diff --git a/src/components/BarChart.js b/src/components/BarChart.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce5cd34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/BarChart.js
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Vega } from 'react-vega';
+const bar_color = '#00c398'; // ccv green
+const bar_hover_color = '#ffc72c'; // ccv yellow
+function generateBarPlot({ data = {}, xLabel = '', yLabel = '' }) {
+  // Validate input JSON structure
+  if (!Array.isArray(data) || data.some((item) => !('label' in item && 'count' in item))) {
+    throw new Error("Input must be an array of objects with 'label' and 'count' properties");
+  }
+  // Transform the input JSON to match Vega's expected data format
+  const dataMap = data.map((item) => ({
+    bin: item.label, // Use 'label' for the x-axis
+    count: item.count, // Use 'count' for the y-axis
+  }));
+  // Define the Vega specification
+  const spec = {
+    $schema: 'https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json',
+    width: 800,
+    height: 400,
+    padding: 5,
+    data: [
+      {
+        name: 'table',
+        values: dataMap,
+      },
+    ],
+    signals: [
+      {
+        name: 'tooltip',
+        value: {},
+        on: [
+          { events: 'rect:pointerover', update: 'datum' },
+          { events: 'rect:pointerout', update: '{}' },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    scales: [
+      {
+        name: 'xscale',
+        type: 'band',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'bin' },
+        range: 'width',
+        padding: 0.1,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'yscale',
+        type: 'linear',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'count' },
+        range: 'height',
+        nice: true,
+      },
+    ],
+    axes: [
+      {
+        orient: 'bottom',
+        scale: 'xscale',
+        title: xLabel,
+        labelAngle: -50,
+        labelAlign: 'right',
+        labelBaseline: 'top',
+      },
+      { orient: 'left', scale: 'yscale', title: yLabel },
+    ],
+    marks: [
+      {
+        type: 'rect',
+        from: { data: 'table' },
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'bin' },
+            width: { scale: 'xscale', band: 1 },
+            y: { scale: 'yscale', field: 'count' },
+            y2: { scale: 'yscale', value: 0 },
+          },
+          update: {
+            fill: { value: bar_color },
+          },
+          hover: {
+            fill: { value: bar_hover_color },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'text',
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            align: { value: 'center' },
+            baseline: { value: 'bottom' },
+            fill: { value: '#333' },
+            fontSize: { value: 15 },
+          },
+          update: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', signal: `tooltip.bin`, band: 0.5 },
+            y: { scale: 'yscale', signal: 'tooltip.count', offset: -2 },
+            text: { signal: 'tooltip.count' },
+            fillOpacity: [{ test: 'datum === tooltip', value: 0 }, { value: 1 }],
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    config: {
+      title: {
+        fontSize: 24,
+      },
+      axis: {
+        labelFontSize: 16,
+        titleFontSize: 20,
+      },
+    },
+  };
+  return spec;
+function generateCumuSumPlot({ data = {}, xLabel = '', yLabel = '' }) {
+  // Validate input JSON structure
+  if (!Array.isArray(data) || data.some((item) => !('label' in item && 'count' in item))) {
+    throw new Error("Input must be an array of objects with 'label' and 'count' properties");
+  }
+  // Transform the input JSON to match Vega's expected data format
+  const dataMap = data.map((item) => ({
+    bin: item.label, // Use 'label' for the x-axis
+    count: item.count, // Use 'count' for the y-axis
+  }));
+  // Define the Vega specification
+  const spec = {
+    $schema: 'https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json',
+    width: 800,
+    height: 400,
+    padding: 5,
+    data: [
+      {
+        name: 'table',
+        values: dataMap,
+        transform: [
+          {
+            type: 'window',
+            ops: ['sum'],
+            fields: ['count'],
+            as: ['cumulativeSum'],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    signals: [
+      {
+        name: 'hoveredPoint',
+        value: null,
+        on: [
+          { events: 'symbol:mouseover', update: 'datum' },
+          { events: 'symbol:mouseout', update: 'null' },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    scales: [
+      {
+        name: 'xscale',
+        type: 'band',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'bin' },
+        range: 'width',
+        padding: 0.1,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'yscale',
+        type: 'linear',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'cumulativeSum' },
+        range: 'height',
+        nice: true,
+      },
+    ],
+    axes: [
+      {
+        orient: 'bottom',
+        scale: 'xscale',
+        title: xLabel,
+        labelAngle: -50,
+        labelAlign: 'right',
+        labelBaseline: 'top',
+      },
+      { orient: 'left', scale: 'yscale', title: yLabel },
+    ],
+    marks: [
+      {
+        type: 'line',
+        from: { data: 'table' },
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'bin', band: 0.5 },
+            y: { scale: 'yscale', field: 'cumulativeSum' },
+            stroke: { value: 'steelblue' },
+            strokeWidth: { value: 2 },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'symbol',
+        from: { data: 'table' },
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'bin', band: 0.5 },
+            y: { scale: 'yscale', field: 'cumulativeSum' },
+            size: { value: 60 },
+            fill: { value: 'steelblue' },
+          },
+          update: {
+            fill: { value: 'steelblue' },
+            size: { value: 60 },
+          },
+          hover: {
+            fill: { value: bar_hover_color },
+            size: { value: 100 },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'rule',
+        encode: {
+          update: {
+            x: { value: 0 },
+            x2: {
+              signal:
+                "hoveredPoint ? scale('xscale', hoveredPoint.bin) + (bandwidth('xscale') / 2) : 0",
+            },
+            y: { signal: "hoveredPoint ? scale('yscale', hoveredPoint.cumulativeSum) : 0" },
+            stroke: { value: 'dimgray' },
+            strokeDash: { value: [4, 4] },
+            strokeWidth: { value: 1.2 },
+            opacity: { signal: 'hoveredPoint ? 1 : 0' },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    config: {
+      title: {
+        fontSize: 24,
+      },
+      axis: {
+        labelFontSize: 16,
+        titleFontSize: 20,
+      },
+    },
+  };
+  return spec;
+const generateBarPlotWithCumuSum = (dataJson, xLabel) => {
+  // Validate input JSON structure
+  if (!Array.isArray(dataJson) || dataJson.some((item) => !('label' in item && 'count' in item))) {
+    throw new Error("Input must be an array of objects with 'label' and 'count' properties");
+  }
+  // Transform the input JSON to match Vega's expected data format
+  const data = dataJson.map((item) => ({
+    bin: item.label, // Use 'label' for the x-axis
+    count: item.count, // Use 'count' for the y-axis
+  }));
+  // Define the Vega specification
+  const spec = {
+    $schema: 'https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json',
+    width: 800,
+    height: 400,
+    padding: 5,
+    data: [
+      {
+        name: 'table',
+        values: data,
+        transform: [
+          {
+            type: 'window',
+            ops: ['sum'],
+            fields: ['count'],
+            as: ['cumulativeSum'],
+          },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    signals: [
+      {
+        name: 'tooltip',
+        value: {},
+        on: [
+          { events: 'rect:pointerover', update: 'datum' },
+          { events: 'rect:pointerout', update: '{}' },
+        ],
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'hoveredPoint',
+        value: null,
+        on: [
+          { events: 'symbol:mouseover', update: 'datum' },
+          { events: 'symbol:mouseout', update: 'null' },
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
+    scales: [
+      {
+        name: 'xscale',
+        type: 'band',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'bin' },
+        range: 'width',
+        padding: 0.1,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'yscale',
+        type: 'linear',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'count' },
+        range: 'height',
+        nice: true,
+      },
+      {
+        name: 'y2scale',
+        type: 'linear',
+        domain: { data: 'table', field: 'cumulativeSum' },
+        range: 'height',
+        nice: true,
+      },
+    ],
+    axes: [
+      { orient: 'bottom', scale: 'xscale', title: xLabel },
+      { orient: 'left', scale: 'yscale', title: 'Publications' },
+      { orient: 'right', scale: 'y2scale', title: 'Cumulative', grid: false },
+    ],
+    marks: [
+      {
+        type: 'rect',
+        from: { data: 'table' },
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'bin' },
+            width: { scale: 'xscale', band: 1 },
+            y: { scale: 'yscale', field: 'count' },
+            y2: { scale: 'yscale', value: 0 },
+          },
+          update: {
+            fill: { value: bar_color },
+          },
+          hover: {
+            fill: { value: bar_hover_color },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'line',
+        from: { data: 'table' },
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'bin', band: 0.5 },
+            y: { scale: 'y2scale', field: 'cumulativeSum' },
+            stroke: { value: 'steelblue' },
+            strokeWidth: { value: 2 },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'symbol',
+        from: { data: 'table' },
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', field: 'bin', band: 0.5 },
+            y: { scale: 'y2scale', field: 'cumulativeSum' },
+            size: { value: 50 },
+            fill: { value: 'steelblue' },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'text',
+        encode: {
+          enter: {
+            align: { value: 'center' },
+            baseline: { value: 'bottom' },
+            fill: { value: '#333' },
+            fontSize: { value: 15 },
+          },
+          update: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', signal: 'tooltip.bin', band: 0.5 },
+            y: { scale: 'yscale', signal: 'tooltip.count', offset: -2 },
+            text: { signal: 'tooltip.count' },
+            fillOpacity: [{ test: 'datum === tooltip', value: 0 }, { value: 1 }],
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'rule',
+        encode: {
+          update: {
+            x: { scale: 'xscale', signal: 'tooltip.bin', band: 0.5 },
+            x2: { signal: 'width' },
+            y: { signal: "tooltip ? scale('y2scale', tooltip.cumulativeSum) : 0" },
+            stroke: { value: 'dimgray' },
+            strokeDash: { value: [4, 4] },
+            strokeWidth: { value: 1.2 },
+            opacity: { signal: 'tooltip && tooltip.bin ? 1 : 0' },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+    ],
+    config: {
+      title: {
+        fontSize: 24,
+      },
+      axis: {
+        labelFontSize: 16,
+        titleFontSize: 20,
+      },
+    },
+  };
+  return spec;
+const inputJson = [
+  { label: '2008', count: 1 },
+  { label: '2009', count: 2 },
+  { label: '2010', count: 6 },
+  { label: '2011', count: 3 },
+  { label: '2012', count: 8 },
+  { label: '2013', count: 18 },
+  { label: '2014', count: 35 },
+  { label: '2015', count: 41 },
+  { label: '2016', count: 35 },
+  { label: '2017', count: 60 },
+  { label: '2018', count: 70 },
+  { label: '2019', count: 60 },
+  { label: '2020', count: 70 },
+  { label: '2021', count: 58 },
+  { label: '2022', count: 62 },
+  { label: '2023', count: 80 },
+  { label: '2024', count: 5 },
+export function CountsByYearPlot({ type }) {
+  let vegaSpec = {};
+  const xLabel = 'Year';
+  if (type === 'bar') {
+    vegaSpec = generateBarPlot({
+      data: inputJson,
+      xLabel: xLabel,
+      yLabel: 'Publications',
+    });
+  } else if (type === 'cumu-line') {
+    vegaSpec = generateCumuSumPlot({
+      data: inputJson,
+      xLabel: xLabel,
+      yLabel: 'Cumulative Publications',
+    });
+  } else if (type === 'bar-cumu-line') {
+    vegaSpec = generateBarPlotWithCumuSum(inputJson, xLabel);
+  }
+  return <Vega spec={vegaSpec} />;
diff --git a/src/components/ContentPage.jsx b/src/components/ContentPage.jsx
index 9300b0e..7450e75 100755
--- a/src/components/ContentPage.jsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentPage.jsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
 import { selectUser } from '../store/slice/appState';
 import { PublicationsTable } from './PublicationsTable.tsx';
 import { AddPublicationModal } from './AddPublicationModal.tsx';
+import { CountsByYearPlot } from './BarChart.js';
 export function ContentPage() {
   const user = useSelector(selectUser);
@@ -29,6 +30,9 @@ export function ContentPage() {
       {/*<div className="viz d-flex justify-content-center pt-5">*/}
       {/*  <WordCloud />*/}
       {/*<YearChart />*/}
+      <CountsByYearPlot type="bar" />
+      <CountsByYearPlot type="cumu-line" />
+      <CountsByYearPlot type="bar-cumu-line" />