This is the complete list of parts required to build the escape room. See the individual folders for instructions on construction.
- A laser cutter for making the console units
- 2x v2 micro:bits
- 6x micro:bits (v1 or v2 will work)
- 8x battery packs for the micro:bits
- 2x ELECFREAKS micro bit Tinker Kit (or the following individual components from that set)
- 2x Octopus:bit Breakout Board
- 2x OLED Screen
- 1x Octopus ADKeyPad
- 1x Octopus PIR Sensor Brick
- 2x Octopus Analog Rotation Brick
- 1x Soil Moisture Sensor
- 1x Big Red Button (I used this)
- 1x Flick Switch (I used these)
You could of course substitute any of these parts for similar alternatives. I was able to pick up the tinker kit for ~£20.
- Carboard
- Pringles Can
- Plywood sheets
- A print out of the Spaceship Manual
- Lockable Container
- A table
- Spare batteries
- Something to write down teams scores (such as a whiteboard)