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Releases: bruxy70/Garbage-Collection

Fixing option flow for comma separated lists

08 Jan 18:10
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Fixing #311

For other changes from the full release, check the 4.0.x release notes.

Added offset_date service - release candidate?

07 Jan 11:54
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This is related to the manual_update feature. Check the 4.0.x release notes.

This is to simplify the automations, so that you do not have to do add/remove and keep converting detes from and to the date format.
Also updated the documentation and simplified the advanced example.

I'd call this a release candidate. Will give it a few days for testing.
As for the release, I keep thinking to mark the holiday_in_week_move or perhaps the whole holiday offset obsolete, create a separate entity for the holidays and handle that from the automation blueprints.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments of #287.
It is a bit more work, but it gives the ultimate flexibility, and there are so many requests for different versions, exceptions, flavors (like if it moves to the weekend, move it somewhere else, etc).

Check out the README for examples.

Documentation and Services improvements

06 Jan 22:45
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Added 3 examples to the manual update. One simply adds a static date, one creates date twins, and the last one basically replaces the holiday_in_week_move feature. If I make it into a blueprint, is it a good replacement for the parameter? Can I make it obsolete?
Let me know in the comments of #287
It is a bit more work, but it gives the ultimate flexibility, and there are so many requests for different versions, exceptions, flavors (like if it moves to the weekend, move it somewhere else, etc).

Check out the README for examples.

This is related to the manual_update feature. Check the 4.0.0 release notes.

Beta for the next MAJOR RELEASE, allowing to tweak schedule from automation

05 Jan 22:16
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The integration now allows configuring parameter manual_update: true. Then, after calculating the collection schedule, it will not automatically update the entity state. Instead, it will fire an event garbage_collection_loaded, which will allow you to programmatically add and/or remove dates based on whatever custom logic (e.g. based on values from external API sensor, comparing the dates with a list of holidays, calculating custom offsets based on the day of the week etc.), and then manually trigger the update of the entity state and attributes by calling the service garbage_collection.update_state.

Check the example HERE
I will appreciate very much your feedback, suggestions. And perhaps samples of automation you created, that could be helpful for others. You can send them as comments to the issue #287. Thank you!

Yes, this is an advanced feature. But if you do not configure it, the core functionality should work unchanged for now.

Said that, going forward, I might make some very specific and confusing parameters obsolete and simplify the configuration, and leave some of the specific scenarios for automation templates (with your help). You can also send me your suggestions.

This is the result of refactoring described in #287. There were a number of feature-request for very specific custom collection schedules, that should be now doable with this.

2021.12 compatibility update

07 Dec 12:36
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#299 Changing device_state_attributes to extra_state_attributes
#300 caused by new version numbering limitation (in manfest).

Re-release of 3.19

22 Jun 12:03
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#266 - fixed checking if no expiration is set and collection is expired by calling service

Fixed ready for update checking

21 Jun 16:22
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#266 - fixed checking if no expiration is set and collection is expired by calling service

Minor fixes

13 May 15:06
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#268 - in calendar, set the start time equal to the end time when the expiration time is set
#259 - documentation update
Enabled period for monthly frequency

Added version to the manifest to comply with future HA requirements

27 Feb 08:22
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Merge pull request #253 from bruxy70/development

Added version to the manifest to comply with future HA requirements

Group sensor fix & adding version information

07 Feb 18:17
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#248 - adding version number into the manifest.json (for future compatibility - a new requirement by the Home Assistant project)
#244 - fixing the expiration time for group frequency (the group entities are re-evaluated as soon as one of the grouped entities is updated)