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External Server

The External Server is a component of the Fleet Protocol. It communicates with an External Client, which is part of the Module Gateway.

It handles communication between a cloud instance and multiple cars registered under a single company.


  • Python (version >= 3.10)


Install dependencies

Python packages

Install the required Python packages in a virtual environment by running the following:

python3 -m venv .venv && \
source .venv/bin/activate && \
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Update the fleet protocol submodule

git submodule update --init lib/fleet-protocol

Configure the External Server

Prepare your config file for the External Server. The config file can be found in config/config.json.

As an example of a filled-up config file, see the config/config.json. Before running the server, update the config/config.json accordingly.

Server configuration

Set up the logging, the MQTT connection parameters and company name and the External server behavior.

  • logging - contains the keys consoleand file for printing the logs into a console and a file, respectively. The file contains field path to set the (absolute or relative) path to the directory to store the logs. Both contain the following keys:
    • level - logging level as a string (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). Case-insensitive.
    • use - set to True to allow to print the logs, otherwise set to False.
  • company_name - used for MQTT topics name, should be same as in module gateway; only lowercase characters, numbers and underscores are allowed.
  • mqtt_address - IP address of the MQTT broker.
  • mqtt_port - port of the MQTT broker.
  • mqtt_timeout (in seconds) - timeout for getting a message from MQTT Client.
  • timeout (in seconds) - Maximum time amount between Status or Command messages and receiving corresponding responses.
  • send_invalid_command - sends command to Module gateway even if External Server detects invalid command returned from external_server_api; affects only normal communication.
  • sleep_duration_after_connection_refused - if the connection to Module Gateway was refused, the External Server will sleep for a defined duration before the next connection attempt proceeds.

Common modules

One of the last items in the config file is common_modules, represented by key-value pairs. The key is the module ID (a module number), the value contains following

  • lib_path (required) - path to module shared library (*.so).
  • config (optional) - module specific configuration, any key-value pairs will be forwarded to module implementation init function. When empty or not provided, empty configuration is forwarded to the init function of module.

    [!WARNING] A common module will be used for all cars. No such module can be defined in the car configuration. See the config/config.json for an example of modules configuration.


The last item in the config file is cars, represented by key-value pairs. The key is the name of the car, the value is a dictionary containing car-specific modules keyed as specific_modules.

The structure of the specific_modules is the same as the common_modules structure.

See the config/config.json for an example of car configuration.


Configuring a module with the same ID both in common_modules and specific_modules is invalid and the server will not start.


For each car, at least one module has to be defined, either in common_modules or specific_modules.

Start the External Server

After configuration and installation of the dependencies, run External Server with this command:

python3 --config <str> [--tls] [--ca <str>] [--cert <str>] [--key <str>]
  • -c or --config <str> = path to the config file, default = ./config/config.json
  • --tls = tls mqtt authentication

Following arguments are used if argument tls is set:

  • --ca <str> = path to ca certification
  • --cert <str> = path to cert file
  • --key <str> = path to key file

Unit tests

Necessary steps before testing


Install the external server package

Do the steps from the Install dependencies section.

Install the package in editable mode and install test requirements (assuming you already installed the requirements for the server):

pip install -e .
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

Update submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

Install the shared library

Compile a shared library for the Example Module. This requires

  • the example-module cloned as a submodule in the tests/utils directory.

Run the following

pushd tests/utils/example_module && \
mkdir -p _build && \
cd _build && \
cmake .. -DCMLIB_DIR=<path-to-cmakelib-dir> && \

cmakelib directory is absolute path to this repo root directory.

Running the tests

In the root folder, run the following

python -m tests [-h] [PATH1] [PATH2] ...

Each PATH is specified relative to the tests folder. If no PATH is specified, all the tests will run. Otherwise

  • when PATH is a directory, the script will run all tests in this directory (and subdirectories),
  • when PATH is a Python file, the script will run all tests in the file.

The -h flag makes the script display tests' coverage in an HTML format, for example in your web browser.


The External Server is ready to use with Docker. You can build a Docker image with docker build . in this directory. The Dockerfile also describes compiling these Bringauto modules:

  • module 1 - Mission module,
  • module 2 - IO module.

These compiled modules are inserted into the image and are ready to use with the External Server in a Docker container.

The External Server can also be used with Docker Compose. In the docker-compose.yml is example of External Server service, which can't be used alone and should be inserted into another docker-compose.yml with MQTT service and defined network (the etna is an example). This specific example assumes that MQTT broker is service named mosquitto and defined network is bring-emulator.


Type checking

To allow for type checking of the classes from compiler protobuf of Fleet Protocol, run:

pushd lib/fleet-protocol/protobuf && \
find ./definition -name "*.proto" -exec protoc -I=./definition --python_out=./compiled/python --pyi_out=./compiled/python {} +

Then add <project-root-directory>/lib/fleet-protocol/protobuf/compiled/pythonto the PYTHONPATH environment variable.