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User Manual

William edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 5 revisions


  • provider A provider is a module which allows you to export/download the actor as a specific filetype. Each provider will list the filetype it will export as. Each provider can have multiple options to export your character as. Only Gamemasters can select which providers are available and which are not.
  • provider files Provider files are the possible options you can choose as a Gamemaster or Player to export as


This section is only relevant to Foundry VTT Gamemasters

Actor Export Provider selection

As a Gamemaster you need to select which providers you wish to enable for your players.

⚠️ Only providers matching the provider requirements will be listed, to avoid possible issues with using providers for game systems for which they were not designed.
  1. Click on the Game Settings icon in the Sidebar (Foundry VTT UI)

  2. Select Actor export from the Configure Game Settings dialog

  3. Click the Filter Providers button

    A list of providers matching your game system version requirements will show up. By default, none are selected.

    Select Providers

  4. Click the Save Changes button to save the changes you have made.

Custom Providers

Additionally to the included providers, a Gamemaster can create their own provider and add it through the settings page.

  1. Click on the Game Settings icon in the Sidebar (Foundry VTT UI)

  2. Select Actor export from the Configure Game Settings dialog

  3. Click the Custom Provider button

    The Custom Provider dialog will greet you with some example code for you to use when creating a custom provider. More information on how to use this can be found in the Custom Providers section of the wiki.

    Select Providers

  4. Click the Save Changes button to save the changes you have made. An additional provider will now show up in the Export dialog: Custom Provider.


As a player you only have the option to export your actor/character. If you feel you are missing certain providers, talk to your Gamemaster, there might be a good reason why they are not available.

  1. Click on the Actors icon in the Sidebar (Foundry VTT UI)

  2. Click the Export button in the titlebar of your actor/character

  3. Select Export options.

    You are now able to select which options (files) you want to use to export your actor/character. The module will export all selected options. Depending on the provider type exporting may take longer.

    Select Provider Files

    Alternatively, if your Gamemaster enabled a Custom Provider, you should have an additional provider listed, which you MUST select at each time you want to use it.

    Select Provider Files

  4. Click the Download button to download all selected options (files) you have selected.

    The dialog will not automatically close, offering you the opportunity to export your actor/character with a different set of options/files.

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