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This library is considered production ready.


File-system Utilities.


# '/'

# '/dev/sdb1'

# {
#  '/': {'device': '/dev/disk1',
#        'fstype': 'hfs',
#        'mountpoint': '/',
#        'opts': 'rw,local,rootfs,dovolfs,journaled,multilabel'},
#  '/dev': {'device': 'devfs',
#           'fstype': 'devfs',
#           'mountpoint': '/dev',
#           'opts': 'rw,local,dontbrowse,multilabel'},
#  ...
# }



Raises when there is no data to scan before timeout, when or Cat.iterate().


Raises when there are more than one exclusive Cat instances(with the same id) trying to scan a same file.


Raises when trying to use an invalid mount point path.


Raises when there is no file present before timeout, when or Cat.iterate().



Synopsis: continuously tail nginx log and print it. If there is no more data for 1 hour, it quits.

from pykit import fsutil

fn = '/var/log/nginx/access.log'
for l in fsutil.Cat(fn).iterate(timeout=3600):
    print l

Just like nix command cat or tail, it continuously scan a file line by line.

It provides with two way for user to handle lines: as a generator or specifying a handler function.

It also remembers the offset of the last scanning in a file in /tmp/. If a file does not change(inode number does not change), it scans from the last offset, or it scan from the first byte.

syntax: Cat(fn, handler=None, file_end_handler=None, exclusive=True, id=None, strip=False, read_chunk_size=16*1024**2)


  • fn: specifies the file to scan.

  • handler: specifies a callable to handle each line, if Cat() is not used in generator mode. It can be a callable or a list of callable. See method

  • file_end_handler: specifies a callable when file end reached. Every time it scans to end of file, file_end_handler is called, but it is still able to not quit and to wait for new data for a while. Thus file_end_handler will be called more than one time.

  • exclusive: is True means at the same time there can be only one same progress scanning a same file, which means, Cat with the same id and the same fn. Two Cat instances with different id are able to scan a same file at the same time and they record their own offset in separate file.

    By default it is True.

  • id: specifies the instance id. id is used to identify a Cat instance and is used as part of offset record file(in /tmp/) and is used to exclude other instance. See exclusive.

    By default id is the file name of the currently running python script. Thus normally a user does not need to specify id explicitly.

  • strip: is True or False to specifies if to strip blank chars(space, tab, \r and \n) before returning each line.

    By default it is False.

  • read_chunk_size: is the buffer size to read data once, appropriate small read_chunk_size will return stream data quickly.

    By default it is 16*1024**2.


  • cat_stat_dir: specifies base dir to store offset recording file.

    By default it is /tmp.

    # cat pykitconfig
    cat_stat_dir = '/'
    # cat
    from pykit import fsutil
    fn = '/var/log/nginx/access.log'
    for l in fsutil.Cat(fn).iterate(timeout=3600):
        print l


Make a generator to yield every line.

syntax: Cat.iterate(timeout=None)


  • timeout: specifies the time in second to wait for new data.

    If timeout is 0 or smaller than 0, it means to scan a file no more than one time:

    • If it sees any data, it returning them until it reaches file end.
    • If there is not any data, it raises NoData error.

    By default it is 3600.

  • default_seek: specify a default offset when the last scanned offset is not avaliable or not valid.

    Not avaliable mean the stat file used to store the scanning offset is not exist or has broken. For example, when it is the first time to scan a file, the stat file will not exist.

    Not valid mean the info stored in stat file is not for the file we are about to scan, this will happen when the same file is deleted and then created, the info stored in stat file is for the deleted file not for the created new file.

    We will also treat the last offset stored in stat file as not valid if it is too small than the file size when you set default_seek to a negative number. And the absolute value of default_seek is the maximum allowed difference.

    It can take following values:

    • fsutil.SEEK_START: scan from the beginning of the file.

    • fsutil.SEEK_END: scan from the end of the file, mean only new data will be scanned.

    • x(a positive number, includes 0). scan from offset x.

    • -x(a negative number). it is used to specify the maximum allowed difference between last offset and file size. If the difference is bigger than x, then scan from x bytes before the end of the file, not scan from the last offset.

      This is usefull when you want to scan from near the end of the file. Use fsutil.SEEK_END can not solve the problem, because it only take effect when the last offset is not avaliable.

    By default it is fsutil.SEEK_START.

return: a generator.


  • NoSuchFile: if file does not present before timeout.
  • NoData: if file does not have un-scanned data before timeout.

Similar to Cat.iterate except it blocks until timeout or reaches file end and let Cat.handler to deal with each line.


return: Nothing.


Returns the full path of the file to store scanning offset.

syntax: Cat.stat_path()

return: string


Remove the file used to store scanning offset.

syntax: Cat.reset_stat()

return: Nothing

File system operation methods


syntax: fsutil.assert_mountpoint(path)

Ensure that path must be a mount point. Or an error NotMountPoint is emitted.


  • path: is a path that does have to be an existent file path.

return: Nothing


syntax: fsutil.get_all_mountpoint(all=False)

Returns a list of all mount points on this host.


  • all: specifies if to return non-physical device mount points.

    By default it is False thus only disk drive mount points are returned. tmpfs or /proc are not returned by default.

return: a list of mount point path in string.


syntax: fsutil.get_device(path)

Get the device path(/dev/sdb etc) where path resides on.


  • path: is a path that does have to be an existent file path.

return: device path like "/dev/sdb" in string.


syntax: fsutil.get_device_fs(device)

Return the file-system name of a device, if the device is a disk device.


  • device: is a path of a device, such as /dev/sdb1.

return: the file-system name, such as ext4 or hfs.


syntax: fsutil.get_disk_partitions(all=True)

Find and return all mounted path and its mount point information in a dictionary.


  • all: By default it is True thus all mount points including non-disk path are also returned, otherwise tmpfs or /proc are not returned.

return: an dictionary indexed by mount point path:

 '/': {'device': '/dev/disk1',
       'fstype': 'hfs',
       'mountpoint': '/',
       'opts': 'rw,local,rootfs,dovolfs,journaled,multilabel'},
 '/dev': {'device': 'devfs',
          'fstype': 'devfs',
          'mountpoint': '/dev',
          'opts': 'rw,local,dontbrowse,multilabel'},
 '/home': {'device': 'map auto_home',
           'fstype': 'autofs',
           'mountpoint': '/home',
           'opts': 'rw,dontbrowse,automounted,multilabel'},
 '/net': {'device': 'map -hosts',
          'fstype': 'autofs',
          'mountpoint': '/net',
          'opts': 'rw,nosuid,dontbrowse,automounted,multilabel'}


syntax: fsutil.get_mountpoint(path)

Return the mount point where this path resides on. All symbolic links are resolved when looking up for mount point.


  • path: is a path that does have to be an existent file path.

return: the mount point path(one of output of command mount on linux)


syntax: fsutil.get_path_fs(path)

Return the name of device where the path is mounted.


  • path: is a file path on a file system.

return: the file-system name, such as ext4 or hfs.


syntax: fsutil.get_sub_dirs(path)

Get all sorted sub directories of path.


  • path: is the directory path.

return: a list contain all sub directory names.


syntax: fsutil.list_fns(path, pattern='.*')

List all files with pattern in path.


  • path: is a directory path.

  • pattern: is the file name pattern wanted. A regular expression.

return: a alphabetical sorted list contain all file name in path with pattern.


syntax: fsutil.makedirs(*path, mode=0755, uid=None, gid=None)

Make directory. If intermediate directory does not exist, create them too.


  • *path: is a single part path such as /tmp/foo or a separated path such as ('/tmp', 'foo').

  • mode: specifies permission mode for the dir created or existed.

    By defaul it is 0755.

  • uid: and gid to specify another user/group for the dir to create.

    By default they are None and the created dir inherits ownership from the running python program.

return: Nothing

raise: OSError if trying to create dir with the same path of a non-dir file, or having other issue like permission denied.


syntax: fsutil.read_file(path)

Read and return the entire file specified by path


  • path: is the file path to read.

return: file content in string.


syntax: fsutil.remove(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)

Recursively delete path, the path is one of file, directory or symbolic link.


  • path: is the path to remove.

  • ignore_errors: whether ignore os.error while deleting the path.

  • onerror: If ignore_errors is set to True, errors(os.error) are ignored; otherwise, if onerror is set, it is called to handle the error with arguments (func, path, exc_info) where func is os.listdir, os.remove, os.rmdir or os.path.isdir.

return: Nothing


syntax: fsutil.write_file(path, content, uid=None, gid=None, atomic=False, fsync=True)

Write content to file path.


  • path: is the file path to write to.

  • content: specifies the content to write.

  • uid and gid: specifies the user_id/group_id the file belongs to.

    Bedefault they are None, which means the file that has been written inheirts ownership of the running python script.

  • atomic: atomically write content to the path.

    Write content to a temporary file, then rename to the path. The temporary file names of same path in one process distinguish with timeutil.ns(), it is not atomic if the temporary files of same path created at the same nanosecond. The renaming will be an atomic operation (this is a POSIX requirement).

  • fsync: specify if need to synchronize data to storage device.

return: Nothing


syntax: fsutil.calc_checksums(path, sha1=False, md5=False, crc32=False, sha256=False, block_size=READ_BLOCK, io_limit=READ_BLOCK):

Calculate checksums of path, like: sha1 md5 crc32.

from pykit import fsutil

file_name = 'test.file'

fsutil.write_file(file_name, '')
print fsutil.calc_checksums(file_name, sha1=True, md5=True, crc32=False, sha256=True)
# 'sha1': 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709',
# 'md5': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
# 'crc32': None,
# 'sha256':'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855'


  • path: is the file path to calculate.

  • sha1 and md5 and crc32 and sha256: are checksum types to calculate. Default is False.

    The result of this type is None if the checksum type is False.

  • block_size: is the buffer size while reading content of path.

  • io_limit: is the IO limitation per second while reading content of path.

    There is no limitation if io_limit is negative number.

return: a dict with keys sha1 and md5 and crc32 and sha256.

Stat methods


syntax: fsutil.get_path_inode_usage(path)

Collect inode usage information of the file system path is mounted on.


  • path: specifies the fs - path to collect usage info. Such as /tmp or /home/alice.

return: a dictionary in the following format:

    'total':     total number of inode,
    'used':      used inode(includes inode reserved for super user),
    'available': total - used,
    'percent':   float(used) / 'total'


syntax: fsutil.get_path_usage(path)

Collect space usage information of the file system path is mounted on.


  • path: specifies the fs-path to collect usage info. Such as /tmp or /home/alice.

return: a dictionary in the following format:

    'total':     total space in byte,
    'used':      used space in byte(includes space reserved for super user),
    'available': total - used,
    'percent':   float(used) / 'total',

There two concept for unused space: free and available because some file systems have a reserved(maybe 5%) for super user like root:

  • free: with blocks reserved for super users.

  • available: without blocks reserved for super users.

Since most of the time an application can not run as root then it can not use the reserved space. Thus this function provides with the available bytes by default.


syntax: fsutil.iostat(device=None, path=None, stat_path=None)

Collect IO stat.


print fsutil.iostat('/dev/sda1') # {'read': 6151, 'write': 34073, 'ioutil': 0}
print fsutil.iostat(path='/')    # {'read': 6151, 'write': 34073, 'ioutil': 100}

It accepts either device or path as target to collect IO stat from:

  • device should be a path starts with /dev, such as /dev/sda1.

  • path is any path on a valid mounted fs. If path is used and device is None, it uses the device on which the path is mounted.

One must specify either device or path.


/proc/diskstats provides accumulated IO stat since a host boots up. Such as total count of read/write operation on a disk.

This function records changes in /proc/diskstats and calculates the diff between two recorded stat as return value.

fsutil.iostat reads instant IO stat from /proc/diskstats and save it in stat_path. When next time fsutil.iostat is called, it calculates the difference between the current stat from /proce/diskstats and the saved stat.

If no previous recorded stat saved in stat_path, it waits a second and load /proc/diskstats again, and calculate the diff.


  • device: specifies from which device to collect IO stat.

  • path: specifies from which fs path to collect IO stat.

  • stat_path: specifies where to store and load IO stat.

    By default it is None, then it uses config.iostat_stat_path(/tmp/pykit-iostat) to save stat.

return: a dict contains 3 field:

'read': 6151,
'write': 34073,
'ioutil': 0

read and write is in byte/second. ioutil is a percentage number between 0 and 100.


Zhang Yanpo (张炎泼) [email protected]

Copyright and License

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Zhang Yanpo (张炎泼) [email protected]