Roll 3d6 each for Body, Mind, Will. Each starts at 1 and each even number rolled is a +1. Hit Points equal the Body score. Characters begin play with one cliché, roll 2d6, and gain one cliché for each even number rolled. If you wish, flesh out a background, looks, quirks, etc. Be creative and stuff.
Figure out why your character is there and where in the story they are. Are you plundering a tomb? Rescuing the princess? This is a short description of where our hero is and what's happening. Imagine a starting point for your adventure.
To begin play, ask a question that has a yes or no answer, it is important to keep it simple. Do I encounter a trap? Are guards present?
For each question, roll a d6 and consult the table below. If the hero has an applicable cliché or an advantage, roll 2d6 and choose the result. If the character has a significant disadvantage, roll 2d6 and use the lowest result.
1- No, But
2- No
3- No, And
4- Yes, But
5- Yes
6- Yes, And
And means better than expected, a good thing, But means there is worse or a drawback. And can also mean a good interpretation on the roll below, But can be a negative interpretation on the roll below.
1- Nothing significant happens
2- An obstacle, something to overcome
3- A unique feature or situation
4- A unique feature or situation
5- NPC (1-3 friendly, 4-5 neutral, 6 not friendly)
6- Monster (1 friendly, 2-3 neutral, 4-6 not friendly)
You can use the above method to determine the outcome of encounters, or use the optional rules that follow to expand the depth of the system.
When your character comes into dangerous or risky situations Determine Difficulty (either via narratory license or dice, see below). Use dice equal to Body, Mind, or Will for the contest, adding one die to the roll if a cliché is applicable. If ONE die rolls the Difficulty or higher, you succeed!
To randomly determine difficulty of a task, roll a d6:
1- Automatic
2- Simple
3- Easy
4- Average
5- Tricky
6- Hard
Resolve combat as if two characters were facing off using the stats listed for monsters, where the high roll wins the round/combat. All attacks cause one damage, tick off HPs as damage is inflicted.
If you succeed in a contest, subtract one HP from the enemy, if you fail, subtract one of your HPs. When you reach zero, you are dead, dead, dead...
The bravest warrior, Force-Aware monk, Nibble- fingered rogue, Sneaky little bastard, I can feel the magic, Spellbinder of the elemental flames, Cleric of the Light of Assaradin, Sticky fingers
Alessandor the Blade B: 2 S:1 W: 1 HP: 2 Cleric of Pastorin, Master of the Duel
Byran Spellslinger B: 1 S: 3 W: 2 HP: 1 Mage of the Forgotten Water Splendids
Bulette B: 4 M:1 W: 1 HP: 4 Digger, Jump
Gobin B: 1 M:1 W: 1 HP: 1 Sneaky little bastard
Owlbear B: 3 M:1 W: 1 HP: 3 Grapple, Berserk
Squidhead B:2 M:3 W:3 HP:2 Mind control, Illusion magic, Madness
Zombie B: 1 M:1 W: 1 HP: 1 Silent, Infection
by matt jackson -
licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 inspired by & others