Many .Net string operations are supported by N1QL, and can be used directly in your LINQ queries.
- Length property
- Character index (i.e. str[2])
- ToUpper() and ToLower()
- String concatenation, using String.Concat(...) or the + operator
- Trim(), Trim(char[]), TrimStart(), and TrimEnd()
- Substring(startIndex) and Substring(startIndex, length)
- IndexOf(char) and IndexOf(string)
- Split() and Split(char)
- Replace(oldValue, newValue)
String equality comparisons can be performed using the == and != operators.
var context = new BucketContext(bucket);
var query = from beer in context.Query<Beer>()
where beer.Name == "21A IPA"
select beer;
await foreach (var doc in query.AsAsyncEnumerable()) {
// do work
// query will return beers with the name 21A IPA
For other string comparison types, you may use String.Compare. The most readable method is to compare the two strings, then always compare the result to zero.
var context = new BucketContext(bucket);
var query = from beer in context.Query<Beer>()
where String.Compare(beer.Name, "21A IPA") > 0
select beer;
foreach (var doc in query) {
// do work
// query will return beers with a name greater than, but not equal to, 21A IPA
If you use this format, then the comparison operator before the zero is always the same as the comparison you're using for the strings.
:info: Note: Any call to String.Compare within a query must be combined with a comparison to either -1, 0, or 1. Any other usage will throw an exception.