- To record I used recordmydesktop (see script in PJ)
- As I was recording my browser and wanted it to be pixel-sized with 1920x1080 (rush in native HD) I used window-resizer-beta
- Finally for editing I used kdenlive, with a rendering in mp4 H.264 / AAC High Profile. When I used it, it happens to crash, so do backup VERY often. Ergonomically, it looks like a final cut pro like.
- For subtitles I used Gaupol, but youtube tool is easier to use
- To add sound, I used subtitle to speech ;)
- For hosting it's youtube
- An example (without audio at the time) is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bAM17724Zo, watch in HD if possible
export WORK_DIR=/tmp/rec
mkdir -p $WORK_DIR
export DEST_DIR=~/Documents/video/rush
mkdir -p $DEST_DIR
recordmydesktop -o $DEST_DIR/take --no-sound --fps=25 -x=1780 -y=100 --width=1920 --height=1080 --workdir=$WORK_DIR/