaschine-1": 0, "Spülmaschine-1": 0, "Durchlauferhitzer-2": 0, "Durchlauferhitzer-3": 0, "Grundlast-1": 2500000, "Durchlauferhitzer-1": 0}}


GET /group-disaggregation?begin=$begin

Shows the power curve disaggregation from the given starting point.


  • begin (int): Start time of disaggregation as unix timestamp. Default is two days ago at 00:00:00 am.

Returns: 200 {string => {string => int}} or 206 {} if there is no history.

Example: 200 {"2020-01-15 10:01:10": {"Waschmaschine-1": 0, "Spülmaschine-1": 0, "Durchlauferhitzer-2": 0, "Durchlauferhitzer-3": 0, "Grundlast-1": 2500000, "Durchlauferhitzer-1": 0}}


List profile

GET /profile

Gets the user's profile.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {"id": int, "name": string, "firstName": string, "nick": string, "flatSize": float, "inhabitants": int, "groupAddress": string, "mail": string, "avatar": string, "registration_date": string, "baseline_state": string}

  • id: The user's id.
  • name: The user's name.
  • firstName: The user's first name.
  • nick: The user's nick name.
  • groupAddress: The user's address.
  • mail: The user's mail address.
  • flatSize: The user's flat size in m^2.
  • inhabitants: The number of people living in the flat.
  • avatar: The user's avatar encoded in base64.
  • meterId: The id of the user's meter.
  • registration_date: The user's registration date (year-month-day hour:minute:second.microseconds)
  • baseline_state: The user's baseline sate ("READY", "WAITING_FOR_DATA", "NO_READINGS_AVAILABLE")

Update profile

PUT /profile

Sets the user's profile stats.


  • flatSize (optional): The user's flat size in m^2.
  • inhabitants (optional): The number of people living in the flat.
  • nick (optional): The user's nick name.
  • avatar (optional): The user's avatar encoded in base64.

Returns: 200 if the validation passed or 400 {ErrorObject} if the validation failed.

Set password

POST /set-password

Sets an initial password. Does not require the user to be logged in.


  • password (string): Password to set.
  • token (string): User token to identify the correct one. Not confused with the session token.

Returns: 200 if the password passes the validation or 400 {ErrorObject} if the password fails the validation or the token is invalid.

Update password

PUT /update-password

Sets a new password.


  • password (string): Password to set.

Returns: 200 if the new password passes the validation or 400 {ErrorObject} if the new password fails the validation.

Group profile pictures

GET /assets/group-profile-pictures

Shows the profile pictures of the user's group.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {"id": int, "avatar": string}[] or 400 {ErrorObject}/206 {ErrorObject} if group member query/avatar query fails.

  • id: The user's id.
  • avatar: The user's avatar encoded in base64.

Global challenge

Individual global challenge

GET /individual-global-challenge

Shows the individual saving prognosis for today in µWh/10 and the individual baseline in µWh/10.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {"saving": {string => float}, "baseline": int} or 206 {} if there is no history.

Example: 200 {"saving": {"2020-01-15 10:01:10": 3148577026610.7812}, "baseline": 53011346257574}

Community global challenge

GET /community-global-challenge

Shows the community saving prognosis for today in µWh/10.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {string => float} or 206 {} if there is no history.

Example: 200 {"2020-02-13 16:20:21": 85184267259376.5}

Per capita consumption

GET /per-capita-consumption

Shows the annualized moving average of the user's per capita consumption for today in kWh.

Parameters: none

Returns: 200 {string => int} or 206 {} if is no value.

Example: 200 {'2020-03-10 17:08:24': 396932}

Live data via websocket

GET /live


  • meter_id (string): The user's meter id.
    "date": date,
    "group_production": int,
    "group_users": [
	    "id": string, 
	    "meter_id": string,
	    "consumption": int, 
	    "power": int

Each object represents one reading of the database.

  • date: Time of the reading.
  • group_production: The overall group production in µWh/10.
  • group_users: ID, meter ID, consumption and power (Leistung) of each user in the group. consumption is given in µWh/10, power (Leistung) in µW.