Summarize the goal of your work and what motivated it.
- Describe major updates.
- List open questions and other things your reviewer should know.
- List links to related ticket(s).
- (optional) Link to other files and resources, such as specific related reports in Looker or PRs in the dbt repo.
- Describe how you evaluated the accuracy of the results (e.g. "picked these 10 IDs from source system and compared aggregated values and compared overall summary to July report")
- List links to QA-related items, e.g. to a SQL file used to compare outputs to some benchmark and a file that is reporting on the same topic.
- Communicating with users:
- All added / modified files create new features (e.g., Looks, Explores, Dashboards, fields, elements) that will not impact existing stakeholder workflow(s).
- This PR may / will impact existing stakeholder workflow(s) and there is a stakeholder communication plan in place.
- LookML model(s) connection(s) reverted to production.
Include screenshots that demonstrate the new feature(s).