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Design Patterns: Strategy


  • (Freeman & Robson, Chapter “intro”)
  • Freeman & Robson, Chapter 1: Welcome to Design Patterns
  • Design Principle: Encapsulation
  • Design Principle: High Cohesion
  • Design Principle: Low Coupling
  • Design Pattern: Strategy

The Challenge

  • One type may have many pieces of behaviour that differs.
  • If it was only one place, we could get away with switch-case
  • But then we have findBestSeat(), and the next behaviour, and the next…
enum TicketType {Normal, Student, Pensioner, Child};

int Ticket::calculatePrice(TicketType theType) {
  switch(theType) {
  case Student: return basePrice*0.80; break;
  case Pensioner: return basePrice*0.50; break;
  case Child: return basePrice*0.50; break;
  case Normal: 
    return basePrice; 

The Challenge II

  • Next step, an inheritance hierarchy
  • Overload all methods that differ, implement separate behaviour.
  • What if some ticket types, but not all, share the same behaviour?
    • Can we “lift” this behaviour to the base class?
    • Might work if it is only one type of behaviour that is common.
    • Will not work (in Java), if I end up with multiple inheritance.
class Ticket {
-String myMovieName
-Time myShowTime
-int myPrice

class NormalTicket {

class StudentTicket {

class PensionerTicket {

class ChildTicket {

Ticket <|-- NormalTicket
Ticket <|-- StudentTicket
Ticket <|-- PensionerTicket
Ticket <|-- ChildTicket

High Cohesion and Encapsulation to the rescue!

  • Separate similar behaviour to a new class:
    • it will know all there is to know about that particular behaviour.
    • it will encapsulate this behaviour
    • it can be modified and extended separately from the rest of the application.

Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same.

  • Encapsulate the behaviour that varies and hide it from others.
    • Only expose a common API that can be used on all types of behaviour.

Separate the changing behaviour

class Ticket {
+Ticket(TicketType theTicketType)
-String myMovieName
-Time myShowTime
-int myPrice

note left of Ticket::findBestSeat()
Ticket::findBestSeat() {
  return mySeatBehaviour->findBestSeat();
end note

interface SeatFinder {

Ticket -- SeatFinder : mySeatBehaviour >
SeatFinder <|-- NormalSeatFinder
SeatFinder <|-- PensionerSeatFinder
SeatFinder <|-- ChildSeatFinder

note left of SeatFinder
Students can be seated as normal people
so no extra class for them.
end note

note top of NormalSeatFinder
Since we implement the SeatFinder interface
and NormalSeatFinder is not declared abstract, it can be inferred
that all methods from SeatFinder is indeed
implemented. We can thus be lazy and not
write them out here.
end note
  • Only one findBestSeat behaviour is active for one specific ticket:Ticket at any specific point in time.
    • We call this a strategy, in this case a SeatFinderStrategy
  • Design Principle: Program to an Interface, not an implementation
    • The Ticket class and the rest of the world mostly only knows about the interface SeatFinderStrategy
    • The interface is stable and define the methods common for all seat finding strategies.
    • The actual implementation of this interface, this API, will vary in each sub-class.
    • The interface defines findBestSeat() , not findSeatCloseToParent() or findEasyToAccessSeat().
  • We can do the same for calculatePrice():
    • interface PriceCalculatorStrategy , and sub-classes for each type of price calculation
  • One instance of Strategy Pattern for every type of behaviour that varies.

Generic form for Stategy Pattern

class Context {
'-StrategyInterface* getCurrentStrategy()
-StrategyInterface* currentStrategy

abstract class StrategyInterface <<abstract strategy>> {

Context -- "1" StrategyInterface

StrategyInterface <|-- ConcreteImplementation1
StrategyInterface <|-- ConcreteImplementation2

ConcreteImplementation1 : +method1()
ConcreteImplementation1 : +method2()
ConcreteImplementation1 : +...()
ConcreteImplementation1 : +methodN()

ConcreteImplementation2 : +method1()
ConcreteImplementation2 : +method2()
ConcreteImplementation2 : +...()
ConcreteImplementation2 : +methodN()

note left of Context::contextInterface()
The context interface can have many methods, 
but internally they make use of calls to
currentStrategy, e.g. currentStrategy->method1()
end note

note left of Context::setStrategy(...currentContext)
Should this method be public?
Above all, do not allow the outside world to
create the currentStrategy object !!
end note

Inheritance or Composition

  • Assume we would only use inheritance:
    • As the number of behaviour types grow, we create new sub-classes
    • As the number of variants of each behaviour type grow, we create new sub-classes
    • ∑ The number of combinations grow exponentially
  • The strategy pattern refactors the problem into separate inheritance hierarchies
    • one inheritance hierarchy for each behaviour type
    • one class for each strategy, or behaviour variant
  • The Context class remains simple
  • The Context class is now in charge of managing all the strategies
  • The rest of the program no longer need to know any of this. We have encapsulated the strategies.
  • Design Principle: Favor composition over inheritance
    • a more maintainable design
    • easier to extend with new behaviour types
    • easier to extend with new strategies

Design Patterns and Pattern Libraries

  • Design patterns are reusable solutions to known problems
    • With known consequences
    • “encoded experience”
    • Codified in a structured format
    • named
  • There is nothing that requires you to use design patterns; they are a convenience.
  • Design Patterns offer a shared vocabularly
    • When you see “strategy” you know what to look for, and how it works


  • Design Pattern: Strategy
  • Design Principles: High Cohesion and Encapsulation
    • Separate similar behaviour into a new class.
    • Encapsulate what varies under a common API.
  • Design Principle: Program to an Interface, not an Implementation
    • Program to a supertype, the common API.
  • Design Principle: Composition over Inheritance
    • Avoid deep and intricate inheritance hierarchies where behaviour can not easily be extended or changed.
  • Design Principle: Low Coupling
    • The rest of the program do not need to know how to create a specific sub-class with the exact right combination of different behaviour strategies.
    • Most of the time, the Context class can also forget about which is the current strategy, and only use the common API.
    • We may not get fewer connections between classes, but they are more loosely coupled.

Next Lecture: Responsibility Driven Design

  • Barnes & Kölling Chapter 8, Designing Classes
  • Barnes & Kölling Chapter 9, Well-Behaved Objects
  • Book tip: Robert C. Martin, Clean Code, Pearson Education, 2009.
  • Book tip: Steve McConnell, Code Complete, Microsoft Press, 2004.
  • Design Principle: Low Coupling
  • Design Principle: Encapsulation
  • Design Principle: Localising Change (High Cohesion)

Lost Puppies

Behaviours among Wizards and Warriors

  • A slightly more complicated case
  • Player (now a concrete class) contains different Behaviours
  • The behaviours it currently hold defines:
    1. whether it can fight like a wizard or a swordsman
    2. how to run away.
  • Two instances of the Strategy pattern, one for Fight and one for Flight
  • We can raise the abstraction, so that fight and flight are both treated as behaviours.
class Player {

interface Behaviour {
+boolean isActive()
+int predictEffect()
+int predictSelfHealth()
+int executeBehaviour()
+int respondToBehaviour(Behaviour theOtherBehaviour)
+string getDescription()

interface FightBehaviour
interface FlightBehaviour

note left of FightBehaviour : Strictly speaking, this level is not necessary

Player - "*" Behaviour : myBehaviours >
Behaviour <|-- FightBehaviour
Behaviour <|-- FlightBehaviour
FightBehaviour <|-- WizardFightBehaviour
FightBehaviour <|-- SwordsmanFightBehaviour
FlightBehaviour <|-- BravelyRunAwayBehaviour


public interface Behaviour {
  public boolean isActive();
  public int predictEffect();
  public int predictSelfHealth();
  public int executeBehaviour();
  public int respondToBehaviour(Behaviour theOtherBehaviour);
  public String getDescription();
public class WizardFightBehaviour implements Behaviour {
  public boolean isActive() { return true; }
  public int predictEffect() { return 100; }
  public int predictSelfHealth() { return -50; }
  public int executeBehaviour() { return -50; } 
  public int respondToBehaviour(Behaviour theOtherBehaviour) { return 0; }
  public String getDescription() { return "valiantly wield your wand!"; }
public class SwordsmanFightBehaviour implements Behaviour {
  public boolean isActive() { return true; }
  public int predictEffect() { return 200; }
  public int predictSelfHealth() { return -10; }
  public int executeBehaviour() { return -10; } 
  public int respondToBehaviour(Behaviour theOtherBehaviour) { return 10; }
  public String getDescription() { return "skillfully slash your sword!"; }
public class BravelyRunAwayFightBehaviour implements Behaviour {
  public boolean isActive() { return true; }
  public int predictEffect() { return 0; }
  public int predictSelfHealth() { return 0; }
  public int executeBehaviour() { return 0; } 
  public int respondToBehaviour(Behaviour theOtherBehaviour) { return 0; }
  public String getDescription() { return "bravely run away..."; }


public class Start {
  public static void main(String [] args) {
    Player p = new Player();

Summary: Entity Component Pattern